A Guide in Creating SEO-Friendly Content for your Construction Business

A Guide in Creating SEO-Friendly Content for your Construction Business

Now, let us talk about SEO! Did you ever know that “93% of internet activity starts with a search engine”, and that Google owns 60-70% of the search engine market share?” as per reports. These numbers are vast and overwhelming. That is the main reason why SEO, despite at times seeming backdated, is essentially viable for the years to come. So, how can you effectively write and create SEO-friendly content for your construction business so that all your digital marketing endeavors are not in vain?

Want to learn what these SEO writing tactics are? Read this blog as we will share with you a guide to create a winning SEO-friendly blog content effectively.

Major Considerations when Writing Your Content


When writing your content, it is essential to cater to every aspect of your website. Here are some of the primary considerations when creating SEO-friendly content that you should consider firsthand. In other words, these are the significant pointers you must take care of:

· Use of buying-intent keywords

· Original content                              

  • Simple and crisp language
  • Formal yet relatable tone
  • Service-based keywords to be used constantly in each piece of content
  • No keyword stuffing
  • Quality not to be compromised

Every content piece, be it your construction blog, article, or page, must target at least 3-5 keywords. One should be the main target keyword (serviced-based), and the rest can be additional/secondary keywords, which are related terms.

Best Tips to Create Your SEO-Friendly Content


1. Use Keywords Strategically 

The first rule of effective SEO writing is to use relevant keywords for your content to make it rank for the correct search queries. Bear in mind that this in no way means that you must stuff your content with tons of keywords. It will significantly reduce the quality of your content as a result.

Focus on maintaining a good keyword density instead and place keywords at strategic areas throughout your content. Make use of a tool to check keyword usage in the content while maintaining an optimum keyword density. 

For the latter, below are some of the best practices that you may wish to follow:

· Use main keywords in the headings and title (if possible)

  • Add your target keywords in the first one-hundred words of your content
  • Aside from primary keywords, use keyword variations and slide keywords, too.
  • Utilize long-tail, conversational or casual keywords to further optimize for voice searches

There are other essentials that you must be aware of when optimizing the content for keywords. Apart from all of these, it is also good to establish a keyword list and learn the art of blog topic ideation to create relevant topics based on the target keywords. 

2. Do not forget the Descriptions and Meta Titles

Any post about SEO, for starters, will usually tell you the importance of keywords in writing SEO-friendly content. Yet, many of these posts forget to emphasize Meta titles and descriptions. Both these two elements should be prioritized and not forgotten. 

The description and Meta title are what people often see in the search results on your website pages. This is usually what determines if they will click on a particular listing or not. Also, including your main keywords in this not only help search engines better rank and categorize your content and help users make it relevant. Hence, add your target keywords in descriptions and Meta titles for all your web pages.

3. Write Targeted Content

One of the most important tips in creating great content is to write with your audience in mind. So, you should better know who your audience is and what type of content they like. Understand your target audience first and then create content that is helpful and relevant to them. It is the major secret of effective SEO writing that all expert marketers tend to follow – and we are sharing it with you!

4. Optimize the Length of Your Content

Indeed, long-form content does well according to Google’s current SEO guidelines. This is mainly true because blogs tend to offer a more detailed answer, giving more exact information to the readers. However, it does not mean that short blog posts do not do well. It all makes sense because quality is always crucial than quantity. 

If you develop blog content with your target audience in mind, optimize it properly, and promote each newly published post on your social media platforms. Your business will undoubtedly grow its online reach.

5. Make Your Titles Compelling

Titles are the first thing that all readers see and read before they decide whether they read the whole piece of content or not. This is considered the single most critical deciding factor that determines how many views your content gets in many ways. Hence, creating curiosity-generating titles and attention-grabbing titles is a great strategy to drive traffic to your website. 

Do you want to learn some proven-and-tested tactics to write titles that get more and more clicks? Here you go; we are sharing it with you for free.

  • As most people like reading lists, use numbers in your titles.
  • Add more words that evoke strong emotions.
  • Make sure to use a conversational tone.
  • Write titles and get all people curious and excited to find out more
  • Include industry-related facts and statements.

6. Create Easy-to-Scan Content

If you have ever utilized any tools to further analyze user behavior and web traffic, you will know that most people prefer easy-to-digest content. You can check metrics such as average time per page, bounce rate, etc., and you will see that people engage more with easy-to-digest content.

Your target audience does not want to go through block after block of texts to find the information they are searching for casually. Instead, they want to scan the content and extract as much information and value as possible.

7. Add Relevant Links

One of the most critical content writing tactics for SEO is adding links. When creating any content for your construction website, add relevant links towards other helpful internal and external resources. 

  • For external links, select high-authority websites that also provide value to your target audience. You must also link to give credit for any examples or statistics you might have used to enrich your content.
  • Internal linking is also critical as it directs users to other related and valuable content on your website. This also increases their time on your construction website, which is excellent and helpful for SEO.

8. Keep Your Content Updated

The online world will always remain fast-paced, so statistics and facts can change quite rapidly. In the construction industry, indeed, innovations and trends are coming out for the following years. As part of your content marketing strategy, you can make it a practice to update your content and blogs with new data and statistics. 

You should take this seriously because developing and maintaining your content will be critical to your company’s ongoing SEO success.

What are The Tools for SEO Content Marketing and Keyword Research?


You can begin your SEO and Keyword research journey to fuel your content marketing strategy by simply using various tools. Google should have your core attention because of the tools it provides. Though each tool serves a particular purpose, some tools embodied with their terrific performance and usefulness have beaten others to do content marketing and SEO in the right way.

As a starter, we are sharing with you some of the best tools you can use for SEO content marketing and Keyword researching:

  • SEMrush (keyword researching, site audit)
  • Ahref (competitive analysis, keyword research)
  • Ubersuggest (Backlink analyzer, SEO, Keyword researching)
  • Keywords Everywhere ( served as an extension tool for any related keywords)
  • HubSpot (provides content marketing tool)
  • Line Explorer from Moz (to check out online authority for any construction website)
  • BuzzSumo (Tracking content)
  • Grammarly (to check grammar errors)

There is no limit to the online tools section. There are tons of tools straight at your disposal. We suggest you try free tools first and then go with the paid versions. However, the whole digital marketing strategy is somewhat based on keywords, and therefore SEO too. It is always advisable to partner with a digital marketing agency like ConstructionMarketing.io – that has the best marketing experts, who have experience in these tools, can drive results too, and bring more leads to you. 

Make Your Content More SEO-Friendly with Us!


It does not matter whether you are a start-up or middle-sized construction company; defining your brand identity in the digital space and becoming successful in this area greatly needs digital marketing. With that being said, content strategy is a top prerequisite.

Writing SEO-friendly content for your construction company needs a strategic keyword research tactic, extensive research, understanding the market and clients, in-depth marketing knowledge, and more. We have shared the basics with you in this blog. You may think it is a simple process to begin; however, it is not – given the fierce competition today.

You better hire a construction marketing agency like us! Here at ConstructionMarketing.io, we can be a great partner to you in terms of streamlining actions, sorting out your digital marketing strategies, your content creation, etc. Our goal is to make your content speak for itself with volume and relevance.

Contact us today! We can make your construction company fly higher than your competitors with our branding and digital marketing solutions!