Construction Marketing CTA

Construction Marketing CTA: 5 Best Practices and 5 Checkpoints

After all of the hard work and effort you exert to your construction marketing campaigns to bring in more web visitors, you still need to keep hustling to move them through the stages of the conversion funnel. Because what’s the point of going through all of the hustle to reach your target audience if it does not increase sales, right?

Your greatest goal is that your website visitors enjoy your blog content, sign up for more blogs, and eventually convert into a paying clients. But how do you exactly do that? Simple, you need CTAs or Call to Actions. In fact, there are various ways to use effective CTAs for your construction blogs and website. 

This blog will talk about CTAs, including a list of checkpoints and best practices we prepare only for you. This article will serve as your guide when creating CTAs for your digital marketing. At the end of this article, you will have enough CTA knowledge, helping you further boost sales and conversions.

What is a Call to Action?


CTAs are content, either a button or text, that encourages a specific audience to complete a particular task. It is a powerful tool in construction marketing to convert a reader, user, or general audience into a real-time lead that will, later on, convert to a sale. This is a significant step at the start of the buyer’s journey and can only be used to encourage a range of different actions, depending on the immediate goal.

CTAs come in various forms, but the usual ways to use them are in a clickable button, opt-in form, and social media. Below are some of the most typically used action phrases you often see on the online world these days:

  • Learn More
  • Subscribe
  • Get started
  • Try it for Free
  • Sign Up

Call to Actions has different types, encouraging any user to perform a specific action. To proceed, we will go over how to effectively write a solid CTA, giving you some powerful examples currently applied today.

Five CTA Check Points You Should Know


What should your CTAs look like? How do you ensure that they are fully optimized for the best possible performance? Below are six checkpoints useful for the creation of the great CTA. Kindly keep reading to find out what they are!

1. Action-Oriented

Call to Actions is about getting your web visitors to do something. Whether that’s download content, signing up on a trial period, follow you on social media, the main point of a CTA is to make the visitors take action. We suggest you use verbs in your CTAs. Make sure the words actively encourage your site visitors to sit up and notice your instructions and eventually act on them.

Subscribe and Download are absolutely a great way to get your web visitors to follow thru to your landing forms and pages. Another factor that may affect your audience’s decision to visit and stay on your website is its appearance and functionality. Your website has to look appealing to your audience. Thus, we encourage you to invest in web development and design.

Your website’s design and functionality play a vital role in the success of your construction marketing campaigns. If you’re ready to begin building your ideal construction website, contact

We look forward to helping your construction business grow!

2. Color Coordination

Colors in CTAs can be the significant difference between somebody clicking thru to your landing pages/forms or leaving your site.

  • Blue CTAs have a much higher chance of being more effective since blue is a color favored by male audiences. Blue color signals trust and a sign of reliability.
  • Red is a great color when presenting time-sensitive offers. It signals a sense of urgency and excitement.

You can run A/B testing on your selected CTAs. Running them in different colors on your website and assessing the success rate for a long time. You might find that your more urgent-looking CTAs perform much better compared to others. Hence, determining the ways in which colors work for your construction company can be significantly important in terms of your CTA click-through.

3. Size Matters

The size of CTA is also crucial in terms of getting noticed. If they are too small, buried away in the corner of the pillar page or blog post where the reader is not drawn, it may get the click-through it deserves.

Apparently, if CTAs you use are too big and in the face of the reader, you risk your CTAs becoming a distraction. You do not want to annoy your web visitors with distracting CTAs that drive them away because they cannot focus on your content.

The main secret to CTA success is testing. So, run your tests for at least four weeks at a time. Analyze the results. Testing each will help you accurately reflect what is working and what isn’t.

4. Journey Focused

Make your CTAs relevant to wherever your clients are in the buyer’s journey. Someone still in the attract stage of the journey will be less likely to click on the CTA. And depending on what content you have, you may choose to turn it into downloadable blog content. This type of content can be one of the best CTAs on the page, offering more visitors something in exchange for their data.

Not only you are moving them thru the buyer’s journey, but you are also generating leads too!

5. Where Does It Go

CTAs can be put in many sections on your web pages. They can be placed in the banners at the top of your page, at the end of the sidebar, or even by the end of your blog posts. As someone who is new to this, it is crucial to determine which type of CTAs work best in various places for you.

You might find that you have better click-thru rates on your downloadable content at the top page but not your CTAs for booking meetings currently placed at the bottom. So make sure you know where to put best your CTAs.

Best Practices for Killer Call-to-Actions


CTAs can be used in several ways, in your blog posts, on your homepage, emails, and especially on social media. Hence, the text and tone might vary, depending on the end goal. And regardless of where you choose to put your compelling CTA, there are still some essential guidelines to follow. See below:

1. Use First Person

The easiest way to encourage any user to proceed to something is to make it more personable like speaking to a friend. The easy way to do this is with the first person tense.

2. Use Action Phases

Make it straightforward and clear about the action you want your audience to perform. While being catchy and cute might be tempting, it will not usually result in any conversion since the reader won’t know what to do. If you are completely unsure how to include phrases, you can check to see any action verbs in your CTA.

3. Create a Sense of Urgency

It is easy for your target audience to never take action because of the lack of sense of urgency. That does not mean that you have to instill panic, though. However, you can choose to consider the time-sensitive nature of what you are truly offering. It can be some referral incentives such as major discounts on valuable content and products/services that can help your target leads right now.

Today is the right time to create a sense of urgency to prompt your target audience to act.

4. Eliminate friction or roadblocks

Make the actions as easy as possible to perform. Any roadblocks or hindrances in completing certain activities must be eliminated right away. For instance, if you want the users to share your guest post and your other content to their social media profiles, make sure to include a clear social share button alongside your CTAs.

5. Make CTAs stand out and easily discoverable

Whether you use a colorful and clickable button or a well-crafted form, make sure your CTAs are easy to find. It must be the first thing anybody’s eyes are drawn toward when they load the page with a clear text that encourages a particular action.

Once you follow these basics and practical guidelines, there’s a greater possibility that you can increase the conversion rate of your CTAs. Now, let’s take a closer look at some powerful CTA examples! can Help You!


Having to use the right Call to Action can be a game-changer for your construction marketing strategy. Get them exactly right and your target audience will look on your web content, whatever that is. Given your circumstance right now, do you know what’s the best Call to Action for your business? We assume you do not have any idea. Your whole focus is none other than your business. And so we offer help in all digital marketing matters. is a full-service online marketing agency. We work exclusively with construction companies. We help our clients get digital, get more leads and make more money! Our primary approach to every marketing project is professionalism, integrity, and clear communication.

Talk to Us Today! Share your details with us. We can elevate your marketing efforts and give you the best results!