7 Ways to Make Your Landing Page Creative and Persuasive

7 Ways to Make Your Landing Page Creative and Persuasive

Are you looking to grow your existing email lists? Increase your conversions? Drive more sales? A landing page can help you achieve all that and more – if only you can make it creative and persuasive.

But what exactly is a landing page? If you are new to this concept, a landing page is a site page that a user “lands” on the right after clicking an email link, an ad, or any other digital channel. The landing page is expected to encourage website visitors to take a particular action, like subscribing to your email lists, availing of the services you offer, or signing up for a free trial.

Now that you have a slight yet clear understanding of what a landing page is and how it works, we want to help you focus on the design and nail it. We put together a list of creative approaches you can explore and try for your next campaigns to help your construction business stand out and drive action.

Let’s get started.


Brainstorm Your Next Big Landing Page Idea


Before heading to creative approaches for landing pages we have compiled for you, let us walk you through the first three things that can make your brainstorming session way better than you can imagine. Brainstorming is helpful to make your way through the process of making your landing page as creative and persuasive as possible.


1. Just like your ads, your landing page is not for everybody (but hey, that is okay!)

Your landing page is not expected to be one size fits all. Instead, these pages have to offer a perfect fit for your specific target audience. In fact, a website audit is perfect for optimizing this page to attract more qualifying leads.

Here is why: Only the targeted audience who realized your website is optimized and who already see your ad’s unique design and messaging is expected to click it. This self-assessing process ensures those who do reach your landing page – which can only mean a higher possibility of clicks, sales, and conversions.


2. It’s Okay for your landing page ideas to be a bit extra

Unlike the core page of your construction website, your landing page offers an opportunity to play around with unique designs, messaging, and colors that may not fit the rest of your construction brand. And it shows the level of creativity any website owner can do regarding their company websites. And whether you want to get flashy and loud and try to out the latest taglines, there is no wrong with taking your approach to the extreme for as long you can determine the possible risks and calculate them.


3. Variants are helpful in finding your best approach

If you already have working ideas and want to determine which of the approaches is the best, you can conduct A/B tests on different landing page versions. This helps you determine which converts best. The best landing page that converts is one that attracts a specific type of visitor.

Keep trying other variants. Running multiple variants all at once can help you deliver the right message to the right individual every single time.


Creative Landing Page Ideas You Must Try for Your Next Campaign


The following landing page ideas can help you get the creative juices flowing. Ultimately, this helps you visualize your next campaign and increase your lead acquisition efforts.


1. Embrace a world of color

There is a big, beautiful, and bright world out there, right? So, why should your landing page be less colorful and bright? Colors can be used as shorthand to communicate the emotions behind your messages, draw the audience’s eyes to a particular element such as CTA buttons or simply create visual interestIn fact, research reveals that 85% of consumers say that color is the biggest motivator behind picking a specific product.

In addition, your landing page is the right place to experiment with various colors and designs that are not usually associated with your brand. We suggest you take colors to the center stage and be playful with colors to creatively set the tone of your product and brand. The best colors for a company like yours include blue, red, green, yellow, and black. These colors are ideal as they strongly invoke strength, reliability, cost-efficiency, and trustworthiness.

You can try a changing gradient background that flows through multiple colors of your choice. A gradient background looks compelling, welcoming, and inviting at the same time.


2. Be bold on your statement in your copy

In many instances, a bold statement is expected to be simple. Yet, other times, it has to be a bit more direct and more attention-grabbing. In whatever cases it may be, a bold statement in your copy is somehow a safe place to play around with your target messaging.

Ensure there is a strong headline in your copy. It does not have to be super complicated but impactful, and the copy has to be simple and contain proud statements about your construction brand and the services and products you offer. Apart from your copy, you can also play around with your CTAs or Call to Action.

Always look for little ways to inject your creativity, brand, and personality, whether for your headline or part of your actionable CTAs.


3. Set things in motion

Call it crazy, but your landing page does not need to be static. GIFs, video content, little animations, and moving backgrounds can help bring your landing page to life. And with the right landing page builder, you can integrate movement into your design without much effort.

For example, embedding video content will give you a much bigger opportunity to deliver your message quickly without nudging down your page with non-stop texts. Adding animations is also a great tactic, and the possibilities are infinite – from button effects to animated headers to moving backgrounds and more.

Videos and animations have that one-time impactful effect, and they are both quick, simple, and, most importantly, memorable. Also, snippets for animated videos affect SEO performance, allowing more organic visibility on search engines, which boosts engagement. 83% of marketers say video content can prolong the session time of the users on the page.


4. Ask for your audience’s participation

Interactive elements always come in all shapes and sizes. Short quizzes and surveys, for instance, are simple additions but bump up visitor engagement by many notches. As a result, it helps you score some valuable customer data.

Adding pop-up surveys is fun and a helpful way to interact with your target audience. And it functions as a retargeting tool for your potential customers. Whether you plan or strategize to engage with your web visitors – a quiz, survey, form, or an interactive flow chart – you made your landing page stronger and more valuable to you and your audience.


5. Do not be afraid of using white space

Landing pages that are not properly curated are the worst. They try to extract as much info as possible into a single page and then include some walls of text. And this often results in an intimidating, confusing, disappointing mess of a page. And nobody wants to have a landing page like that.

So, this is where white space becomes useful. Using white space is a good way to keep your landing pages clean and draw more attention to the elements that matter. With white space, you just have to make your landing page minimal while balancing it with the video content and animations you wish to add.

It’s a simple animation, with the bare minimum of copy to simply explain your construction business and what it offers, alongside a single button to get everything started. Brilliant, right?


6. Include trust signals

Trust signals are among the most compelling elements you can include on your landing page. Trust signals all serve a similar purpose – to make visitors feel more secure about purchasing on your site.

There are many types of trust signals you can add to your landing pages:

  • Review and testimonials
  • Brand logos
  • Partnership badges
  • Security emblems
  • Guarantees

Including these trust signals on your landing page is a good way to show off your popular and consistent clients. Also, positioning them in the right places and times can significantly boost your website performance and increase your conversion rates (CRO).


7. Follow up with a thank you page

A “Thank You” page has become essential in any landing page. One reason is that it confirms that the visitors have completed all the critical steps. Second, it contains the instructions for getting the offer, like checking in the inbox or clicking a particular button on the page to download a piece of content.

When you add a “Thank You” page, you are not only being creative with your landing page, and in fact, you are instructive towards your visitors and appreciative of their efforts to take action on your landing page.


Let ConstructionMarketing.io Bring Your Landing Page to Life!


Landing pages are a powerful tool to help you generate leads and drive more sales. But remember that having a wrong approach can seriously hurt your campaign and conversion rates. If you need professional help, you can partner with us.

At ConstructionMarketing.io, we offer a range of digital marketing solutions, including Content Creation, Social Media Marketing, SEO marketing, Data Analysis and Visualization using Google Analytics, Web Designing and Development, Email marketing, PPC, and many more.

One of our specializations includes designing visually appealing, high-converting landing pages that drive results. Our multi-skilled professionals will work with you along the way, from crafting user-centric pages to tailoring them to your marketing goals and needs, using innovative strategies and industry best practices to maximize your ROI. We offer unlimited design revisions for your landing page. And we only stop once you love your new landing page and are highly satisfied.

We have a strong background in construction. Trust that we know how to strategize with your campaigns.

If you have more questions, get in touch with us today.