6 Actionable Ways in Building Greater Construction Brand Awareness

6 Actionable Ways in Building Greater Construction Brand Awareness

There is no denying the importance of building strong brand awareness, whether your company is small scale or large scale. With many people using various facets from the web to show what they are into, having a carefully executed and well-crafted digital marketing brand awareness strategy can make a massive difference in helping your business stand out from the rest.

Are you clueless about what and where to start in terms of brand awareness thru digital marketing? We are sharing with you some tips and strategies you can consider incorporating into your marketing plan. Read this blog to discover and learn more.

Branding is essential

Brand awareness is the level of recognition and association your target audience has towards your services, products, and overall business.

Many construction companies undervalue the importance of branding. But just like any other business today, you need people to recognize your brand and construction business. So, you have to invest in developing an actual logo that you can put on your website, equipment, business cards, advertising, and anything else people see that is directly associated with your company.

As a construction company, you’ve got many areas to market and advertised, from the structure itself to your construction equipment, the services you offer, etc. This is to make sure your company name and logo are highly visible everywhere.

Building brand awareness can help you:

  • Bridge the gap between your construction company and the general public
  • State your business values, vision, mission, and purpose
  • Make your business popular and trending both online and offline
  • · Put a brand face to your company and a voice to showcase a personality that is easier to relate to

Surefire Ways You Can Build a Strong Brand Awareness


1. Social Media Marketing

Today, almost all people use at least one social media channel regularly. If you are not integrating social media into your digital marketing campaign plan, you might be failing to reach a huge portion of your target audience. You must know firsthand that you can market your business on social media in many different ways, both organic and paid. 

Perhaps, the best way to create strong brand awareness with social media is to share effective blog content that your target audience will find interesting. Make sure to post regularly. Taking the time to respond to feedback and messages is also a must-do when building and maintaining a strong social media brand presence.

2. Content Marketing

When was the last time you have updated your construction website with a new post? Inactive and outdated blogs can hurt your SEO rankings and leave your site visitors a bad impression. They can only guess that perhaps you are not aware of the updated trends and topics today. 

Taking the time to make and post new, high-quality, and original content regularly will help boost your SEO and brand and lead to shares on social media channels and other platforms. And the result? You build your brand as the leading authority in the industry while engaging with your audience in the process. It is a win-win situation!

When developing new content for your blogs, keep the following important tips in mind:

  • Learn the art of Blog Topic Ideation
  • Include strategic backlinks and keywords for SEO purposes
  • Always look for a new angle (something that has not been done before)
  • Encourage your readers and viewers to comment and share on social media
  • Share new blog posts on different social media channels

3. Guest blog on other related niche websites

One of the best ways to strengthen brand awareness with just minimal effort is through guest posts. You can take advantage of the web traffic already arriving at another website to get more eyes on your brand whilst offering relevant and helpful content.

In other words, you are not just pushing out your services on people who are not ready to avail, but instead writing in your brand voice and presenting yourself as human first, company second.

4. Tell a narrative

Storytelling is a powerful marketing tactic, whether you are promoting your brand or marketing your services. Why? Because it simply gives something real for your target audience to latch onto. Crafting and creating a persuasive narrative around your brand humanizes it and gives it depth. And weaving the said narrative into your marketing naturally markets your company brand alongside your services and products.

So what should you narrate about? Anything, for as long as it is true. Consider the following:

  • A narrative of your founder
  • The tale of how your construction business had its first product idea
  • The exciting story of how your small construction business made it into the big world. 

People like hearing stories. It is worth noting that authenticity is impactful. It can lead to a greater boost in brand awareness.

5. Use SEO for brand awareness

The inclusion of Local SEO should come as no surprise, as they are several ways in which Search Engine Optimization can increase brand awareness. It is as simple as this – high search engine rankings can do wonders for your brand awareness. Not only your company brand be easier to find, but the higher you rank, the more credible your company brand will be in the eyes of your audience.

However, note that this is a long-term strategy, particularly for those coveted first-page spots. Still, it is worth it. So the key to success? Keyword Research. Hence, make use of the right keywords in your marketing campaigns. And if it is your goal to get the most out of your search engines, using long-tail keywords that are significant in your industry are great for local search and suitable for your brand as well. 

6. Get influencers to showcase your services and products

Inviting influencers into your construction niche is one of the best ways to increase brand awareness and drive more sales. It is beneficial when influencers have a massive social media following and have already established a bigger audience. When a particular influencer post and discusses your brand and the services your company offers, those mentions expand your reach and increase the audience’s awareness of your business.

While digital marketing campaigns do wonders to your company brand and online presence, the same thing as influencer marketing, this particular strategy can enable your company to scale and grow significantly since those influencers become part of your sales team, even ambassadors. 

Over time, the relationship becomes mutually rewarding.

How Can You Measure Brand Awareness

It is crucial for you to address the importance of measuring your brand awareness. So, how can you do that? In actuality, you cannot tangibly measure it due to the abstract nature of the notion. But what you can do is monitor the success of your awareness-driving digital marketing campaigns! Thru this way, you will have an educated idea of how successful they are.

The parameters you will have to track typically differ based upon the marketing campaigns you prepared, and so its main focus:

  • Social media – the key points to look for are the user engagement rates, new followers, every post’s reach, etc.
  • Content marketing – the best way to measure the performance of a content marketing campaign is by following the increase in bounce rate, organic traffic, the number of new visitors, and dwell time.
  • Local SEO – the best way to start is to track rankings internally and focused on ROI. Take note of the increasing leads since both optimization and content work together to make visitors convert. But ultimately, determine if there is an increase in organic leads and organic traffic.
  • Guest post – There is no way you can measure the success of your guest posts based solely on one isolated metric. It all comes down to the combination of tools and metrics. 
  • Influencer marketing – critical metrics to track will be the number of referral code uses and impressions. 

All of the aspects mentioned above are definitely surefire. Start in here and let your brand take the spotlight!

Digital Brand Awareness Marketing

Despite brand awareness being such an ambiguous term, it is one of the driving forces behind your construction business. This is why you must not neglect it, despite how confusing it might seem. It is the very first step in the marketing funnel, which is why it can either make or break your brand. 

Are you looking for professional assistance in building brand awareness thru digital marketing strategy? ConstructionMarketing.io has digital marketing experts that can help you to strengthen your company brand and increase brand awareness for your business.

Here are at ConstructionMarketing.io, we understand that your brand is not the same as getting immediate sales. We know, for a fact, that branding is more than building long-term client loyalty. And that is the reason why our digital marketing services are designed to deliver you the best possible return and results on all your online marketing campaigns.

Feel free to contact us today. Allow us to help you in building greater brand awareness for your business.