9 Content Promotion Tactics to Level Up Your Construction Brand

9 Content Promotion Tactics to Level Up Your Construction Brand

One of the core pillars of every successful brand is content. Perhaps you are creating pieces of content right now, and you think they are the best thing ever written and distributed. Maybe they are. However, if they are not promoted well, all your content is created for nothing.

Today, 4.4 million new blog posts and articles are published daily across many platforms. So, how can your construction brand stand out? How can you promote it even better?

It might seem like it is not possible, but there are helpful content promotion ideas out there. In this blog post, discover why you should promote your content. We will also create a list of some of the best strategies you can use for content promotion.


Why You Must Promote Your Content?


“My construction website is doing fine. So, why would I need to promote my content more?” Maybe you are thinking this way. However, remember that high-quality content is vital for building rapport and trust with your audience. Not only does it attract potential leads to your construction business, but great content also fulfills their need. 

We imply that your business can benefit from content delivered and promoted well. Here’s why:

  • Connects and converts: Any content can be highly tailored so that it is easy for you to get the attention of your target construction clients. Targeted content, in particular, allows you to engage with your audience on the spot, as they can get to know more about your brand and ultimately convert from being a lead to a customer.
  • Develop relationships: Attracting new clients is vital to your brand’s and overall business’s success. Also, improving your relationships with your existing customers is just as important. 
  • Cultivates brand awareness: To effectively compete with other businesses in your industry, people must discover your construction brand and what it offers. The content you create can help your business become known in the industry. The goal is to be acknowledged by many as a trusted industry source.
  • Improves Local SEO: Content boosts your visibility online. Generally, all search engines reward quality content. If you prioritize quality content, search engines like Google will rank your website higher.


How to Promote Your Construction Content?


1. Share some Memes

When we think of memes, our first understanding is that they are meant to be funny and humorous. However, they are more than just memes. Surprisingly, they are found to be useful for content promotion. These memes that we are all familiar with can be a tool to spark engagement. For many marketers, memes can generate positive emotions, making them a valuable tool for active online interaction.

If you can create Memes that your target audience finds relevant and relatable, you can generate a lot of engagement online. Memes instill a sense of belonging and encourage brand loyalty, helping you develop customer relationships.

If you are wondering how to get started with Memes, they are easy. Given the many online tools available today, you can generate many memes.

Additional Reminder: Avoid getting used to Memes by making them a huge part of your overall content marketing strategy. Memes are best used to entertain your target audience.

2. Guest posting

So, you put out content online. It is quality content. However, the only people seeing it are your followers. How much promotion is going on there? What can you do to make your content more exciting? The solution is guest posting.

Guest posting is the practice of writing and publishing content on other websites to reach a new audience for your brand. It looks like you are a guest at someone else’s party. You bring something to share, meet new people, and gain something in return.

Try guest posting. Not only can you take credit for your brilliant content ideas, but you will also gain a new audience from your guest blogs.

Here are some tips to unlock the best guest posting opportunities:

  • Pick websites that are relevant to your niche
  • Look for websites that accept guest posts
  • Evaluate the overall performance of other guests’ posts on the site.
  • Check the domain authority of the website
  • Analyze the audience of the website.

3. Infographics

Infographics are one of the best things that have ever been created for the sake of content. They serve as a visual representation of any information. They make complex ideas easy to understand and digest. You must know the human brain is wired to prefer visual cues and visual content over verbal or written content. That is why infographics work so well with content promotion.

To be able to create superb infographics for your brand, you must:

  • Learn to simplify complex construction topics. Make sure to break it down into smaller parts.
  • Summarize the entire information. The fewer words you will use, the better.
  • If the visual elements include labels and numbers, spruce up the charts and graphs by making them visually appealing.

4. Share your brand story

People are naturally persuaded to hear fascinating, interesting, and inspiring stories. Similarly, it would help if you shared the story behind your construction brand in a way that moves your target audience. This will spark an interest in your audience and encourage them to get to know more about your construction business and even your service offerings.

Always make sure to make your story powerful. The ultimate goal is to develop a positive image for your brand to get the attention of your target construction clients. 

At the end of the day, your brand story plays a crucial role in determining the success of your brand. 

5. Start your email campaigns

Another fantastic way to promote your content is through email marketing. With emails, you can promote your content organically while also building a connection to your potential leads. An estimated 4.48 billion people worldwide will be email users in 2024. That is a whole lot of people, and a big portion can be your demographic.

You can start introducing your brand with interesting content and promote this content. Next, you can distribute to your existing email list. Before you know it, you may gain many subscribers and users who want to join your newsletter.

Let the cycle of promotion and marketing continue.

6. Powerful Calls to Actions (CTAs)

CTAs are short phrases that nudge people to do something. You may think they are not helpful for your content. However, marketers see them as the cherry on top of any content marketing strategy.

So, what role do CTAs play in content promotion?

  • Call to Action summarizes what your construction business can offer your target customers. Indeed, it is a simple way to promote your content.
  • You guide your target audience and introduce them to your brand.
  • CTAs increase clicks and boost sales. Emails with CTA attached can boost sales by 1617% and click-through rates by 370%.

Start including CTAs in your content and in the most crucial sections of your construction website now. Lastly, make sure to personalize them all. Personalization makes CTAs more authentic, genuine, and straightforward.

7. Tap into current trends

Every business has its own set of lingo and trends that always come and go. Perhaps you can start taking a different road for your content promotional efforts. You might want to tap into the buzz trends these days, whether in your industry or the digital marketing world. You can ride these waves and create blogs and articles to share your two cents and expertise.

In digital marketing, algorithms highly favor content focusing on the latest trends. You can start with Google Trends. This tool allows you to see how a certain term is being searched for on the most popular search engines. You can categorize it by region and see an overview of how search interest has searched over time.

8. Testimonials and reviews

Another powerful content promotion strategy is to showcase your 5-star reviews and testimonials to your audience and existing clients. Positive reviews are highly influential in helping your future leads make purchasing decisions. Suppose you do not include all the reviews and testimonials in your content marketing plan. In that case, you are surely missing out on your opportunity to establish social proof and promote your construction business in the eyes of potential clients.

Customer reviews are superb content that provides social proof that your services are valuable and trustworthy. On the other hand, customer testimonials can take multiple forms, such as written testimonials, customer photos, video testimonials, and more.

9. Repurpose your content

Repurposing old content is one of the simplest yet most overlooked content promotion tactics. You can convert your previous content to different formats, and distributing the content in various formats across different channels can amplify your reach to a new and bigger audience.

Not only can you promote your content to a new audience, but you can also benefit from its minimal costs since you already have the content.  Repurposing your existing content is an excellent way to expand your content’s reach, and it helps a lot with the visibility of your construction brand. It’s a win-win for you!


Partner with ConstructionMarketing.io


Promoting your content continuously and having a strategy in place is crucial to a solid content marketing campaign =. We hope all the tips and tricks we share with you above can help you in your efforts to promote all construction content you have for your brand. Consider them all because they can help you widen your reach, attract attention, and elevate your brand!

Also, we want to remind you that content creation is only half the battle. If you want to consider some assistance from a trusted construction marketing agency, we can help!

We are ConstructionMarketing.io, a full-service digital marketing firm that specializes in a wide array of marketing services. We believe a well-thought-out content marketing strategy is vital to your business’s success. Allow us to handle your campaigns and promote your brand effortlessly. 

Content marketing mediums we can develop are as follows:

  • Articles
  • Videos
  • Emails

Reach out to us today. Our team is always ready to answer your questions, provide suggestions, and offer you a detailed scope, pricing estimate, and timeline.