8 Construction Marketing Mistakes You Need to Avoid This 2022

8 Construction Marketing Mistakes You Need to Avoid This 2022

The world of Digital Marketing can get overpowering considering the many changes that take place every single day that change the way things are done. Today’s technology advances every part of the business. So, if you are not up-to-date with these latest advancements, the chances are you will end up less competitive.

While being updated with these technologies is not quite possible since you have your construction business to run, this could leave you susceptible to missing out on things in your marketing campaigns as well as making digital marketing mistakes.

But sit back and do not worry. We are here to make sure you know what mistakes you must avoid to make sure your construction business strays at the competitive edge and constantly generates profits starting today and into the future.

1. Campaigning and Investing without Proper Strategy

Lack of vision and structure is one of the most common digital marketing mistakes many, if not most, small businesses commit. Subsequently, the marketing efforts are incoherent, hard to manage, scale, and measure. Your competitors may also be stuck in the same maze, leaving your business more room to take the crucial lead.

Begin with baby steps. Get started with developing the right construction marketing strategy:

  • Define your target audiences (buyer personas)
  • Set SMART goals
  • Define the channels, tools, and tactics to achieve them
  • Always keep track of your current progress and fine-tune your strategies based on results.

Moreover, it is crucial to establish the objectives, but it is equally vital to outline the steps you need to take to reach them. Once defining and test your strategy, you will have much deeper insights into the performing areas and those that need more improvements.

2. Underutilizing Data Analysis

So, what drives the digital world? If you still do not have the idea, it is Data. In fact, it is the most valuable resource in the world, more valuable than crude oil! Analyzing the data can provide anyone with information and helpful insights that have multiple uses anybody can benefit from.

It only shows that Data Analysis can provide your business with many advantages, be it better decision making, shorter business process cycles, marketing forecasting, etc. Also, business improvement opportunities that data analysis provides are boundless, and the only limiting factor is how you use the obtained insights.

Underutilizing Data Analysis on your marketing campaigns would result in losing out on benefits that can grant you a tremendous competitive edge in the market. So, make use of all the data you have right now in your marketing campaigns.

3. Not Optimizing Blog Content for Mobile Devices


Smart devices changed the Digital Online landscape today, enabling users to perform all the functions they can do with the use of laptops or desktops. And as a result, almost 53% of all web traffic is currently attributed to the smart device.

As technology enhances, this trend will not slow down, leading to more increased smartphone penetration and strong access to better connectivity. This particular change is critical that properly optimized websites for tablets and smartphones are ranked higher by Google’s search engine.

So what does this mean for your construction business? If your website is not well-optimized for being accessed using tablets and smartphones, you will lose most website traffic, and your site will be ranked lower than your current competition.

You don’t want that to happen, right? So, we suggest you have all your blog content fully optimized. Doing so will make it more accessible with all types of devices.

4. Not focusing on Content Marketing

Internet users are somehow tired of viewing unwanted advertisements. One report stated that an average Internet user is exposed to some five thousand ads every day! Users are left overwhelmed by these ads, resulting in losing effectiveness. So, what is your solution for this?

Content Marketing is the answer. Perhaps, you are now starting to realize the many benefits that content marketing offers and that the digital world is headed towards that direction:

  • Content Marketing empowers you to reach your target audience and consumers organically as you provide them with the value they are constantly seeking out.
  • Content Marketing enables better Search Engine Optimization. Generating quality content provides value to your target audience.
  • Content marketing builds a healthy relationship with your target viewers and instills trust, too, adding more to your construction brand value.

Opting for Content Marketing will guarantee great returns, so ensure your construction brand is not ignored.

5. Your Construction Website Lacks Important Information

In most instances, your construction website is the first point of contact. Possible clients are most likely to visit your construction website first before reaching out to you first. Hence, ensure that your website covers the essential basics:

  • Your address, contact details, and construction service offerings should be visible on your home landing page.
  • Offer alternative contact options (social media, email, contact form, etc.)
  • Use only the best quality photos, ensuring your website copy is precise and concise.

Do not try to try to overload your audience with information. Provide only the necessary details they need.

6. Not using Call to Actions

If your target goal is for your audience to contact you after reading one of your blogs, guest posts, emails, how will they reach this action without CTA? It is virtually useless if you have a good marketing campaign and construction blogs without a CTA.

Make sure you are not missing out on lead capturing. Right after writing a marketing email or a blog, always think about what actions you want your target clients to do. So, always think about the best CTAs you should use to pursue them effectively.

7. Superficial Approach to SEO

Search Engine Optimization is the fastest-changing game, and you have to keep on your toes every single time to make sure you follow the current set of rules. Yet, there are time-tested and effective SEO tactics that will always help your blog content appear in search results and rank much better.

Here are some elements you should include in your SEO strategy:

  • The right keywords: Focus on those with more search volume and have realistic chances of ranking.
  • Mobile-friendliness: Mobile has taken over Internet traffic, as previously pointed out above. Again, your construction website should be well-optimized for mobile since it is a strong SEO signal.
  • Link building: Getting backlinks from top authority influencers and domains in your industry will rank your higher.
  • Image name optimization: Focus more on the details like clearly naming your image files, ideally to contain one of your keywords.
  • URLs: Use clear and short URLs that contain the main keyword and describe the topics of the page.

Pro Tip: To stay on top of the ever-evolving landscape of SEO, follow and subscribe to updates by SEO authorities that are at the forefront of these modern approaches and learn hard from them. Alternatively, deploy SEO marketing services of a professional digital marketing agency like ConstructionMarketing.io, whose job is to apply their extensive SEO knowledge and current trends.

8. Neglecting the Keyword Research

The major core of your SEO efforts is your keywords. Keywords are said to be the portal of your construction business. Neglecting keyword optimization only means you will miss out on the many opportunities to meet your clients via search organically.

Make your keywords right so that you can reap the benefits below:

  • Increase in the number of qualified leads
  • Increase in organic traffic
  • Insights about your audience pain points and preferences

The best tips we can share with you to help you with your keyword research are:

  • Look at what the existing competition is doing
  • Discover what keywords you already ranked for
  • Put yourself in the position of your clients
  • Use Google’s search first suggestions as a tool for research

Also, we suggest you ask yourself the following questions to determine the best keywords you must target:

· Are my current keywords pointing out what my target audience is searching for?

  • Will my target audience who find my website get the answers they need?
  • Will my target viewers help me reach my conversion goals?

Put yourself in the position of your primary audience and think about what they usually search via Google and how this relates to your construction business.

Prioritize Now Your Digital Marketing Efforts


Your construction business needs the proper online marketing strategies and tools to thrive. Construction marketing is opens the door to endless opportunities for growth and learning. Boost your construction business to its highest potential by simply fixing your digital marketing mistakes.

Don’t you know where to begin? Partner with us. Here at ConstructionMarketing.io, we analyze your existing marketing tactics, lead generation strategies, and customer base. We can help you avoid your digital marketing mistakes and maximize the results of each digital marketing channel you have.

Contact us today. Tell us more about your marketing campaigns. We are always happy to help!