5 Effective Website Design Tips for Your Construction Business

5 Effective Website Design Tips for Your Construction Business

Your construction company’s website is a critical part of your business. If you are the same with most of the construction companies today, you tend to overhaul your site every chance you get, budgeting for a brand new site that is trendy and appealing. So, how much business growth has your company got from the brand new sites you have made? 

If you think those web redesigns didn’t impact your business that much, the following actionable web design tips can help you improve your construction website in terms of designs and functions.

1. Keep it simple

Professionalism is the key when it comes to construction. It is your goal to let your clients know that your construction company can deliver projects on time and within the budget. A simple web design conveys a clean, confident, and simple persona you want, making it easier for your target audience to find exactly the details they are looking for.

Consider Whitespace. If you are looking for a way to enhance your web design right now, look at your site’s homepage. Take out about three to five elements and trade them for white space instead. There is a reason whitespace was the number one web design trend of 2021. 

  • With White Space, it forces anyone to focus on just the most significant items to your business.
  • It draws leads, prospects, viewers to the areas of your website where they can easily make a conversion.

And when you limit the distractions to your site, you end up with a more intentional and focused design. With more focus, your construction site looks more professional, and your site does a much better job of directing viewers to conversion points on your site.

2. Make Navigation User-Centric

This particular web design tip is all about keeping your target audience on your site. Once a visitor is on your construction website, it must be your goal to keep them there. The longer a visitor stays on your site, checking out your services, looking at your previous projects, and reading your blog content, the more likely they are to make a conversion. Your website’s navigation is your key to keeping the visitors on your site.

What Does Your Target Audience Want?


Think about what your ideal visitors are looking for when they visit your website. Chances are, they wanted to know the following:

· What type of construction projects do you handle and do.

  • What your company history is, and what and where you build.
  • What your previous construction projects looked like
  • How can they contact you?

There is an old web design tip that is being used even before. It say’s “Your visitor must never have to click more than twice to get anywhere.” While that is a great idea, only if you have a crazy amount of site pages will it lead to a heavy navigation menu. That is why it is recommended that you should edit, edit, edit. 

Bring it all back to your ideal client once more. What information are they looking for? What details do you want them to get from the site? Boil it down to just the most significant components, and streamline the navigation to reflect these top priorities.

3. Make it Fast and Responsive

If your construction website does not load faster and does not meet visitors, you are losing leads. The average Internet browser abandons the site if it does not load in just three seconds. If your site does not directly respond to different screen sizes? Then forget it. Not only will you have issues keeping those visitors on the site, but you are going to have issues ranking highly on SERPs.

You will eventually know if your site is responsive or not by simply pulling it up on your tablet or your phone. So, how does it look? If it is tough to scroll, read, or navigate, you’ve got some changes to make. You can test the site speed with any free online tools on the Internet.

If you want your construction website to draw in and convert leads, focus on website development and web design. It has to deliver a seamless experience. Responsiveness and site speed is key here. Take note of that.

4. Make Conversion Points More Obvious

Minimalist color palettes with bolder accent colors are in, and indeed for a good reason. You already know that your website is more than just the brochure, right? You want leads and visitors to take action, send an email, call you, and download a content offer, or perhaps fill out a lead qualifying form. A great web design can help you here in a very serious way.

  • Minimal Color Palette

If you make use of a typically minimally color palette and use white space properly, anytime, you can insert a bolder pop of colors on CTAs or buttons. The visitors of your site are quickly drawn to that area. This is a quick and actionable web design tip, but it is remarkably effective. 

If you want to improve conversions, the way you stylize those points can have a major impact. Your site exists to capture new leads for your business.

5. Never Stop Improving

The trust is, your company’s website is a living representation of your business that needs constant changes and improvements. The idea here is that.

  • A construction website is a big project.
  • The Internet is constantly changing. What has been trendy web design last 2020 probably is not going to be as trendy this 2021. 

A lot of construction professionals hang up on developing their perfect website. If you do the same thing, you may already be left behind. The key to successful web design that perfectly works for you is constant and small improvements. It is more important that you have a functional website compare to having a perfect website. For now, work with what you have got:

Make changes in the areas you know can increase conversions and improve user experience.

Watch and see how these improvements impact your digital marketing strategy.

Continue to make changes and improvements that deliver great results.

Other Tips in Designing a Great Construction Website


  • Make it obvious what kind of construction projects you do or your construction company has any specialties.
  • Use clear and high-quality images of your completed construction projects, particularly on your site’s Home page, to clearly convey a sense of accomplishment and establish credibility.
  • Address your qualifications and experiences on the About Page. If you can include a list of past clients, then do so. Showcasing a high number of completed projects is very reassuring and convincing to site visitors.
  • Apart from the facts, history, and other details about your company, explain your value proposition too. Make sure to showcase why someone should avail of your services. Dig deeper and find what truly makes you stand out.
  • Create Onsite Content: Landing Page for different types of construction projects you do and the services you offer. This is very great on your SEO and helpful to your site visitors. 
  • Include a well-populated portfolio of your completed construction projects. Create its page on your website and make sure to make it quickly found via top-level navigation. Ensure to show variety, even though you specialized in particular core competencies on some project types.
  • Consider putting case studies in addition to your company’s portfolio. It highlights how your firm has successfully tackled design, planning, and other construction challenges.
  • Do not forget to develop written content on every web page. Do some brainstorming and blog topic ideation too. A minimalist content is excellent, but words are what search engines use to determine what your site is all about, how much value it provides to your viewers, and how relevant it is to search queries.
  • Prominently display main industry trust signals, like insurance, licenses, certifications, safety protocols, etc. Use your company’s official logos since most are easily recognizable to your site visitors. Testimonials are also considered as one powerful type of trust signal. And make sure that they are directly attributed to real people.
  • Outline your company’s success. This typically fits best on your site “About” page or the Services page. Your potential clients appreciate the opportunity to hint at how the projects will be executed should they contact your services.
  • Have an easy-to-use, simple form on the Contact page that lets your potential customers ask questions or consultations. Remember, this is the most strategic lead-generation page on the website.

Function Over Perfection – What we can do for you!


Here at ConstructionMarketing.io, we’re all about function. We do not believe in beautiful sites that do not work. What we believe in is a great design. Web design can either make or break your construction website. If you do not have a website with a great design, you will not see digital conversions.

Clear, functional design with real-time digital marketing strategy and a fully optimized website for search engines is an unstoppable combination that will lead to growth.

If you are not sure why your site is not converting, or if you have the best designs for your site, let us know. We are ready to help.