10 Smart Ways to Build Quality Backlinks for Your Construction Website

10 Smart Ways to Build Quality Backlinks for Your Construction Website

One of the major factors in ranking higher in search engines, especially Google, is backlinks. If you start making SEO efforts on your website and aim to get relevant traffic, building backlinks is one of the vital things you must focus on. The more backlinks your website gets from authoritative and legit domains, the higher your reputation will be in the eyes and standards of Google. In addition, you will dominate the SERPS too!

Start building quality backlinks. In this blog post, we will show you strategic and smart link-building techniques that work. These methods are scalable, and applying them to your website will guarantee a ranking boost and improve your conversion rates.

1. Understand what Google Wants 

When it comes to marketing and SEO, Google dictates what works. So, by crafting content that aligns with the mission of Google, you are more likely to rank higher in SERPs and get more backlinks. In fact, Google firmly believes that there is always more and more information out there. 

So, if you want to get started with backlinks and obtain more without getting penalized, you should first understand and work closely with Google’s mission statements. If you fail to do so, the technique will not work at all. Before you begin building backlinks to your website, ask yourself first the following two questions:

  • Do I provide useful and relevant information to the websites that link to mine?
  • Is my content well-written and well-organized?

If you want an effective and strong backlink foundation, site organization matters. This is why we make it clear with the two questions above. From your content and other elements on your website, organization is crucial. Getting it all right in the first step makes other websites want to create external links to yours.

2. Replicate the best backlinks of your competitors

Search engine optimization is like playing poker with all your competitors, and Google is the dealer. The only exception is that everybody needs to play with their cards on the table. In this case, the cards are your backlinks, and you can access them. You can effortlessly obtain a list of your competitor’s backlinks, and from there, you can replicate the best ones.

Replicating backlinks is one of the most strategic ways to discover new link-building opportunities and enhance your SEO. 

You can start by picking your closest and biggest competitors, the construction websites ranking straight in the top five positions. If they rank above you, they have a great link profile and higher-quality backlinks.

Once you have decided which of your competitors to scout on, analysis of these backlinks is the next move.

3. Analyze your competitors’ mentions

Let’s assume that you already analyze your competitor’s backlinks. Now, the next thing on the list is to analyze their mentions. Know that more than spying on the backlinks is needed and that you must consider online mentions too. 

How do spot mentions? You can see them on social media networks, websites, forums, and more. Here are some sample scenarios to best describe what mentions are.

  • When your competitor’s customer asks a certain question and you are the first to offer help, chances are you will create a strong relationship with that particular customer. If he endorses you, you will earn a backlink instantly.
  • Setting up alerts for your primary keywords is another common scenario where mentions help you. For instance, if you offer the best construction services, you can set up alerts on that particular keyword. So, whenever blogs revolve around construction services, expect your company to get mentions. 

4. Take advantage of infographics

Over the years, infographics have been one of the most widely-used and popular link-building methods. Ever since then and until now, the demand for infographics has been increasing. Infographics are great for building backlinks and driving organic traffic from social media channels since infographics are highly sharable.

You can hire someone to create the best infographics if you are not a graphic artist or a designer. Another option is to partner with an SEO digital marketing company with a great team of designers, marketers, web developers, and content writers who can help you create compelling infographics, strengthen your online presence, and level up your marketing efforts.

5. Start with Guest blogging

One of the great ways to make yourself consistently heard on the internet is guest blogging. With guest blogging, you can tap into already-established online audiences and interact with others within your niche. It is a great technique for driving more traffic, building followers on social media, and building quality backlinks.

Google has long been accepting guest contributors on their blogs – so there is no reason to worry about getting penalties as long as your guest posts are not spammy and poorly written. If you want to start your guest posting journey now, aim for quality stuffy. At least craft guest posts that are as good as the content you publish on your website, if not better.

6. Build a robust internal linking structure

While internal links may not give you a big instant SEO boost, they still help you improve the overall usability of your construction website. In addition, it is also a great way to build links using your preferred anchor texts. Another tip – do not abuse this tactic just like any other technique, and do not create more than a hundred internal pages and links, or you will make your site susceptible.

7. Try the broken link building

 A not-so-popular way to build quality backlinks is termed a broken link-building technique. This often involves finding 404 errors or similar issues on the website and politely telling them about it. Because you’re doing this on their part, you may be rewarded by linking out to your construction website. 

You can easily determine broken links using some common Google Chrome Extensions. Right after finding the issues, reach out to the webmaster, and you can tell them about the issues. Give them immediate instructions and make it easier to determine and fix their mistakes. Next, you must suggest your construction website as the main resource and replace the broken links. It is that simple.

8. Outreach and promote your content everywhere online

Your great content will only get backlinks if people know it exists. So, you have to exert your best effort to find the right people who are particularly interested in linking to your content and sharing it via social media. We suggest you use the best influencer research tools to find a group of people willing to share your construction content. The more influencers and bloggers you talk to, the higher your chances of getting your content shared.

A lot of things will be easier once you can establish good relationships with well-known marketers and influences from your field.

9. Gain trust with comments

It may sound surprising, but you can use commenting to get authoritative links. Links from the comments might not have much SEO value, but they are relevant and organic – among the key factors that Search engines value, especially Google.

Here is how you get backlinks from online comments:

  • Subscribe to post updates for at least five blogs.
  • Speed matters. So, once you get alerts that a new post has been published, you can read the post quickly.
  • Write valuable comments. Make sure to avoid comments like the awesome write-up, nice posts, or this post helps me.

10. Conduct Keyword Research and Targeting

We already mentioned that providing relevant content helps build links that scale. Now, keyword targeting is another important aspect we want to cover.

Let’s get started. How relevant are your main keywords to your prospect’s needs? Are you focusing on the keywords you use? Know that if you want to make your website as powerful as it can be through external link building, you should pay attention to keyword research.

Keyword research significantly helps you dig into the minds of your target audience. And there is no more time to lose. Now is the time to perform keyword research with your team and brainstorm. Find the suitable keywords that fit best with your content and target audience. 


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In today’s ever-changing digital world, investing more in your website and seeing it from different angles is essential. This is true if you want to create a scalable and successful backlink strategy. In addition, you must consider things like easy site navigation, quality content, effective CTAs, and more. 

So, by taking a holistic approach to enhancing your website, marketing strategies, and branding campaigns, you are most likely to earn a lot of quality backlinks directly from authoritative sources if you want professional help in creating and building your backlink portfolio, partner with us.

Here at ConstructionMarketing.io, we offer a range of digital marketing services and affordable SEO services in the USA. We provide assistance, consultation, and marketing management in general. Whatever your marketing goals are – whether to build backlinks, reinforce your online presence, or boost your ROI, we are always here to help.

Look no further than ConstructionMarketing.io. Contact us today.