Building a Strategic and Actionable Construction Marketing Plan This 2022

Building a Strategic and Actionable Construction Marketing Plan This 2022

It is time to begin thinking about how you should be spending your marketing dollars this 2022. You’ve heard it right! It is time to start planning your 2022 construction marketing plan as you begin this year. We know it is a lot to think and decide about. 

Fortunately, we are here to share a blog that will guide you in your decision-making. We will cover the six common questions you have to ask yourself when deciding to craft your marketing plan, including what to include in your 2022 marketing plan and some broad suggestions we prepared for you.

Six Questions You Need to Ask Yourself First


To start, here are some important questions you have to ask yourself when you decide to build a strategic marketing plan.

1. How much did your construction company grow last year?

Will you be satisfied with seeing the same growth metrics this 2022? If so, ask yourself how much of your 2021 construction marketing strategy needs to change. Small movements in the competitive construction landscape could mean that having the same marketing plan from last year may get you 70% of the way there. 

However, it depends most significantly if your target goals have changed. 

2. What marketing channels drove the most worth/value last year?

We recommend you break down every marketing channel’s value into two categories- sales qualified leads (SQLs-centric efforts) and marketing qualified leads (MQLs).

Both channels are crucial for long-term growth. Given that it is unique, your construction company should define all of these differently.

  • SQL-centric efforts – Google ads, blog content, etc. are absolutely great for short-term sales and converting MQLs into sales over time.
  • MQL-centric efforts – Emails, informative blogs, etc. that can fill your pipeline and will drive long-term growth for your construction business

We recommend you determine the top MQL and SQL drivers from 2020 to 2021 and focus more on your marketing budget on these two mentioned channels.

3. What is your growth timeline?

Do you have to see a 10% growth each month to keep your job? Does your marketing team fully understand that exponential growth usually requires a much longer horizon?

  • PPC, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, etc.  – These tactics are a much better short-term investment, particularly if you need to see constant growth. Within a couple of months, you will have a strong understanding of getting more leads.
  • Search Engine, Content Marketing – These are good for long-term investment since these tactics will help you to see significant growth. However, SEO results can sometimes be less predictable daily. In most cases, SEO efforts would take 3 to 6 months to see some traction – which can be somehow harder to explain in the short term.

4. How Has Your Competitive Landscape changed?

Competition is ultimately fierce in the construction industry. So, make sure to evaluate first your competition and how each of your competitors has transformed:

  • How has the competitive and fierce landscape changed over a year?
  • How do you expect it to change this 2022?
  • Have you noticed some signs that your closest competitor is boosting their digital marketing efforts?
  • Have they started to get more power in organic search rankings?
  • What are your small competitors doing? Are they becoming aware and have been growing at an alarming rate?

We recommend running a SWOT analysis to determine how you can stand against the new and updated competitive construction landscape.

  • Strengths: Which are the ones you can capitalize on? And what value propositions are the most meaningful to your target audience and clients?
  • Weaknesses: Which areas must you focus on improving?
  • Opportunities: What must you test out this 2022?
  • Threat: What do you need to watch out for?

5. Is Your Current Market Saturated?

Are you currently operating an untapped market where you can collaborate with your competitors to further increase the size of your reach? Or, perhaps you are operating in a high-saturated market where on the client of your competitors means one less customer for you?

  • If you are situated in an untapped market, always look for a reliable partner among your closest competitors on more extensive marketing campaigns to expand the awareness within your industry. 
  • When being in saturated markets, you should consider improving customer experiences to retain your current clients effectively. Think about significant weaknesses in competing businesses that you can stand against to gain more market share.

6. What did Client Feedback looks like the past year?

Were your previous clients happy with your construction services, products, and other service offerings you provide? Perhaps, did you ever receive a list of complaints?

Great customer experience will drive your repeat and referral clients. Hence, it would be best if you focused on customer retention. Providing a good customer experience is the ultimate backbone of the most successful businesses globally, including the construction sector.

Broad Suggestions only for your 2022 Marketing Efforts


With all that being said, we share with you a handful of bold marketing suggestions based on what generates the best ROI.

1. Focus on SEO and PPC if you are looking for Customer Acquisition

Time and time again, investing in SEO and PPC yields the best ROI for businesses, especially for construction firms. If you have already fixed a marketing budget, replace some portions of your PPC budget with content marketing and SEO strategies like Keyword Research, especially when you start getting more results from organic search.

  • PPC investments result in more linear growth.
  • While SEO investments result in exponential growth.

2. Spend money on social media if you are looking to enhance your construction brand

Social media is a powerful tool for many businesses like construction looking to enhance brand perception and connect with their clients deeper. Social media might be expensive, considering the time invested in it. However, it is reasonable since it is a powerful tool for construction businesses that value their brand.

3. Spend Money to Brand Awareness if you are looking for Mindshare

The ROI is questionable at best. The channels and the content you make for your target audience boost brand awareness. These will help you become the first option when your target audience realizes what they need. The channels allow clients to prescribe solutions even before realizing they actually need it. 

As a result, it helps build market share, particularly in competitive markets.

What to Include in Your Marketing Plan this 2022?


Whilst marketing plans are somehow different from one to the next. There are some significant elements that you must include in a well-rounded marketing strategy:

1. Company’s mission and vision statement

Your mission statement will guide your construction marketing plans for the year by simply stating the purpose behind everything you are doing. Always remember the importance of clear intent. Your construction business’s purpose must be clearly defined, whether on-focused goals or monetarily-lead goals on ideals like scaling, growth, and development.

Lastly, your mission statement must include your business’s values. That consists of the culture you always wanted to promote within your construction business.

2. Demonstrate Your Business Strengths

While writing your 2022 marketing plan, you must determine what sets your construction business apart from the competition. Is it the value you offer, or maybe the quality of your service? By understanding this, you will know what areas of your marketing to nudge or push.

Take note of your KPIs. These should communicate in your marketing strategy and explain why your potential clients choose you. Moreover, you also need to understand and empathize with your audience and clients apart from demonstrating your business strengths. Learn more about their significant concerns and pain points to help them better.

At the end of the day, your marketing plan’s must prove clearly how you can help address your client’s concerns and establish yourself as the go-to solution.

3. Understand your marketing channels

To take advantage of your budget and time. Your marketing strategy must assess the best channels to reach and target your audience, including the best ways to gain their trust. The most efficient marketing plans can deliver the strategy thru several marketing channels to maximize its success. Consider offline marketing and digital marketing and everything in between.

Always trust the best digital marketing agency like You are provided with top-quality services and a great customer experience with us.

Let’s Talk about Growth and Scaling!


We still live in uncertain times. It has been harder to predict what the next year holds from the previous years, but everything continues to go on. So what marketing trends in 2022 should you look forward to for your marketing plan? 

If you are looking for help when it comes to scaling your marketing plan this 2022? Learn more about how our digital marketing services. Here at, we are helping many construction businesses like yours to grow within months. We target multiple platforms using various marketing methods like SEO, Social Media Marketing, Custom Blog Articles, Web Development, Google My Business, etc.

Talk to us today. We love to hear everything from you.