10 Proven Methods to Increase Your Construction Website Traffic This 2022

10 Proven Methods to Increase Your Construction Website Traffic This 2022

It is already 2022! and we know that you are struggling to develop new and innovative ways to increase your website traffic further. Sure, there are a lot of guides and tutorials on how to attract more visitors, but all of them are outdated and have been used repeatedly. You are not getting positive results if that is the case.

So, if you are looking to increase the traffic of your construction website, both organic and paid methods, here are ten ways that are all proven to yield positive results. Let’s start first on the importance of website traffic.

Why is Website Traffic Vital?


Speaking of website traffic, your construction website may affect several different components in marketing. It is crucial to remember the three essential things about your website:

  • Your construction website is your automated sales tool. It speaks on your behalf and is very useful when your target clients are looking for your information or checking out your blogs.
  • The more site visits you get, the more credible your construction website looks to Google. You will rank much higher on search engines by deeply increasing your website traffic.
  • Your website helps you establish trust. By actively using your construction website as a tool, you can effectively nurture leads with helpful content and capture their information.

Pro Tip: Focus on how you must be improving your construction website. Have your team involved and make them refer clients and prospects back to your website pages. Your team can be your biggest cheerleaders for your construction website and the resources it holds. Over time, your team can significantly help you build content for your website and send traffic continually, becoming a consistent traffic driver.

The Best Ways You Can Increase Your Website Traffic


As a marketing agency, we have learned that there are many different ways to drive traffic to your construction website, most especially it’s already 2022 and there are tons of new strategies. Guess what? They are all proven to work and contributed much to your online presence. So, let’s dive in now!

1. Target topics that have search traffic potential

Without any single doubt, SEO is one of the excellent ways to achieve long-term, consistent results. And for as long as you rank higher on Google, you can generate passive organic traffic to your website. In order for you to do this, you have to write about topics your target audience is searching for. On the other hand, these are the topics with search traffic potential.

2. Conduct Keyword Research

Never forget to include relevant keywords in your content. That is the golden rule. Keywords must be used naturally and not stuffed within the content so that they detract from the major idea and distract your target audience. It is crucial to use your keywords throughout the range, with the meta description, URL, page title, and headers put into place.

To conduct keyword research, use tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Moz. These sites show what your competitors use and how often people search for these specific keywords. Hiring a digital marketing agency like ConstructionMarketing.io is also a good alternative, especially if you do not have time to do the nitty-gritty. We offer valuable insights and perform necessary audits essential in determining raising issues that might be keeping your website from being shown in search engines.

3. Write a Guest Post

Guest posting on other websites is another effective way to boost referral traffic, increase search engine results, and generate backlinks. You must always thoroughly research websites in your industry to pitch. First and foremost, look at your website’s content and ensure it is high quality. Check also its domain authority and analyze its guest posting guidelines.

4. Submit Your Website Map and URL

Submitting the site map and URL to a search engine is one of the tasks that anyone tends to forget. In most cases, you may not be aware that this is crucial to do. Submission of website map and URL is important because search engines will crawl the site and show the pages on the search results.

Here’s a tip on how to submit both your URLs and site map to search engines.

Grading your Construction Website

Using the website grader, you can scan your website and grade it out with a score of 100 with stats for performance, SEO, mobile, and security. A website grader can perform scanning and returns different information that can give you a score in many areas.

5. Use Links from Your Community

With the help of your referral sources and business partners, you can drive traffic easily. This is typically one of the first few things we suggest you do. So, reach out more and see what you can get. Relevant online communities are particular places where your target prospects hang out on the web. You can find these online communities almost everywhere on the web.

One way for your construction website to benefit from another’s website traffic and visitors is to ask something from your business partners. Ask them to place a link to your construction website. So, if you are a remodeling contractor, ask your trusted suppliers that you constantly work with to list your construction website on their sites.

6. Set Digital Marketing Benchmarks

Once you already have analytics plugged into your website, you should take note of the history and set benchmarks to better understand the growth over time. The other single thing that you should also consider is the seasonality of your construction business and your web traffic.

Next, it is time to set some specific goals. This is for you to understand your marketing history and do something about your business growth. In setting goals, you have to consider what you are going to do differently this 2022 to increase traffic. Once you have done everything, from tracking your history and setting some goals, you will now be assessing the results and watching the traffic over time, making adjustments to get to traffic.

7. Keep Active on Social Media Channels


We all know that social media is the new trend. For a business like yours, it is the best place to attract your target audience and many visitors. Below are some ways you should be implementing to increase your website traffic:

  • Post content regularly across your social media platforms.
  • Make use of relevant hashtags.
  • Interact with your followers by giving them immediate responses
  • · Update the links in your bio to promote new blog content coming out.
  • Tag influencers who might be interested in your content.
  • Include interesting details in your content to encourage your target audience to click it.
  • Reply to others who are looking for info and answers.

8. Influencer Outreach

Industry influencers are willing to share content that their current followers will love. Your construction business can connect with influencers in some ways like the following:

  • Ask the influencers for a Q/A interview, then tag and email them when certain content is being posted. They will be likely to share your content with the audience.
  • Tag the influencer in your social media posts, especially if your piece references their content.
  • Do a round-up call with various influencers. Tag each of them whenever you are promoting a post on social media.
  • Pay influencers to run sponsored posts on the social media pages.

9. Exchange Backlinks

With numerous businesses trying to increase website traffic, there are a lot of opportunities for backlink exchanges. We suggest reaching out to relevant sites and offering your content as an added resource to include in one of their website’s posts. To add an extra incentive, you may provide a backlink exchange, offering to add any of their links to a specific post of yours.

10. Answering questions well

Good answers are equal to copywriting. We already mentioned earlier the importance of giving responses to anyone who will ask you questions. People who might be your target audience and prospective clients will bombard you with a lot of questions. So prepare to answer their questions well. Fortunately, this 2022, there are copywriting formulas available to access. And one of these formulas is AIDA.

  • Attention: Capture their attention with something relevant and catchy
  • Interest: Tell them exciting stories, examples, and facts.
  • Desire: Make them desire your service offerings.
  • Action: Make them take action.

Increase Your Website Traffic with ConstructionMarketing.io


Good website traffic is connected with the results you are getting for your construction business. You can see the results in Google Analytics. The major question you should ask yourself is, “are your main visitors converting as clients?” When you have the right measure to create changes, you should see an increase in your web traffic.

If you have not yet gotten leads on your website lately, this might be the perfect time to dig deeper into the “WHYs”. Allow us to help you with your plans to increase your website traffic. Here at ConstructionMarketing.io, your marketing needs are our priority. We have a strong construction background and have a great team of marketing experts who are skilled and experienced in this area.

Contact us Today! We would love to work and collaborate with you.