9 Construction Website Ideas to Generate Real-time Leads

9 Construction Website Ideas to Generate Real-time Leads

So let’s say you are a start-up construction business owner. Now, you have gone into the construction business for yourself and are now setting up your company website. Your construction website is your digital forefront. First, all you ever need is virtual visitors who can become leads – people who are keenly interested in availing of the construction services you are offering.

So what is your tactic to have them all draw into your business? Be aware that the construction industry has changed melodramatically over the years. And today, almost everyone is taking advantage of the numerous benefits of online marketing. If you are ready to take your business and construction marketing to the next level, digital marketing is a major part of the solution.  

Hence, let us take you now at nine ideas that you can use to generate more real-time, qualified leads.

1. Determine the goal of your CTAs (Call-to-Actions)

Probably the most practical question you could ask yourself when it comes to your overall goals and web design is this “What is the most important action any user can take while visiting my company’s website?” For the most part, the action is to call in, whether to schedule an appointment or visit the firm’s physical location. 

Having answers to these questions can help you determine and decide how to direct your blog content on your website down to a more focused path. Your blog posts, page content, and probably the most important aspect, your CTAs can all work together in perfect harmony with the main goal of ushering the target audience to complete that action.

2. Practice Good Local SEO Habits

Search Engine Optimization is usually considered to be the king of digital content marketing. Without any SEO strategies, you may find your marketing efforts lacking compared to your competitors to drive traffic. However, given the amount of word of mouth and face-to-face advertising this industry relies on, you may find yourself asking if SEO is really that important?

The answer to that question is an absolute Yes! In fact, SEO is essential. When your website is optimized, you tend to enjoy the following benefits:

  • Increasing traffic
  • Higher visibility
  • Strong industry authority 
  • Improved customer experience 

It is best to think of Search Engine Optimization habits and efforts as a continuous marathon and not a sprint. Moreover, you must also know that having great content is the cornerstone of a very effective SEO strategy which you can learn more to the next tip.

3. The Advantages of Blogging

Keeping blogs on your construction website has many incredible advantages, not the least of which are driving more leads and increasing traffic. As always has been mentioned, well-written content is crucial for SEO. You can think of blogging and SEO as having a collaborative relationship:

Written content published on the blog section helps improve your SEO, increasing traffic to your site.

New visitors are becoming more interested in the blogs and are most likely to become real-time leads as a result.

Focus on blog topic ideation and make sure to choose the best ideas for your content. Your blogs can be about anything related to the construction industry or your services that your audience can find relevant and interesting. Perhaps your blog topics can be the changes and trends in the industry or maybe your focus is emerging construction techs. Whatever it is, your articles have to be authentic, well-written, and original and published on a regular basis.

You can check out the blogs of Pro Crew Schedule and learn from it. Notice the posted written articles. There’s a range of articles that focuses on construction management, construction tech, inventory, and different trades. They keep giving insights and information to their target audience that nobody else has.

4. Build Your Email Marketing List with E-book, Newsletter, or other Free Incentive

One of the great ways to put your construction website to work is to build an email marketing list. People who are signing up on your email list have pre-qualified themselves as interested parties, at the very least. When you are sending them the right content, they can transform into real-time leads and paying clients,

Many construction companies nowadays underuse this aspect of online marketing. They may have created an email list that viewers can sign up for. Yet, in many cases, they have never given them a compelling reason to do so. Are you doing the same thing to your audience and viewers? You shouldn’t put this action into practice. Your website audience needs something that can motivate them into taking action.

Moreover, you are part of online marketing. Hence, it’s your obligation to offer your audience something that has value in exchange of their contact information. E-book is a great thing to offer. For a real-world example, check out Pro Crew Schedule’s E-book titled Crew Management 101: From a Subcontractor’s Perspective.

The website offers a Free E-book in exchange for a subscription to their newsletter. 

5. Use Compelling Visuals 

Speaking of compelling visuals, it does not really refer to pictures or standard graphics. Instead, these are elements you can provide your website audience with something that feels more real as it pertains to your business.

Your website should have a section dedicated to showcasing your previous projects. Make sure to have the most popular page on your website. That particular section certainly becomes as a compelling visual and acts as a way to deliver more significant information to your audience. 

Give your clients the best user experience. 

6. Ensure your forms are easily seen and ask for the correct information 

Does your site have a “Contact Us” form?

Your forms (schedule an appointment, contact you, or otherwise) must be easy to discover and have clear CTAs. But how exactly can users benefit by filling out those forms? What can they assume to happen? Take a look at other construction websites. 

A great example of an easy-to-understand and straightforward form is on the Pro Crew Schedule website.  Notice how the form asks for more information like the audience’s name, email, subject, and inquiry. Asking this information from your audience will help you and your business categorize the leads. You can also provide these leads with more accurate services. 

7. Get Professional Pictures to Showcase Your Work

Professional photography is about a whole lot more than showing off your work. The more outstanding effects of professional photography include improving your overall business image and improving your brand awareness through quality and consistency. As a result, you are most likely increase your sales and get more qualified leads. 

According to market research, Internet users are most likely clicking on professional imagery compared to amateurish imagery. Make sure to get into this area and try it for yourself.

8. Publish Customer Testimonials

If you have already done great work and services in the past, why not use this as real-time proof to draw in more leads and additional clients?

You can publish testimonials and reviews from your client right on your very own site. You can also ask happy clients to leave a personal review whether in Yelp, Yellow Pages, or Google. A case study from WikiJob determined an almost 34% rise in sales by simply adding several customer testimonials at the front and center page.

9. Track Your Growth using Analytics

Having the means of tracking your website’s growth is critical. And platforms like Google Analytics allow you to acquire highly valuable info like how the audience located your website, where they are coming from, which sections/pages are the most popular, the effectiveness of your link building strategy and much more.

Analytics is not just about tracking your website views or social media likes increase. In fact, it’s more than that. Today, you can use many modern analytics tools to plan your next moves and determine how well your whole marketing efforts are.

The best analytics tools are the ones that help you figure out:

  • Your client’s lifetime value
  • Sales pipeline velocity
  • The impact of future marketing activities to your bottom line

Without an analytics platform, you are technically flying blind. Without having this gathered data, you will never know if what you are doing is working or not. If you are not still using marketing analytics for your site, it must be your top priority.

Generating Real-Time Leads with Construction Marketing


While the nine ideas above will definitely aid you in generating real-time leads, the list is not all-inclusive. Thus, keeping your social media profiles and website updated, ensuring your website goals are clear, and continuously improving your website can all help you to drive traffic and get more leads.

So when was the last time you update your construction website? If you feel like it is time to refresh and make changes to your site, we can absolutely help! At ConstructionMarketing.io, we work particularly with companies that are aiming to grow in the construction sector. We have a strong background in construction and we can help you carry out each item/tip discussed in this article. 

If you have a keen interest in our services, let’s work together. Talk to us today, and let us help you with your online marketing goals!