Construction Website Redesign: How Much Does It Cost?

Construction Website Redesign: How Much Does It Cost?

Your construction website is the most essential sales and marketing tool you have that helps you drive leads. It is the central hub of your inbound marketing strategy, and it is the first thing your prospects usually explore before availing of your services or making a purchase. We believe you already understand the value of inbound marketing. And so, we are asking you to step up your game if you want to stand out from your competitors – go for the website redesign.

Having your website redesigned will cost you money. Here in this blog, we will cover everything about website redesigning, particularly its costs. You will discover some essential factors you need to consider, the difference between redesigning your website, and getting a freelancer or an agency.

Important Factors of a Construction Website Design Cost


When determining the type of budget for website redesigning, consider first the following factors:

  • Is this a brand new website or a redesign?
  • Do you need blog content?
  • How prepared are you? Do you have a detailed requirements document?
  • Do you have graphics already created for this website?
  • Do you want your website to resize for tablets and mobile automatically? (This refers to having a responsive design)
  • How much content do you have and how much do you need to create?
  • Do you need other particular features, SEO, social media channels, and anything else?
  • Who will maintain the construction website right after it has been launched?

Make sure to answer the above questions as they can help with your decision to go for website redesigning. There is also another way to break your website redesigning budget down. 

This is to assume:

  • 15% Planning
  • 25% Interface design
  • 40% Programming
  • 20% Project Management

However, when asking about the price or getting a quote, ask about the process. Specifically, ask about what takes the most time and focus, and decide what is the most important to you.

The Cost of Redesigning Your Website


In many cases, taking a construction redesign project by yourself is the cheapest way to go. A lot of contractors have been doing that recently. You only need to pay a few hundred to a few thousand dollars for the website domain, SSL certificate, hosting platform, etc. However, the real cost of redesigning your construction website is the hassle and time.

If you have never had any experience in the website redesigning, you should learn a lot. You can discover a lot of easy-to-operate, affordable content management systems, but they cannot offer many of the functionalities, integrations, and features you need. Perhaps, you can invest in a more comprehensive, complex CMS, yet risk-taking a lot of time learning all the ins nitty and gritty by yourself.

Pros of Redesigning your Website:


  • It is the most affordable option.
  • You can learn a lot of new skills in the process
  • You know your customers and construction company best.
  • You get the satisfaction of redesigning your website by yourself.

Cons of Redesigning Your Website:


  • It takes a ton of effort and time, especially if you are starting from ground zero.
  • It likely would not turn out as what you expected it to be.
  • Basic website builders do not allow for robust features, customization, and functionalities.

The Cost of Hiring Freelancers to Redesign Your Construction Website


Hiring some freelancers typically falls right in the middle of the website redesign price range. You can expect to spend in the mid-thousands to the low tens of thousands. Some freelancers nowadays come with various skill levels and will charge based on their overall experience and project scope. While several freelancers charge hourly rates, others propose a fixed amount.

You can always search for qualified freelancers via freelancing websites, word-of-mouth, referrals, or freelancing websites. The most important thing is to conduct an initial interview with them to make sure they are genuinely a good fit for the project. Otherwise, they might end up being a waste of your money and time.

Pros of Hiring a Freelancer to Redesign Your Website:


  • It is often a happy medium in terms of pricing.
  • You do not need to spend energy and time designing the website all by yourself.
  • You can easily pick who you want to work with based on the experience and skills of these freelancers.
  • They often have portfolios that you can always look at for evaluation and inspiration.

Cons of Hiring a Freelancer:


  • They might be juggling other projects simultaneously, which can be too much and a lot for one single person.
  • They can be a hit or a miss, mainly if you do not conduct an initial interview.
  • They are not in-house talent. Therefore, you need to spend some time informing them about who you are and what you need to do.
  • You still need to spend time telling them your expectations. In terms of SEO and specific functionalities, most freelancers do not offer those major features baked-in. You will have to conduct keyword research by yourself when brainstorming the ideal keywords to optimize for.

The Cost of Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency to Redesign Your Website


Many times than not, hiring a digital marketing agency to redesign your website will cost you the most money. Expect to pay somewhere in the tends-of-thousands range. This may seem so much. However, hiring a digital marketing agency typically ends up being the best choice, the most cost-effective option for what you pay and what you receive.

When you hire a digital marketing agency for your website redesign, you can work together and get access to a team of professionals. These professionals have a lot of experience in all things digital. From user experience, Search Engine Optimization, and Web development to Content Creation, they are capable of doing it all so you can get more bang for your bucks!

You must keep in mind that this is what all agencies do, every single time, day-in and day-out. They already have an established process and marketing strategies. Another single best thing about working with an agency is that they make sure to ask for your approvals throughout the whole process.

Pros of Hiring an Agency:


  • They are able to provide full-range website services, like Content Creation and SEO.
  • You will have access to an entire team of experienced professionals.
  • They ask for your input throughout all stages of their established strategies.
  • You will wind up with the best result possible.
  • · There is an opportunity for outsourcing more online marketing services from them in the future.

Cons of Hiring an Agency:


  • It is typically the most expensive option.
  • Agencies are not in-house talent. So you might need to spend some time giving details about who you are, your business, and what you do and offer.

Should You Get a Quote for Your Website Redesign?


First and foremost, to be clear – a one-size-fits-all website redesign quote is nearly impossible to provide. There are three good points when it comes to getting a quote for your website, just in case you are curious about it.

1. Web development and design must be perceived as a service, not a product. 

It isn’t easy to share the idea that websites are not a commodity. Viewing it as service-based helps you to understand better why a one-off price is not simple to give. It is because building and redesigning a website like yours takes continuous effort and time.

2. Quotes are far too subjective.

There are multiple ways to build a website. You do not believe it? Go out, get a quote and see it for yourself. We can guarantee that you will get many responses from different agencies for your quote. Every agency will have its respective unique process; that is one factor why each of them offers different quotes.

3. There is more than one way to price a construction website

There are two common ways you can end up with a quote or price for your construction website – fixed bid or hourly. For a fixed bid, you can receive a figure like $5000. And with an hourly price tag, you can be paying someone $100 per hour for as long as it takes to complete the projects.

Let’s Talk about Your Construction Website!


We said it before and again that your website will play a significant role in driving leads and sales to your construction business. So, please do not skimp on the development and design portion. If your website needs a better and more responsive design? We can help! Here at, we have a great team of digital marketing experts, all with unique skills, collaborating to design a fantastic website for your business.

While it is stated earlier that one of the cons of hiring an agency is to provide details on your own, do not worry, works exclusively with construction companies. We have a strong background in construction and we are more experienced than any agencies today. Expect to get more leads and sales once your website is redesigned!

We are excited to discuss the current state of your website, your ideal designs, functionalities, and more. Give us a call, or you may contact us online to get started.