7 Types of Interactive Content for Your Construction Brand

7 Types of Interactive Content for Your Construction Brand

With the marketing world evolving faster than ever, it is no longer surprising how new trends come and go so quickly and people’s preferences shift drastically. All of these unstoppable changes are obviously what your construction brand needs to adapt if you wish to survive in the digital world.

In marketing, content has always been the king. Recently, content marketing is taking a great leap forward.  Apart from voice content and voice search copywriting, there is a new emerging trendthe interactive content.

Interactive content has become the new strength of content marketing. So, you do not want to miss the opportunity to take advantage of this new trend! This is the time to level up your brand and push your audience to engage and participate with your content.

In this blog post, we will explore interactive content, including its many benefits and the different types of interactive content you must explore to your advantage.


What is Interactive Content?


To put it simply, interactive content is a type of material that delivers its message by nudging user participation. Due to content being interactive, the overall content experience transitions from passive consumption to active engagement.

The interactivity session may appear in quizzes, calculators, e-books, animated infographics, videos, etc. They do not necessarily need to be digital. However, this type of content is always on the internet and gains multiple formats and will generate new possibilities for strong user interaction.

Ever since then, with the emergence of interactive content, many brands have started to get used to the participation and engagement of consumers in their content. They strive to provide a more fun and exciting approach for the consumers with the use of interactive content.


The Many Benefits of Leveraging Interactive Content


Truly, interactive content has taken the digital marketing world by storm for such a good reason. It offers a lot of benefits that can help you elevate your brand, achieve your marketing and business goals, and stand out from the competition.

Here are some of the key benefits of leveraging interactive content as part of your content marketing strategy:

1. Interactive content is a conversion powerhouse

Interactive content helps you accomplish various goals, from building brand awareness and generating increased engagement to educating middle-of-funnel buyers. Ultimately, interactive content has the power to convert target prospects into leads and leads into buyers.

In fact, a study found that interactive content can convert buyers a whopping seventy percent of the time. How? Simple: Interactive content demands user engagement, and whenever users are engaged with the content, they are most likely to convert.

2. Interactive content is an outstanding medium for unleashing creativity

If your small construction business is competing against bigger counterparts, interactive content can give your construction brand a unique advantage through its creative potential. With interactive content, doors for creativity are unlimited. You can simply add interactive elements to your website, post quizzes on your social media accounts, educate prospects through your blogs, and more. The list could go on.

3. Interactive contents allow you to understand consumer preferences clearly

There can be times when you miss golden opportunities to close sales and nurture leads, especially when you are not interacting with the audience correctly.

Interactive content will give you a ton of consumer data that you can use to create actionable insights for your audience. As an example, do your users have a high engagement rate using polls or quizzes? Do they interact more often with your brand via mobile applications, your construction website, or your company’s social media accounts?

Even if interactive content is mainly designed for marketing, it can yield critical data points surrounding consumer behavior patterns and preferences.

4. Interactive content increases engagement

Creating an interactive consumer experience is one way to boost engagement rates. It is one of the greatest benefits of interactive content, which eventually becomes a marketing solution.

Since content marketing has expanded so much today, there is much more saturated content online. Users are bombarded with stimuli and posts from different channels and platforms. That is why your brand has to find the most creative ways to capture the attention of your target audience.

Only interactive content can help you solve this issue.

5. Interactive content provides a rich array of feedback

Another benefit of leveraging interactive content is receiving feedback from users. Interactive content can collect data during consumption. In this way, you can easily identify clicks, views, and interactions with every element of your interactive content and evaluate existing exit points.

For instance, let’s say you run down a questionnaire to your construction clients and ask them what solution they want to solve their problems. Every question with an answer represents a metric, which helps you get to know your clients even more.

The feedback also provides valuable data about your clients and audience, their pains, behaviors, preferences, and needs—all of which can optimize your strategies.


What are the Different Types of Interactive Content for Your Brand?


