Google Core Updates

Google Core Updates: Here is Everything a Contractor Has to Know

With almost three trillion searches done online every single year and more than 20 years of history as a search engine, it is no surprise that Google often updates its respective algorithm. In fact, Google started publishing and mentioning the latest Google core updates that they wanted to be excited to launch.

Google core updates make impactful and broader changes to any company’s search algorithm and systems. While many of these launches went unnoticed, core updates will get attention because online users notice their immediate effect on the search results.

So, in light of the newest updates, now is the right time for a detailed breakdown of what a Google Update is and what you, as a construction company and website owner, should be doing.


Google Core Updates Defined


Google Core Updates happen every four to six months, bringing out a period of unstable SERPS (search engine results pages). The real question is, what exactly are they?

Core updates from Google are when Google updates its entire search algorithm. These core updates are some changes to improve the overall search experience while keeping pace with the ever-changing nature of the web.


Common Examples of Google Core Updates


Here are the latest Google algorithm updates that you should know about. We only pick a few latest ones to help you get started with your understanding of these updates. The list is in reverse chronological order.

  • September 2022 Product Review Algorithm Update: The latest algorithm update from Google focuses on providing the best information a searcher can get, especially when looking for products online. Google wants to reward page content with a legit user review, not from AI’s.
  • August 2022 Product Review Algorithm Update: This update focus on the search ranking algorithm. It favors products with review-related content that is helpful to website searches and users.
  • July 2022 Product Review Algorithm Update:  This is an upgrade of the Google product review algorithm released last March 2021. It focused on giving more value to a well-written article that provides more in-depth information to its audience.
  • May 2022 Core Update: This year’s first broad core Google algorithm update is May 2022 Core Update. This update is said to be the first in more than six months. Google stated that it might take up to two good weeks to roll out fully. Moreover, with other past core updates, Google has already made many broader changes regarding how its ranking systems analyze content.
  • March 2022 Product Reviews Update: Google stated the 3rd release of the product reviews update. This update is made to help Google determine high-quality product reviews and reward the sites with better rankings. There are three new bits of advice directly from Google regarding the ranked lists and suggestions for the best products.
  • December 2021 Product Reviews Update:  The main goal of this update was to reward outstanding product reviews in search results. Google aimed to show the users all content that has the best insightful analysis and original search.
  • November 2021 Local Search Update: Google clarified that this global update was the rebalancing of many factors to consider when generating local search results.
  • November 2021 Core Update: The same as all of Google’s core updates, this core update was far-reaching, leading and impacting SEO and websites across all languages. The update tool takes at least two weeks to roll out fully.
  • Link Spam Update: The purpose of this specific update was to nullify spammy links across the website. Any website with spammy links is more likely to impact its rankings immediately.
  • Page Experience Update: Google started using a new set of metrics to understand better how online users perceive the overall experience of a particular web page. In addition, part of the page experience update also includes current ranking signals, such as mobile-friendliness, page load speed, and lack of intrusive ads.


How Often Do Google Updates Happen?


Now, you need to know how often Google Core Updates happen. You must raise awareness about your digital marketing, online presence, and the latest trends. This will put you at a competitive edge against your closest competitors.

In many instances, core Google updates frequently happen times per year, typically every other few months. Google tends to announce many updates a week or a few days before rolling out to the public.


How Google Core Updates Different from Other Updates?


You may start wondering why Google Core Updates should be given vital importance. Google Core Updates are, in fact, different from other updates you come across for various reasons. This includes:

  • Google acknowledges core updates but not other algorithm updates.
  • Google announces core updates, but not other algorithm updates.
  • Google specifically names core updates, but not other algorithm updates.

Moreover, the design of these core updates stands apart from other regular updates rolled by Google. With a core update, Google meticulously tweaks multiple features of its search algorithm in many ways that can make the online search results more helpful and relevant across user intents and industries. These are the noticeable and broad changes versus the many updates that might go unnoticed.


How to Protect Your Website from Google Updates?


While these updates from Google can positively impact your website, these constant updates can be frustrating. For instance, you may go back to square one as you figure out how to reach your target audience because Google has changed something. Do not worry; the good news is these core updates do not target your particular practice. It means if you instantly lose keyword ranking, it is most unlikely due to a piece of content or a specific link.

Even better, Google has curated a list of steps website owners can follow to stay on the right side of the core updates. Here, we outlined three important steps to protect your website from falling in the search rankings.

1. Focus on producing quality content

According to Google, if your webpage or website drops in the ranking right after a core update, it does not mean you need immediate fixing. It only just means that another website is doing a better job answering the user’s questions. So, how can you prevent other websites from pushing you down on the search rankings?

Here is what Google suggests:

  • Answer questions thoroughly.
  • Share original data, insights, and reporting.
  • Provide new and interesting insights about some topics your target audience cares about
  • Do not just copy insights and news from other sources. Add your own expert opinions.
  • Make sure summaries and headings are all helpful and relevant
  • Avoid exaggerated and click-bait headlines and titles
  • Provide quality and value to users

2. Pay close attention to the quality rater guidelines

If you do not know, search quality raters are real people who view Google search results and identify if the websites solve online users’ questions and problems. Google uses this team’s many insights to understand better if the algorithm is working as intended.

So, what do search quality raters look for? Below are some guidelines they follow that we think you should know firsthand so that you’ll become aware:

  • Are ads annoying or distracting?
  • Does the page directly help the users solve a particular problem?
  • Does your content serve a purpose, or does it lessens from the webpage?
  • Is the homepage easier to find from every page on the site?
  • Is the contact and about page easy to find?
  • Do real individuals create the content?

3. Follow E-A-T best practices

Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, short for EAT is a concept crafted by Google to determine which websites are reliable. It is repeatedly referenced in Google Search Quality Rater Guidelines and significantly impacts how well your website ranks.

There are other factors that impact EAT, and these include misleading, imprecise content length and the overall domain reputation.

4. Local Search Engine Optimization Matters

Local SEO can help online users find your construction business now more than ever. In fact, Google has made it easier for website owners to use the new features and tools. Using these tools helps connect with customers, boost foot traffic, accept requests from the target audience, and much more.


Prepare Your Website for Core Updates – Can Help You


You can always prepare your construction website for core updates in many ways. If there is a new and upcoming core update on the horizon, take a few moments to read and understand it. Google usually reveals the purpose of the forthcoming update when announcing it.

For sure, you want to begin right away by reviewing and analyzing Google’s standards, improving it, auditing your content, and attracting links to it. But if you want professional help taking your construction website from the bottom of search results to the top, we can help.

Here at, we have top SEO marketing services and website maintenance that can make your website high-ranking. Today’s core updates will penalize offending websites, and our agency’s goal is to prepare your website for these core updates and prevent your site from engaging in manipulative SEO practices.

Feel free to contact us today.