10 Proven Ways on How to Drive Traffic to Your Construction Website

10 Proven Ways on How to Drive Traffic to Your Construction Website

Your construction website must be more than just an online brochure. Apart from having compelling pictures, a portfolio section, a great web design, and valuable content, your website should be a lead-generating machine operating non-stop for your business. However, you only had enough web visitors and couldn’t get more viewers. How will you resolve this? 

Depending on how much money you have and how much traffic you expect, you can apply the following ways to get an immediate spike in web traffic. Read this blog to learn more about how you can effectively drive more traffic to your site.

1. Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is a technique that can make your web pages rank very well when commercial or residential clients in your defined targeted area search for a particular construction firm on Google. Local Search Engine Optimization is an organic, natural, and effective tool for driving more traffic to your construction website.

Here are some of the most critical ways to improve your Search Engine Optimization effectiveness:

  • Create business listings on every reputable local business association site.
  • Ensure that your company name, contact details, physical address are clearly displayed on all website pages. 
  • Create listings on both national and local construction industry-related sites and blogs.
  • Set up a Google My Business page and constantly add GMB content about your business.
  • Encourage helpful online reviews of your construction company on popular review sites like BBB, Yelp, Angie’s List, and within the construction industry.

2. Refocus or Diversify Your Target Keyword List

For optimal Local SEO, targeting the right keywords is crucial. Hence, incorporate keywords phrases and keywords into your construction website that match the keywords of relevant users. If you cannot compete with the huge companies regarding top industry keywords, focus more on lower-volume, less-competitive “long-tail keywords”, which still have a higher likelihood of creating a search inquiry. 

For instance, instead of targeting for a high-volume keyword phrase like “Construction Company,” you can target:

  • Top construction companies
  • Major construction companies
  • Local construction companies
  • Commercial construction companies
  • New building construction company

Always expand your keyword focus despite having successful SEO campaigns.

3. Location Landing Pages

Research shows that 50% of local searches are being conducted without a particular brand in mind. It only shows how landing pages have to be considered by anybody who owns a site. So, check out the following three reasons landing pages might benefit you.

  • Do you have multiple physical locations? 

If you have multiple locations, a landing page can provide particular contact details for that location (phone number, address, directions, etc.)

  • Do you serve multiple locations?

If you are located in a large city in the U.S., it’s a goal to rank widely, especially if you serve all suburbs. Hence, consider making landing pages for all the cities you serve.

  • Do you have relevant/unique content for every page?

Quality is always a critical aspect of your page’s ranking. So never waste your time making low-quality pages just for SERPs.

In addition, when making your local landing pages, be sure it is optimized for local search.

4. The Marathon Method

If you are looking to generate some web buzz and maintain a strong and lasting flow of website traffic, blogging is the way to go. In fact, one in ten blog posts are compounding, according to HubSpot, which means organic searches bring more traffic to any site with blog content over time. Another report from the same source stated that these compounding blog posts generate almost 38% of overall web traffic. That’s a substantial amount of traffic.

Not only does content marketing help you optimize your website for specific terms, but it also expands your capacity to get in front of Internet users. Every blog post and even guest post has the potential to be recognized and served in search results, especially when people are looking for the topics covered in your posts. On the other hand, every post acts as an open door anyone can use to enter your site. In this way, the act of content blogging generates more web traffic.

5. The Way of Word of Mouth

Word of mouth referrals is the most certain way to establish your business. This method can be applied to web traffic as well. The least and simplest method for getting people to visit your site is to – tell them directly.

You can send emails to your subscribers sharing your current projects, e-books, blog posts, etc. There are fantastic marketing tools like Mail Chimp and it’s free! You can use it to instantly send email blasts to your prospect lists and current clients. Make sure also to add interesting and useful content to your site. 

6. Organic Social Media

This is not a new strategy, but it is still something you should pay more attention to. Apart from posting on social media platforms, you can use IG stories, IGTV, live video, or Facebook Messenger. The primary key with organic social media is to become an early adopter of new features.

For example, Facebook recently released an automated lead generation feature on Messenger, allowing you to create a mechanical chat-bot experience within Messenger and link it to content from your site. It is an excellent feature for sending traffic to your site.

7. Website Analysis

Before you drive traffic to your construction website, it is crucial to discover and learn more about your target audience. To do this effectively, perform a site audit, analyze your site, and determine where you are gaining and losing visitors. With the information at your disposal, you can easily create the right content to drive more traffic to your website. Try our free website audit to know more about your site performance.

Conducting website analysis is pretty much a complex process. It does focus not only on tactical data collection but also on other aspects. To sum things up, here are your 4-step checklist for every web analysis you take on:

  • Map out your ideal journey
  • Set your goals and intentions
  • Measure what is happening
  • Brainstorm causes and solutions

Afterward, just simply test and iterate until you have dialed in the results you are looking for.

8. Content Creation

Inbound Marketing focuses more on enticing the right people to your business. Creating content through blogging is one of the best ways to attract your target prospects.

To come up with content that can attract the right viewers to your site, you should first understand the buyer persona you are targeting. Once you know your target audience, you can start blogging that naturally attracts them to your site.

But how do you exactly write a great blog post that draws in the right audience? You can follow the five steps below:

  • Determine your buyer persona: Discover more about your target market. Understand the whole thing, from the job title, descriptions to pain points.
  • Conduct SEO research: Ensure to learn what your target audience is searching for on search engines so you can deliver the best content.
  • Write a draft – Start by drafting a post that answers your viewer’s list of questions. Make use of interesting angles to make all your posts stand out.
  • Publish – Publish your blogs on your site. Make sure to optimize every content.
  • Promote – Promoting your blogs is necessary on social media to generate more traffic. In fact, the more traffic a specific post generates, the higher it ranks in search engines.

9. Email List Building

Using your current clients is an excellent way to drive traffic to your site. When you post new blogs, you can promote them to your current followers and subscribers for an instant traffic boost. With content-heavy sites, having repeating readerships is very helpful for traffic goals, lead generations, and conversions. 

To get you started with this method, build first an email list and grow it continuously. Below are some practical strategies you can use:

  • Social media – promoting your blogs on social media, whether a giveaway or special offers, is an excellent way to convert your present followers into subscribers.
  • Content offers – publish blogs that require viewers to share their email addresses to access it fully. Make sure to include CTAs for content offers on your site.

10. Community Engagement

The more online recognition you have, the more traffic you will drive to your site. One way to successfully achieve online recognition is to engage within the market and become more active. You can create an engagement strategy today by involving yourself in Facebook group discussions in your sector, interacting with your current followers on social media, and answering questions on forum websites.

Deadlocked? How We Can Help You to Drive More Traffic Online


Suppose you are to learn nothing about digital marketing and driving traffic. In that case, you should be equipped to start your journey of implementing your marketing strategy or discuss doing so with a reliable digital marketing agency

You always wanted to get that instant bump in traffic for your website and expect to have a long-term strategy. Here at ConstructionMarketing.io, we focus on the concept “How will people find your business online?” We tirelessly work with you to deliver customized online marketing services. We offer various plans that align with your distinctive business needs. 

Unlike so many other agencies, we prioritize client relationships and direct results. Contact us today to learn and discover more about how we can help your construction business.