11 Ways to Market Your Construction Business with Little to No Money

11 Ways to Market Your Construction Business with Little to No Money

If you are a starting construction business owner new to the online world, you probably want to get things started and build your online presence. However, you have a tight budget, which can make marketing your business a big challenge.

Here’s the good news! There are numerous effective ways to advertise your construction business online. Surprisingly, they will only require a little bit of your money or none!

Discover all the low-budget and free ways to promote your business in this blog post.

1. Create a free My Business Account

Particularly for local businesses, Google Business Profile is one of the most effective marketing strategies, and it is free! This marketing strategy enables your construction business to appear on Google Maps, the right-side panel for branded searches, and the local segment of Google search.

However, in order for your listing to rank higher on local results or Google Maps, you have to optimize your GMB profile. To optimize it effectively, you have to verify ownership of it, which you can do on your GMB account.

2. Email your customers

Another effective form of marketing is email. Like Google Business Profile, it is also free! While emails are not  new anymore, they are still seen as one of the most trusted ways to achieve a strong return on your marketing investment.

Here’s how you can make the most of email marketing:

  • Ensure that every email you send includes offers that encourage your target clients to take the next steps.
  • Make sure your email subject lines are well-thought-out and creative.
  • Always track your performance and conduct A/B tests to determine what offers and copy what resonates best with your email list.
  • Nurture your subscribers using email until they become ready to be your clients.
  • Begin your promotional email campaigns using free email marketing services.

3. Actively post and engage on social media

Building a community online and increasing social media management is another free way to grow your construction business. With social media, you can express your brand’s personality and build meaningful relationships with your target audience.

Make your way toward social media. Create business accounts and always participate in the most popular platforms—Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and more. 

There are plenty of things you can do on these platforms:

  • Directly interact with your growing followers to convey your brand voice and gain more engagement.
  • Promote your blogs and articles, which can then drive traffic to your construction website.
  • Run as many polls as you want and request feedback.
  • Take some excerpts from long forms of your content and make a quick social media post out of that
  • Whatever your goals are, make sure to always be active and proactive on all social media accounts you create for your construction business. This is all about community, consistency, collaboration, and community.

4. Host a social media giveaway

Another way to take advantage of social media is to host a giveaway. Hosting a giveaway will boost the number of participants. The more participants, the more potential leads you can have in the palm of your hand. 

In fact, social media can power up your lead acquisition efforts and require minimal resources. You may have to spend a little for the prize or offer one of your construction services for free. 

There are many giveaways held on social media these days. However, the objective here is to require users to like, follow, and tag your construction business to create noise for your brand. This will introduce potential leads and clients to your construction business.

5. Keep an eye on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is popular for the majority of businesses of all types. This is a platform where you can add many networks and connections as much as you can. You can enter a dialogue with all the connections you make, share your blogs, and market your offers. Finally, you can contribute to the forms and share other’s content.

The sky is the limit in LinkedIn.

6. Do Local SEO

One of the best things about Google algorithms is that they are designed to provide high-quality, relevant, and accurate content for any given search query. Also, it enables your construction business to compete with other businesses and biggest competitors.

Local Search engine optimization is also free! It may not require money, but effort and time are needed. 

Here are some beginner-friendly tips you can do:

  • Add-location-based keywords to the headings, titles, and body content of your main website pages
  • Publish pages and blog posts specific to the local areas you serve.
  • Get your construction business listed in online directories, ensuring your company information is the same across different platforms.

Start Local SEO now and keep grinding. The benefits over time are huge.

7. Create data-rich infographics

Infographics are as powerful as any other marketing tool accessible today. They are one of a kind. Marketers see them as visual eye candy. Also, infographics are easy to digest, and people take time to read them to understand the content. They are truly a great way to drive up links and referral traffic.

Hiring a graphic designer to create powerful infographics is preferable, but they can cost you marketing dollars. That is why there is always the option to create your own using free tools. Adobe’s free victor kits, Visual.ly, and Canva are some of the top picks. 

Canva is always the top choice of many businesses and has become the go-to tool for designing stunning visuals without any previous design experience. It offers a wide range of design templates and helps you create professional-looking designs in a span of minutes.

8. Make an effort on the content you publish

If done right, content marketing is a highly effective marketing strategy that will never make you spend a lot of money. Not only it helps you build your expertise or improve brand awareness, it is also highly prioritized by Google. Google is in favor of high-quality content that provides the best answers to the most commonly asked questions. In turn, it makes your construction website more visible on search engines and brings more quality traffic for free!

Well, we like to assume writing is not your greatest strength. But we want to know that good content always starts with simple and easy-to-understand sentence structure and not complex fancy jargon. We encourage you to write something especially about the services you offer, your company, and, of course, your expertise! Just be straight to the point. No need to be fancy.

9. Start your blog

One great way to kickstart your content marketing efforts is to start your construction blog. And it is also free! You only have to brainstorm topics and take the time to write. Having a blog section on your website can drive your traffic, improve your online visibility, increase user engagement, and boost your overall SEO. 

With blogging, you can write about the history of your construction business and share useful information your target clients are always seeking for. Again, you do not need to make your content complex or long. You can always start with simple terms and incorporate target keywords in every blog post.

10. Develop industry partnerships

Team up with any business related to your industry, but ensure it is not a direct competitor. You can partner with them for a joint project. Teaming up with other businesses can be done offline or locally via events. It is also possible through promotional giveaways or webinars.

Joining forces with other companies will expose your construction brand to another level and give you a chance to reach a new audience related to your niche. Truly, Industry partnerships are a superb marketing strategy and will allow business owners to have access to customer bases, marketing know-how, and technologies that they cannot achieve on their own.

So, as a business owner, make sure to be careful with your decisions and put in effort if you really want to develop a profitable partnership right now or in the future.

11. Empower your present construction clients to speak for you

Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most effective marketing strategies out there. You can use this strategy by asking your current clients to talk more about your services. They can talk about your services and the experience they have partnering and collaborating with you.

Turning your current clients into brand advocates may take much hard work. However, the rewards are unstoppable. It creates noise for your brand, encourages others to avail themselves of your services, and is great for your company’s reputation.

We are ConstructionMarketing.io

The many tips we share and break down above are free, and you can start anytime. However, we never promise that they are easy to demonstrate. Like anything you want to be excellent with, great marketing habits always take extra effort and time to develop. You have to brainstorm ideas, test them, repeat everything, and test again. 

Sure, everything we share with you in this blog will work out and pay off in return. All you need is a lot of time, effort, and, of course, patience. But if you do not want to do something out of your scope of work, you can partner with us!

At ConstructionMarketing.io, we strive to offer affordable marketing solutions that fit your budget. Depending on your budget, we can custom-build a digital marketing strategy that meets your business needs and achieves your marketing goals.

Our construction marketing company has a team of experts and well-experienced marketers who can take all your marketing efforts to the next level. On top of that, we have a strong background in construction, which makes it easier for you to work with us and trust us.

Here is what we offer:

Contact us today. We offer free consultations.