Google SERP

How Do You Get Your Construction Website on the First Page of Google?

Over 90% of Google traffic usually comes from page-one placements! The page two gets five percent while the page three only gets 1% on average.

This simply means you have to be on the first page of Google if you want to gain new potential leads and construction clients through search and successfully market your brand and services online.

In addition, having a highly visible website and a robust web presence is everything in this internet-centric world. So, it makes sense that a high Google search ranking is key!

In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of appearing on the first page of Google and share some of the best first-page SEO tips you can use. These tips will absolutely help your website achieve its goals.


Benefits of Making Your Business Ranked on the First Page of Google


It is a known fact that getting to the first page of Google captures nearly all the traffic, and the many benefits associated with it include:

  • Higher click-through rates: Always remember, the higher your SERPs results, the greater your click-through rates will be. Most online users these days typically find what they are exactly looking for on the first page of Google. So they do not bother checking the second page. Therefore, when you get your website listed on the first page, many people will keep an eye on your construction business.
  • Better brand awareness: When users find out that your business is listed on the search results’ first page, they can tell you provide a good service. This usually results in better brand recognition, authenticity, credibility, and overall visibility for you.
  • Enhanced industry authority: If you can master Google’s first-page SEO, you will successfully become an industry authority, and your prospective construction clients will put your business at the top of the list. Expect your reputation to soar if you get it on the first page. You will attract many amazing opportunities to grow your construction brand, and certainly, it will be easier for you to stay ahead of your competitors.
  • Generate more leads: Getting the first spot in Google attracts more leads, and your number of leads tends to increase. These people know exactly what they want and are very close to availing themselves of a construction service from you. They are the ones who are most likely to convert into potential leads. They are absolutely real and intent on engaging or purchasing from your construction business.


Tips on How to Be on Google’s First Page


Finally, we are on this part where you will learn about the top ten beginner-friendly SEO tips that can help your business get into the first spot in Google.

1. Develop an expertise of long-tail keywords

You will soon realize that everything is about understanding how people actually make use of search engines to find what they are exactly looking for. You may think they easily enter just one word into the query. In reality, most users online are most likely to enter some phrases.

These phrases are referred to as long-tail keywords, and nearly ninety-two percent of all online searches involve them. Therefore, every business owner like you should master long-tail keywords. When you use long-tail keywords as part of your overall strategy, you can increase your opportunity to attract more targeted, highly convertible traffic.

2. Level up your construction content

Now, hear this out – “Content is king,” and it is very true, especially when it comes to Google. However, it is way more important when it comes to achieving top ranking in the SERPs.

Google has always been in the business of delivering the best possible experience for all its users. Content, on the other hand, needs to be high-quality and relevant because Google favors it. Always create long-form and meaty content that deeply digs into topics your target audience cares about. Most importantly, this content should directly answer some of your audience’s most common questions.

If you level up your content this way, you can definitely get Google’s attention.

3. Explore multiple content formats

Another first-page SEO tip you need to try is to explore different content formats. Nowadays, a good content strategy goes well beyond written articles and standalone website pages.

Online content, in particular, is becoming increasingly diverse. Therefore, it’s smart to incorporate different media types into your current approach. Google loves content that has it all—images, audio, videos, and more. So, always look for other ways to best use them to power up your posts.

4. Target Google SERP features

You probably notice that today’s Google search results are a lot more varied, richer, and more thrilling than they used to be before. SERP now has features you can explore, like knowledge panels, rich snippets, and “people also ask” sections.

Features such as this can give your content many chances to rank higher and catch the eye of any information seeker. So, it is super worth it to learn how to target each one.

Here are a few things you can do:

  • Target feature snippers by directly answering key questions that online users are likely to enter.
  • Adding a structured data markup to your website will help you snag a rich snippet.
  • Adding compelling captions to the images and alt tags can help you land a higher spot in the Google image pack.

5. Focus on user experience

Making online searchers click on your search result on the first page is only part of the battle. As we always say, once you get people’s attention, your content and website should deliver a top-tier, quality experience. This is when keeping your bounce rate low becomes a major priority.

Ensure the meta descriptions and title tags attached to your content precisely match the content itself.

Google expects search results to align with the user’s original intent.

Enrich your content with visually appealing graphics, videos, links, and other features that can add value to your brand and increase your average session duration.

6. Learn from your competition

Learning from your competitors is one of the best first-page SEO tactics you can adopt as a website owner. Whenever you perform a search on your target keywords, make sure to pay attention to the pages that rank higher than yours.

What are your competitors doing that you are not? How can you further improve your content to better compete with them?  You should know if they are targeting a much wider selection of keywords than you are. Perhaps they have a better internal linking strategy that they are working on right now and are crafting long content that specifically addresses more key concerns of online searchers.

The key takeaway here is to learn as much as possible and use it to convince Google that your content deserves the top spot.

7. Make your website responsive and fast

While producing high-quality content is important, your construction website needs to be accessible, user-friendly, responsive, and capable of meeting all the highest visitor expectations. It also needs to be fast.

A slow and clunky website will definitely have visitors who will leave immediately after a few seconds. The ideal load time you must aim for your website is between 0-4 seconds max. In addition, make sure your website is easy to navigate and adaptive on any device, particularly mobile devices.

Your visitors will always be seeking information in a snap. This simply means they always use their tablets, cellphones, or other portable devices.

8. Earn quality backlinks

Over the past years, Google has undergone many algorithm changes and updates. Despite all the changes, high-quality backlinks remain a key ranking signal, and it is clear why.

Backlinks are like a vote of favor and confidence from another website user. They prove that your website is valuable enough to recommend it to their main audience. So, earning a lot of backlinks must be part of your first-page SEO strategy.

To earn more backlinks, here are more tips to follow:

  • Post your high-quality construction content to the most popular channels. The goal is to gain exposure, connect with your audience, and maintain great relationships with others in your sector.
  • Build a backlink catalog by guest posting on other authoritative websites.
  • Regularly check for toxic backlinks that can be hurting your SEO strategy.
  • Remove all of the toxic backlinks you found, ideally before these links have a chance to affect your other Local SEO efforts.

9. Leverage content gaps

While you always keep an eye on your competitors and learn everything you can from watching their moves, your efforts should not stop there. As a brand owner, there are things you may tend to overlook that will rather help you get the first-page spot in Google.

We will discuss content gaps. You must always analyze the search results for your target keywords to identify any content gaps and other opportunities that your competitors may not be taking advantage of. Your content strategy must help you exploit the gaps and ultimately snag the top search spots in Google!

10. Set a content schedule

If you want to consistently rank high in Google search results, you should understand the importance of delivering content regularly. Make sure your website blogs are updated at least once a week and always include your social media feeds.

Set up your content schedule for your construction content. This will help you coordinate everything from your content to the schedule posts. The key to successful content schedule is to manage all of this without sacrificing the quality.


Want to be in the First Spot on Google? Can Help!


There are actually hundreds of factors and strategies that play to get into Google’s first page, and we hope everything we share to you within this blog can help you achieve your target position!

If you are curious about the potential of being on Google’s top page and want to jumpstart right away, our team of experts can help you do so.

We are We are a leading full-service construction marketing company ready to help and assist you in all your marketing needs.

We don’t hope, guess, or assume for the best of your website ranking. We develop a strategy that will guarantee you the first page! Ranking is not easy in the ever-competitive digital landscape, but our talented SEO experts have the inside scoop on all of Google’s secrets.

Our goal is not to only help you get the first spot on Google but also to level up your brand visibility and sends your profits soaring!

Get in touch with us today and allow us to propel your website to the top!