How Can You Best Position Your Construction Brand

How Can You Best Position Your Construction Brand?

Your construction brand is what makes your business. In this world where thousands and millions of businesses are all vying for their target prospects’ attention, you need to stand out from the rest. Positioning your construction brand the right way will help you beat your competitors regardless of the circumstances.  

Investing in brand positioning will ultimately bring in desirable clients, saving you the endless trouble of having to search for them yourself. And it only means that you will spend less energy, money, and time going after construction projects and customers that will only give you little to no profit margins. 

But before you know how to position your construction brand, you must understand what brand positioning is in the first place. Read this blog to learn what the concept is all about, its importance, and some of the best ways to learn when positioning your brand.

What is Brand Positioning and Why It is Important?


To put it simply, brand positioning is the process of positioning the construction brand in the mind of your target audience. It is typically referred to as your positioning strategy, brand positioning statement, brand strategy. Brand positioning is a critical part of your construction marketing plan. 

There is more to construction brand positioning than making a great impression in the minds of your target audience. The reasons why brand positioning is crucial are as follows:

  • Easily reach your target audience.

Having a clearer brand strategy in place will allow you to efficiently and effectively reach your target audience. Your target audience mainly comprises of your prospects and they will eventually know when they become a subject of your interest. 

  • Justify your pricing

If people know the value behind your services and offerings, you still have to justify your pricing strategies. If you already have a particular position in the market, it is easier for people to understand and know where you stand when being compared.

  • Sets your construction business apart 

Coming up with a good brand position for your construction business allows you to define things like your brand positioning statement and your offerings. It also allows you to fully understand your construction brand, helping you to strategize better how to showcase, market, and communicate to your target audience.

  • Sell your target clients their values.

Contrary to popular beliefs, you’re not just selling a service to your customers. You are selling your client’s values. So put it, clients will buy your service or your value because they cannot find a similar value elsewhere. So basically, you must be selling what your target audience perceives as valuable to them.

  • It allows for more effective decision-making.

When you are very clear about where you stand in the market, it will give you the power to make decisions more efficiently and effectively. And once you know exactly what you need to communicate about, it’s only a matter of crafting messages that resonate well with your target audience. You’re now creating relevant, high-impact, and creative campaigns specific to your audience.

Positioning Your Construction Brand in Seven Ways


We bet you already have faced complex challenges in terms of brand positioning. However, when you have a deeper understanding of your construction brand and where you stand, it is easier to explore more about it and learn how to promote it to your prospects uniquely.

Below are some of the best ways that you may follow to position your construction brand powerfully:

1. Understand how your brand is presently positioned

The first thing you must determine is how your construction brand is positioned in the market. Is there a specific product and service that will make you stand out, or are you just offering what your competitors and other businesses offer?

2. Determine your direct competitors

Once you look at your own business, it is time to look at your direct competitors. Begin with conducting market research through your sales team or thru market keyword research to see which brands come up. This lets you determine other brands in your construction market competing against yours. 

You may also conduct client research and ask your direct prospects about other constructions businesses they somehow considered availing from or if they get services from anyone else in the past. 

3. Look at how your competitors are presently positioned

A great way to research your close competitors is by searching up everything there is to know about them. Check their social media profiles and website and carefully understand their values, the brand tone they used to communicate, and what they offer. It is vital to know what services and products they currently offer to their target audience so that you will have an idea.

4. Examine what values you are providing

If you have not done so already, determining your value is crucial for positioning your construction brand. A client will avail of your services because they see value from what you offer. Now that you already know, you better be sure that your offerings must help solve the problem or make your client’s life easier. 

Ideally, your brand must give your prospects the best solution. You better be doing competitor research to provide you with some insights into what your closest competitors are offering and what areas they fall short. Doing so will help you go in with your value offering as well.

5. Create your brand positioning statement

Now is where you take all the things you have learned about your target market, your brand, as well as your competitors. Try to create the ideal brand positioning statement for your construction business. The brand positioning statement is a one or two-sentence description of what your construction company does and how you are different from the rest.

The idea behind the statement is that it creates a distinct niche in the minds of your audience.

6. Create more effective blog content

When you create all sorts of content, especially your blogs, you will struggle to create content relevant to your construction brand without knowing your construction brand well. It can also be impossible for you to understand your services, showcase how unique you are, or even fully understand what sets you apart from the competition.

Prioritizing your brand positioning means creating more consistent, relevant, and accurate content that communicates well to your target audience. So, create the best and well-research content for your audience. Explore blog topic ideation and determine the best topics to cover. 

7. Adapt to the construction market

Your construction business has to evolve to fit into the ever-changing market and environment continuously. This is very true when you expand into new geographic areas or when your construction brand is no longer relevant to the market audience.

To better adapt to the current construction market, make sure you have a much clearer idea of positioning and promoting your construction business. A strong brand positioning allows you to gain a foothold in the market and compete strongly with other construction brands.

Therefore, it is very important to create a strategy that is unique while keeping in mind the ever-changing strategies, techs, and market landscapes to help your construction brand grow successfully.

The Criteria for Evaluating Your Construction Brand Positioning Strategy


A well-crafted brand positioning statement is a powerful tool in bringing clarity and focus to your marketing strategies, promotional tactics, and advertising campaigns. If being used properly, this particular statement can help you make the best decisions that differentiate your brand from the rest, attract your target prospects, and even win market share in the raging competition.

Here are the fifteen criteria in checking your construction brand positioning:

  • Does it differentiate your construction brand?
  • Does it match client’s perceptions of your construction brand?
  • Does it determine your brand’s unique value to your clients?
  • Does it enable growth?
  • · Does it produce a more precise picture that is entirely different from your competitors in your mind?
  • Is it focused on your core clients?
  • Is it motivating and memorable?
  • Is it consistent in all aspects of your construction business?
  • Is it difficult to copy?
  • Is your brand promises credible and believable?
  • Is it positioned for long-term success? 
  • Can your brand own it?
  • Will it endures counterattacks from your competitors?
  • Does it help you make more strong marketing and effective branding decisions?

Allow us to Integrate Your Construction Brand Positioning to Your Client’s Mind


To better position your construction brand in your client’s mind, you should start taking actions within your business. But here’s the most challenging part – putting up everything that represents your construction brand and listing your brand’s main touchpoints. So, with a critical yet intuitive eye, ask – “Is there anything I can do more to best position my brand?”

Of course, there is! It’s not like 24/7 you give all your time and effort in your brand. We know that marketing isn’t your expertise. And that is the very reason why we exist. We will be your partners! Here at, we help strengthen your company’s online presence, market it much better and craft a memorable construction brand that communicates value to all your clients!

Talk to us today! You can trust us with your branding, digital marketing solutions, marketing campaigns for your construction business.