How Can Your Expensive Construction Services Compete Against Low-Cost Competitors

How Can Your Expensive Construction Services Compete Against Low-Cost Competitors?

Digital marketing for your construction company can be challenging, most especially if your service offerings are quite expensive than others. In the highly competitive construction sector, price is one common objection your target leads will always think about. So, if you do not market your construction services the right way, they will look the other way, fast.

With that being said, the key to effectively marketing your big-ticket construction services is to emphasize the added value and benefits they bring continually. So now, your top goal will be making sure your prospects will not worry about the prices while focusing more on the value.

We know you have been quite uneasy knowing that your competitors offer lower prices with their services. So, for this blog, we will give you some tips on how to deal with your low-cost rivals in the market, including the most important questions you should answer when assessing your closest competitors.

Important Questions You Need to Answer


First, we would like to explain a five-step process in the form of questions to understand the importance of adding value to your services instead of dropping your prices to level your other competitors.

1. Why are your competitors cheaper than you?

This question and its answer will show you some important aspects of your competitors.

  • Do you have higher costs shipping and developing the same value?
  • Is their value smaller compared to yours?
  • Do they finish projects on time despite cheaper service offers?

The answers to these questions shape different possible tactics you will implement if your goal is to stay ahead of the competition without losing profitability.

2. What are your competitors trying to achieve with their cheaper service offerings?

Behind any competitor’s decision is a bunch of reasons. Your job as a contractor is to discover the right reasons behind the decisions of your competitors to go for lower prices.  

  • Are they simply wanting to increase their client base?
  • Are they trying to increase their market share by participating in your present market share?
  • Do they find themselves in a position to decrease the prices to get out of the business simply?

Consequently, the answers to the questions can show you what exactly you have to do, based upon your competitor’s reasons to begin competing on a cheaper pricing strategy.

3. How can you distinguish your service offerings to compete with cheaper competitors?

If you want to compete with cheap competitors effectively, you have to differentiate your services and products on the market. Now, these questions are going to be used when you choose the tactic to increase the value of your offerings instead of downsizing the prices.

You can consider more about possible improvements related to quality, features, additional services, better communication, better customer relationship, and many other things that you can use to increase the value of service offerings further.

4. How can you show and prove to your clients that you are the better choice?

To successfully compete with your cheap rivals, you have to prove to your clients that you are the better option. This is crucial; thus, you have to take this seriously. Why most crucial? Simply because if your clients do not want to see the difference, you cannot expect that your strategy will bring you better profitability.

Build more precise and actionable steps first where your construction company can prove the difference in value. In turn, your target clients will see more of your services as the best choice regardless of the high price.

Five Digital Marketing Tips for Your High-Price Services


Now that you already know the questions you have to answer when it comes to assessing your competitors, we will go over to the next thing we are eager to share: digital marketing tips that can help with your premium services.

In many cases, big-time services come with a much longer sales cycle. So, your target leads might be stuck in the consideration phase of the buyer’s journey for a little while. They are trying to figure out if your company’s premium services are worth the costs. While in this phase, it is essential to keep nurturing them with anything that helps them see more the value of your services.

To begin with, here are the top five of our most effective construction marketing tips for all contractors looking forward to selling premium construction services:

1. Understand your Buyer Personas deeply

Your construction services are not for everyone but some specific people. You need to find the right ones. Hence, determining and understanding your buyer personas will significantly help you target your ideal clients who are more likely to convert.

In the case of marketing expensive services, it is essential to understand your buyer personas’ motivations and pain points fully. You do not need to know who will consider purchasing your premium service offerings and why. It is this information they give you that will nudge the upper hand in communicating the unique value of your construction services.

2. Use Storytelling to Your Advantages

Storytelling is an effective and powerful tool in communicating your construction company’s success and helping clients picture what it’s like to work with you. Crafting stories will make things more personal, pulling in your clients more compare to any cold-call messaging ever will.

Make sure your stories have problems and resolutions that will hit your buyer persona’s primary motivations and pain points. That is the point of storytelling. Telling stories can be done in several ways, but it is most effective when the focus is more on content marketing:

  • Blog content offers
  • Testimonials
  • Case studies
  • Email marketing

Always feel free to get creative with your content marketing. And for as long as your target prospects can envision themselves as the champion of the story, you can be sure to drive in more qualified leads.

3. Highlight Your Key Differentiators

Construction is unarguably a competitive industry. Your goal is to be the first construction company that comes to your target audience’s mind when looking for construction services. Hence, it would help to highlight your key differentiators in every aspect that goes out to them – from paid social media tactics like Google Ads and Facebook, SEO tactics like Keyword Research, to content marketing tactics like emails and blogs.

But the most crucial thing to remember here is always to base your comparisons on value and not price. If your construction services come at a much higher cost than your competitors, “Affordability” is no longer a unique selling point (USP) to your business. Instead, things like sustainable solutions, custom design, and lifetime value might be.

4. Help Clients Visualize What Could Be

In the construction industry, videos and photos are a thing! Your target prospects and clients will make your portfolio of previous works as a basis on whether you are the one they are looking for. When you are offering specialized and premium services, any form of media is the best way to showcase how you stand apart from others.

In a digital sense, this only means you must befitting your construction website and social media, particularly Instagram too! With great videos and images of your latest construction projects. And you will also get bonus points for everything that helps your clients visualize your whole process, from behind-the-scenes footage to before and after photos. You will not need any fancy equipment or photography skills to get it all done – the latest smartphone of your choice and a steady hand are all that you ever need!

5. Consider a Calculator Tool on your Construction Website

Your prospects expect transparency when it comes to actual pricing. And there is no better form of transparency than allowing them to calculate their construction project costs. Not only will they appreciate its interactivity, but they can also see it as a way of opening up a conversation about the prices with you.

Today, calculator tools are becoming a standard website plugin used for various applications. They are generally easy and straightforward to install, and they can help your clients break big projects and expenses down to become more digestible.

If you plan to add a calculator to your website, you better focus on web development. Your website is the first place your clients will judge your business and service offerings. Ensure the best design and functionalities for your website, mainly when adding a calculator tool.

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We have a strong background in construction and have contractor clients who sell premium services at high prices. If you want to sell more of your premium construction services, we are ready to help you. Let’s figure out the best digital marketing strategies that will elevate your business.

At, we are all about helping our customer’s businesses grow. We do a range of online marketing services, from Content Marketing, SEO marketing, Google My Business to Social Media Marketing. Our goal is to deliver you the qualified leads and traffic you need for serious growth! We have a lot of joy doing it.

Rather talk to a person? Feel free to contact us today to take the following steps towards growth.