How to Build Your Construction Marketing Plan for 2023

How to Build Your Construction Marketing Plan for 2023

Where do you begin if you want to devise a digital marketing strategy? Until now, it is hard to know what will be a good starting point. On top of everything, it is still a common challenge for businesses of all sizes and types to acquire and retain customers.

As a construction business owner, how will you integrate a plan to strengthen your digital transformation and achieve business growth? It is the perfect time to start planning how to spend your marketing dollars this 2023 or more like it is time to start devising your 2023 marketing plan.

When it comes to marketing planning, you are right when you think there is much to consider. Fortunately, we made this blog as your guide on how to build your construction marketing plan for 2023.


Reasons Why You Need a Construction Marketing Plan


A well-crafted construction marketing plan is very important, especially if you want to thrive and succeed in the digital world. However, do you know why you need it in the very first place? Here, we will cite the most important reasons you must invest in online marketing planning.


1. You have poor digital maturity

Your construction business may need more resources to plan and execute your digital marketing plan. There is likely a huge lack of online marketing skills, making it hard to get along with the competitive digital world.

Assess your digital maturity first. It is a great starting point, and you can even discover some important digital maturity benchmarks you need to track. Partner with a reliable agency like – an agency that is capable of giving you access to different strategies and marketing planning tools, including digital benchmarking, SEO performance, and marketing insight reports, helping you to monitor and keep track of your position in the competitive landscape.


2. You do not fully know your audience online and market share

You may not know until now how important customer demand is for online services. On top of that, you need to learn how everything works in the online marketplace. It is crucial to know your audience online – their profile, behavior, propositions, options for marketing interactions, and many more. Knowing everything about them gives you insights into their demands and expectations.

It also helps you develop more detailed, actionable, real personas required for your customer journey. You can leverage this into your marketing plan when you have complete information about your target audience. 


3. You do not have a powerful online value proposition

 A clearly defined online value proposition tailored to your multiple target customer personas can help you differentiate your service offerings online. And it can also help in encouraging your existing and new clients to engage and stay loyal to your company.

You need a powerful value proposition to attract a larger audience, get many leads, or be on top of others. So, always curate a strong and clear value proposition to get ahead in the competition.


4. You are not integrated but disintegrated

Everybody agrees that digital work best when integrated into multiple media platforms and response channels. It is also worth implementing a combination of traditional and modern marketing strategies. That is why developing an integrated digital marketing plan is ideally suggested so your campaigns work successfully. 

With an integrated plan, it will become easier for you to navigate your campaigns online and determine your marketing objectives.


5. You are not agile enough to catch up and stay ahead

If you look closely at some top brands online, like Google and Amazon, they are all dynamic – devising and implementing new approaches to gain and retain their online audiences.

Be agile enough if you want your business to be the same as these companies. And it would help if you started with your construction marketing plan, where you need to set up your objectives and prioritize certain marketing activities.


6. You are not optimizing

Analytics is present on every company website. However, many website owners must put more effort into reviewing and assessing their website performance. Conducting assessments and audits is necessary for your website. In fact, these implementations are some of the basics you need to adhere to as a website owner. 

Get the top basics right from the start, and make sure to have continuous progress of some key aspects that improve your construction website – like site user experience, website audit, and brand awareness.


Broad Suggestions for Your 2023 Construction Marketing Efforts


Here are a handful of marketing suggestions and ideas we like to share and impart with you. These suggestions will ultimately reinforce your marketing initiatives and overall plan this 2023.


1. Understanding your ever-changing audience

Earlier in the blog, we mentioned your audience and the importance of knowing them personally. Your audience will always be changing. So, if your marketing plan adapts to certain changes, it may stay caught up. It will be smart to re-think your online audience now and then to see what changes are happening about them – their behavior, preferences, etc.

By doing all this, you can fully understand your audience’s needs and offer solutions tailored to them. And this is where website personalization enters the story and makes a huge difference when connecting to your audience.


2. Focus on SEO and PPC for lead acquisition

Time and time again, focusing on SEO and PPC yields the best ROI for any business, especially in construction. If you already have a fixed marketing budget, you can replace some portions of your PPC budget with additional SEO and content marketing initiatives. It is very timely to do so, especially if you start seeing more progress from your chosen traffic channel and organic search.

SEO continues to be a necessary part of any digital marketing plan. The latest Google algorithms will favor web pages that are way beyond helpful. And when the SEO best practices are implemented, Google will most likely select your website more than the rest.


3. Social Selling

By definition, social selling is the main practice of connecting with the audience vis social media channels. Social media is popular and known to be a powerful tool for the majority of businesses across different industries. As of April 2023, 59.9% of the world’s population are social media users.

If you are looking to boost and improve your brand perception and communicate with your target customers in a deeper level, social media selling is the answer. If you have a sales team, have them engaged with your main audience by liking, tagging, commenting, and talking to them via multiple social media channels. Facebook is the most widely used platform worldwide, with 90% overall.

Social media selling is not just great for improving your brand perception but also effective in building long-term relationships with your existing clients and showing your prospective clients that you are trustworthy and they can rely on your services.


4. Take advantage of LinkedIn Marketing

Using your LinkedIn company profile is another great asset for your construction marketing plan. You can use marketing to start social selling, posting organic content, and paid advertising. As a B2B company, you can widely benefit from LinkedIn marketing.

A great way to begin is to make sure that your LinkedIn company profile is optimized. 


5. Start trying influencer marketing

Most companies like yours are hesitant, to begin with influencer marketing. But as a construction business owner, how will you know if it is worth the investment if you’re not going to try it firsthand? 

For sure, you are used to seeing many influencers on social media channels like Facebook and Instagram. Some amazing educated and insightful influencers can also be found on YouTube and LinkedIn. These influencers can help your construction company in front of a large yet specific online audience. They will post content and video associated with your company, helping you widen your reach and get more leads. 

Influencer marketing is such a game changer when convincing people how credible and reliable businesses are.


6. Goal Setting using SMART guidelines

So many companies today go forward with their campaigns without real goal setting, which will not work and is not helpful at all, especially when tracking long-term success. As a business owner, always measure your marketing success with quantifiable metrics, set your goals straight, and follow the SMART guidelines. 

SMART stands for:

  • Specific: Create clear goals and define your objectives for your marketing campaigns. 
  • Measure: Decide how to measure your goals. Define the performance benchmarks that you want to use for your objectives. 
  • Achievable: Make sure your marketing goals are achievable. You must use reliable data to assess your marketing objectives and ensure they are attainable. As a starter, you can learn statistical information and how it works in your campaigns.
  • Realistic: Your marketing goals have to be realistic. So, ensure your current strategies can help you achieve your campaign objectives. 
  • Time-bound: Determine the timeline of your process. Make sure to create a realistic and actionable timeline that perfectly aligns with the extent of your marketing goals.


Transform Your Marketing Plan with


To sum it up, many proven ways exist to create an effective and winning digital marketing plan for your construction business. Hopefully, all of the ideas and suggestions we impart to you in this blog can transform your marketing efforts way better than what you expect this 2023.

If you want to transform your construction marketing strategy for the better with instant results, come partner with us.

Here at, we are a full-service digital marketing agency offering support and insights from marketing research, strategy, and planning phases to the implementation of your campaigns and between marketing activities. Our team of marketing experts will drive leads and more marketing opportunities for your construction business. 

We have a strong construction background and take pride in our many partnerships in the industry.

Contact us today if you want to get to know more about us.