In this section of the blog, we will show you the different types of interactive content you can publish. Keep in mind that it is also possible to merge different types of interactive content into one single material.

Now, let’s learn about the best types of interactive content that are on the buzz right now:

1. E-books

Instead of providing a static PDF to your main audience, how about crafting interactive content to present the information through the e-book. You can merge text with images, videos, animations, and graphics. With visual appeal and interactivity, e-book consumption becomes more enjoyable and interesting to your target audience.

In addition, interactive e-books help educate your audience, showcase your construction brand and the services you offer, and more.

2. Calculators

Another interactive piece is calculators. They can help showcase how your service offerings can positively affect the customer’s budget. Depending on the type of solution you offer, you can show how your web visitors can save money or plan with the right budget.

Calculators are a type of interactive content that can be combined with material that explains the value of your service to the market. In other words, it verifies what you are saying.

3. Quizzes

Another fun form of interactive content is a quiz! Quizzes have become so popular with Buzzfeed tests that they have become an effective tool for many brands in the market. They can be used preferably to educate and entertain your target audience using light and fun language. In addition, they are best used to capture insights regarding the maturity of the subject matter.

There are a number of ways you can create quizzes for your audience. You can opt for knowledge quizzes, trivia quizzes, personality quizzes, and even add a contest to your quiz to nudge participation.

4. Interactive assessments

Assessments are the best interactive content examples that easily provide personalized feedback to users. They include questions about a certain topic, like how people spend their time or work or test their existing knowledge in a field. Like quizzes, assessments are also optimal for boosting lead acquisition and growing your email list.

To put it simply, interactive assessments are helpful for learning more about your target audience. All the answers given by your potential clients via assessment can be used for retargeting later on. They also significantly help you get to know your clients’ interests, preferences, strengths, weaknesses, and needs.

5. White papers

Interactive white papers are different from the traditional text-based ones we used to read. This type of white paper includes many interactive features. This approach enables your users to engage with the material by interacting and exploring, leading to a greater understanding of the information.

Here are the best interactive features you may wish to add to your white papers:

  • Clickable sections
  • Interactive charts and graphs
  • Embedded videos
  • Branching paths
  • Links to additional resources

6. Landing pages

Landing pages can combine the interactive content we already mentioned above. This can be a page where you can place calculators, quizzes, and dynamic decision tree diagrams, forming to engage web visitors and get useful information.

When your landing page is interactive, you also make the overall user experience interactive. This can increase your conversion rates and make it easier to collect data.

These are interactive elements you can place on your landing page:

  • Interactive forms
  • Embedded videos
  • Scroll-triggered effects
  • Interactive maps
  • Sliders and carousels

7. Lookbooks

In the bustling world of digital marketing, standing out is key. A lookbook will help you stand out from your competitors.

A lookbook is a visual material, typically comprised of images and photographs, widely used by brands to represent their products, services, and projects. For your construction niche you can showcase your completed projects and works in a lookbook. In turn, this can help you capture your audience’s attention and prove to them that you can provide high-quality construction services.

Interactive content like Lookbooks also targets your brand identity and helps increase your brand’s exposure in the digital space. In fact, a substantial 88% of marketers said that using interactive content is an effective means of differentiating your brand from competitors, helping to build a unique identity in the market.


How Can ConstructionMarketing.io Help You?


You probably know by now the importance of interactive content as part of your overall content marketing strategy and all the different types you can explore.

If you want to elevate your content strategy and increase engagement, our construction marketing agency can be your go-to partner!

We are ConstructionMarketing.io, an industry-leading agency ready to unleash the power of interactive content! Our team of content writers and creators can seamlessly create, measure, and launch personalized interactive experiences.

From polls quizzes to calculators and landing pages, ConstructionMarketing.io empowers you to captivate your audience in the most interactive way.  On top of that, our array of online marketing solutions will ultimately pave the way to success on all your campaigns:

Here is a complete list of our services:

Talk to us today! Discover what ConstructionMarketing.io can do for you!