7 Ways to Dominate Google 3 Pack This 2023

7 Ways to Dominate Google 3 Pack This 2023

Have you ever searched for your construction business online and been shown a map in the search results? This is the magic of the Google 3-pack (also recognized as the Google snack pack) that bounds to show all businesses nestled neatly on the map. If you take the time to invest in this, it will positively impact your online visibility since Google Maps Pack is accountable for a whopping 30% of the SERPs, especially on the first page of search results.

This 2023, you have to focus on sharpening and adjusting your Search Engine Optimization tactics to attract more local audiences to your business, and you should start with a Google snack pack. In this blog, learn about the local pack and discover how you can successfully steal a position.


What is Google 3 Pack, Anyway?


When you keep searching online, you may notice that the results at the top of the SERPs usually appear in groups of three. These three groups are comprised of the Google snack pack. With this, Google showcases to users the relevant results. It is a way for Google to ensure that the users find exactly what they are searching for online.

Moreover, in the three groups being shown in SERPs, more detailed information about them will be shown as well, like the following below:

  • Star ratings
  • Addresses
  • Reviews
  • Affordability
  • Phone number
  • Opening hours

Know that an internal ranking system governs Google snack pack. So, your construction business needs more than accurate information to stay on top of the search results. Also, remember that you cannot pay Google to get an instant shot in the local pack, and instead, you have to have a concrete plan to place your company in the local pack to stay featured.


Three Factors Determined by Google for 3-Pack Local Ranking


It is important for you to know that there are factors that Google is looking for before ranking a business (website) in the first three results.

  • Distance: Online users are expected to use keywords like “near me” in the search queries. By default, Google will automatically consider how close the local businesses are to the user’s current location.
  • Popularity: Almost everybody is looking for well-known businesses and companies. On the other hand, Google is considering the “prominence” of the website when listing the 3-pack.
  • Relevance: Google will also measure the relevance of the local business concerning the user’s query before qualifying the local business for the three-pack.


How to Get Your Position to Google 3-Pack?


The Google snack pack is a valuable feature for many local businesses, and your construction company is no exception. So, level up your SEO game to get that 3-pack position. 

Here are some ways you can do to get a spot successfully in the local pack search results:

1. Create and Verify your Google My Business Profile

Make sure to keep your business information updated. But the very first step to qualify for the three-pack position in Google is to own a working GMB profile with all needed information posted. We assume you already created one, and you might want to review all the details you placed in your profile and check if they are updated.

2. Optimize your GMB profile

Once you already have ownership of your GMB profile, you can proceed to the next step to amplify and optimize the presence of your business in the local pack. Here are some steps you can follow:

  • Ensure you have entered all the necessary information for your profile. Review after filling in all the relevant categories.
  • When defining your construction business, make sure you are being true and unique.
  • Make sure that both your location and business are verified.
  • Always respond to business reviews.
  • · While putting your company hours, ensure you enter accurate information.
  • We highly suggest you include several photos of your construction business.

3. Add Local Business Schema Markup to your Construction Website

The next step will be adding your business’s name, current address, and phone number (NAP). When you include NAP on your website, you must ensure everything is accurate and right. Another important thing you must consider is encapsulating your NAP in Schema language. The schema markup language is the structural protocol supported by all search engines, including Google. The intent here is to easily determine the presence of specific datasets within the website pages. 

Encapsulating your NAP in schema language is one of the most effective ways to send a quality signal to search engines, focusing on the authority and relevance of your company’s proximity to the user. 

4. Keep an eye on your Local SEO

Since the Google local pack is part of Google’s search results, it does follow some similar requirements and principles as any other SEO campaign. That is why keeping up with all areas of your local and organic SEO is crucial to further increase your chances of ranking everywhere on Google SERPs. 

Now, we want you to focus on your website. Your construction website is, in fact, the first line of defense when it comes to a successful SEO strategy. Ensure that all your onsite SEO factors, how your website is constructed, your web content, and even your metadata adhere to the best practices.

As for offsite SEO factors like local listings, ensure they send the right signals to Google. Remember when we cited the accuracy of your NAP above? This applies to all your listings. 

More so, here are some quick local SEO tips we suggest you follow:

  • Confirm that your website has a responsive design and is mobile-friendly. A responsive and mobile-friendly site will help you reserve a seat in the local pack. We will discuss more of this below. So, keep reading.
  • Check your site’s meta tags, particularly on your homepage.
  • Scan your web content. Check if searchers and search engines easily understand the content. 

5. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly and responsive

We stated earlier that you need to have a mobile-friendly and responsive website. And it is true and necessary. Having a responsive website is very important since it will affect your local Ranking, and Google is now prioritizing user experience. So, if your website is everything it should be, your business can get a spot in the first three positions in the local results pack. 

Here are some best practices for a mobile-friendlier and more responsive website:

Your website should navigate flawlessly and seamlessly

  • The website design must be simple
  • Your website should adapt to any mobile screen and resolution
  • Avoid using annoying pop-ups and text-blocking ads
  • · Check if all images, texts, videos, and other elements load properly
  • Test your web pages on mobile consistently

6. Gain local relevant links and backlinks 

As a local business, try to gain locally-relevant links. These are the types of links from other local businesses that will drive traffic back to your website. It helps more searchers find your company online. And most importantly, it will help you establish a strong Google listing, which can help you get into the 3-pack.

Consider also getting backlinks. With backlinks, you are letting Google know that your construction business is where it says it is and is trusted by other local organizations, which then helps boost popularity or prominence. When building links, you must do it organically and ensure the surrounding links are relevant to the target page.  

7. Run Local Search Ads

You might also want to consider a paid alternative to get your construction business listed right away. With local search ads, there is an opportunity for your business to have a local PPC ad in the three-pack. To show up in the local pack with your PPC ads, here are a few steps you have to take:

  • In Google Ads, you have to enable location extensions.
  • Set up and optimize your Google My Business listing.
  • Bid by location and make use of location targeting.
  • Optimize the keywords to include location.


Get Found on Google 3 Pack with the Help of ConstructionMarketing.io


By using all the tips we shared with you above, you can undoubtedly increase your chances of appearing in the local pack and increase your visibility for local searches.

You may consider getting a marketing partner to perform the right strategies and keep up with the ever-changing algorithms in Google. After all, it is a challenging job, working full-time and managing your construction business while trying to make sense of the online world. You can trust us!

Choose ConstructionMarketing.io as your digital marketing agency and take your SEO campaigns to new heights with our top-tier local SEO marketing services. Our team is dedicated and proven to have deep expertise in everything SEO and digital marketing. We are well-rounded, dedicated, reliable, and always on the go. And most importantly, we give you the results you need.

We have a strong background in construction, and we work closely with the experts in the industry – one unique attribute that separates us from other agencies. Look no further than ConstructionMarketing.io.

Get in touch with us today. We love hearing from you.