How to Successfully Nurture Your Leads

Construction Marketing: How to Successfully Nurture Your Leads?

Lead generation and conversions are the main priority for numerous companies today, including those in the construction industry. Leads turn into prospects, and prospects turn into clients, and eventually, these clients become the brand advocates.

But what exactly should you do to drive these conversions?

What must you do to attract people to your website?

And most importantly, how should you keep people who visit your site coming back for more?

The answer is lead nurturing. When you pay attention to your construction marketing efforts, you should do the same way on your leads. A study shows that almost 50% of qualified leads are not ready to purchase a service/product. So, it means that lead nurturing is one critical factor in your construction marketing success.

What is Lead Nurturing?


A lead is somebody who has engaged with your construction business in one way or another. They have shown signs that they are intensely interested in your service offerings, whether they have contacted you or emailed you. However, they have not made a purchase yet.

To put it simply, lead nurturing means building relationships with your lead. It allows you to guide your prospects from being aware of your construction business to becoming paying clients. The target goal of your lead nurturing efforts is for your business to be present at every step of your lead’s buying journey. 

There are two types of lead nurturing that you can choose to execute:

  • Incoming Lead processing 

You never get the second chance to make your first impression towards your target leads on many occasions. So, this is the primary purpose of such a campaign. It gives your target leads the most positive first impression of your construction company and your service offerings.

This includes building respect and trust, keeping things interesting and being a good listener.

  • Stay in Touch 

This focuses more on reconnecting or “touching base” with the target leads. These leads are already in your database. They already know who you are, what your business is as well as your service offerings. However, they are not necessarily ready to avail or purchase yet.

Strategic Tips to Nurture Your Leads Effectively 


Lead nurturing is exactly what it tells on the tin – it is a continuous process of building and maintaining relationships with each prospect within your database. We believe you are reading this article with the hopes of getting some tips on how to keep your leads. So, we share with you below some ways to nurture them successfully.

1. Segment your leads based on their actual needs

Remember this –not all leads are similar. So, the people in different stages of your sales funnel are entirely different. The many people who contact your construction business for a quote are not usually in the same thinking as those who have signed up for your newsletter.

We suggest you create segments of your target audience by simply using their similar characteristics, whether their interests or the action they have taken on your construction website.

Targeting the right audience with the right blog content increases the possibility of them becoming leads and, later on, your clients.

2. Create content for your audience in all purchasing stages

People at various stages in their purchasing journey are looking for different types of information. Your lead nurturing strategy must include creating content for every phase of the sales funnel.

  • Educational content works well during the early awareness phases. With this info, you are simply educating people and sharing some best and strategical practices.
  • Industry-oriented articles work very well when prospects begin looking for companies and assess their options. It is better to be always up-to-date with the latest construction techs, trends, and news.
  • Solution-oriented as well as company-focused materials, like case studies, are suitable for prospects engaged in an active purchasing cycle. They are the ones who want to search for the construction company that offers the best solution to their existing issues.

3. Use multiple channels to reach your target leads

Almost 80% of Americans in the U.S. use at least one social media channel, and over 76% of people on the Internet read blogs. Be aware that people do not exist on one digital platform anymore. Nowadays, it’s widespread for people to own several different social media profiles, multiple email accounts, subscribe to many email newsletters and read many blogs.

If you are new to social media, begin with the basics first before implementing your lead nurturing campaign. Here are the basics:

  • Create business social media accounts that are constantly active and updated regularly. Look for members from your target audience and other influential construction industry professionals to connect with.
  • A LinkedIn account and group is an excellent way to connect more professionally. Start meaningful discussions and participate in existing ones.
  • Never be afraid to show more of your personality on these platforms. People do business with other people and not robots. So, make sure to join similar groups where your leads are joined too. You can further show and demonstrate your expertise there.
  • Be snappy and quick to respond. Anyone does not like to be ignored.
  • Keep a sharp eye on what your target leads are sharing online. Try to jump in to help them.

4. Personalized your lead nurturing campaign

Personalization can make your construction marketing efforts feel much more special, helping you to capture more leads. In fact, 70% of clients are willing to choose, pay more, and recommend if the business creates a more personalized experience. Personalization increases the positive perception towards your target leads and existing clients.

We do not suggest personalizing every aspect of your lead nurturing campaign manually. However, it is best to follow a guide. Below are some tips we believe can help you in making your campaign more personalized:

  • Always listen to your leads. Take note of everything they share with you.
  • Analyze your content data.
  • Focus on web development and design, particularly on creating your landing pages.
  • Adjust some aspects of your landing pages dynamically.
  • Run content surveys to your target leads
  • · Use segmentation methods

5. Improved your Local SEO

Improving your local SEO is one way to boost your nurturing lead campaign. Instead of listing every result out there, search engines like Google uses SEO to record all local search results. That is why you see local construction companies listed if you do a quick search, “construction companies near me.”

If you put effort into improving your SEO, it can help you to attract more of your target leads. Gaining local clients can help you build a reputation in the community, increasing your likelihood of positive construction marketing. Below are some tips you can follow:

  • Set up and update your Google My Business page
  • Conduct Keyword Research and pick the best local keywords
  • Ensure your business’ name, location, and contact info is accurate
  • Add some page lists to your business locations, especially if you have multiple firms.

6. Follow up your leads in a timely manner

Let us talk about the timing. This is perhaps, the most vital of all the tips we shared above and the toughest to get right. It is challenging to reach a prospect at the right time. However, if you are persistent and follow up at the right time, you will reach them eventually when it is the right time for them to avail your service offerings.

Here are a few ways you can follow up your leads promptly:

  • Use CRM – CRM, short for Customer Relationship Management, can be your best friend when nurturing leads. It is a software application used for managing all your company’s existing relationships and interactions with clients and potential customers. Using this software, you can keep track of all your leads in your pipeline and take notes on every conversation you have with them.
  • Craft messages – A significant lead nurturing campaign prepared for content that guides lead from one phase of the sales funnels to the next. You must craft any content, especially personal message, to better manage your existing pipeline. You’ll close more deals for sure.

Let Us Nurture your Leads!


Your construction business needs new viable leads to come in and stay, just like any other type of business. The key here is to attract your target leads with valuable content and strategic plans that leave an impression. If you are unsure where to begin with your lead nurturing efforts, leave it to the experts!

At, our digital marketing services can be the bread and butter of your success. We implement the latest marketing tactics to nurture your leads and have your business thrive in this age of digital transformation.

In a nutshell, our efforts to nurture your leads involved with:

· Discovering who your target leads are and where exactly they are in their buyer journey.

  • Generating quality content tailor-made for your target leads.
  • Segmenting your audience into small categories with the same personas.
  • Use the latest digital marketing tools that do the hard work consistently.

Contact us today! Watch what happens as we focus more on providing value to your leads vs. pushing your leads.