How to Conduct Keyword Research Like an SEO Pro

How to Conduct Keyword Research Like an SEO Pro – A Guide for Contractors

For sure, you have already heard this many times – Keyword Research is crucial to ranking well in the search engines. This strategy makes sure that your content is aligned with whatever your target audience is currently searching for. As a contractor, how do you go exactly about it? Here is the secret, anybody can become an SEO pro, especially a contractor like you. SEO pros learn so hard on their job, and you can do it too!

If your construction company creates content but does not have any active strategies, you are driving blindfolded. Learn and start integrating SEO tactics to demonstrate a measurable impact on your business.

Do You Really Need to Worry Much about Keyword Researching?


Keyword research provides insights into what problems your target clients could be facing and what solutions they are looking for. This SEO strategy helps you to:

  • Curate useful blog content that has not yet existed on your construction website: By simply conducting this tactic, you will discover exactly what questions your target clients ask. The next steps will be to understand the searcher’s intentions better and create relevant content that can provide the best solutions to every question/query.
  • Keyword-optimize existing content: Knowing what keywords your possible clients use to optimize your content for them and search engines.
  • Restructure your web architecture: No matter the size of your construction website, a thoughtful structure creates a seamless and intuitive user experience that both search engines and visitors will love. So, invest in web development and design to have a well-functional and appealing website. It always pays to take a better look at your website.

Five Steps to Conduct Keyword Research

Here is a five-step process we prepare for you to conduct your own keyword research.


1. Brainstorm

Before you even start analyzing, use your knowledge to brainstorm what phrases and keywords are most relevant to your construction company.

  • Brainstorm with your team: Have a meeting with your team to brainstorm and list all possible personas.
  • Performing Keyword Research: This is to determine personas. You should use keyword tools here. We will share a list of these tools in the section below. So, read further.
  • Analyzing existing profiles and inquiries of your clients: Looking thru your previous customer inquiries helps you identify personas.
  • Conducting market survey: Invest in paid market research data to conduct surveys with 3rd party and current customers.

2. Prioritize Keywords

Assuming you already have prepared an organized keyword list used to map-related content, which keywords do you start prioritizing first?

To decide on which keywords to prioritize first, you need to look first at some of the following factors:

  • Keyword difficulty: How competitive are some keywords? How difficult is it to rank a particular keyword?
  • Search intent: How is the searcher avails of a service based on his/her query.
  • Search volume: The number of people searching for a certain keyword.

3. Find out Your Competitor’s Target Keywords

If you want to stay ahead of the game while keeping up with the competition, exploring where your competitors are thriving and where you’re falling behind is a great way to go. You can:

  • Research what keywords your closest competitors rank for.
  • Discover current content pieces that rank for valuable keywords, generating the most organic traffic.
  • Discover relevant keyword gaps that the competitors rank for, but you don’t.
  • This targeted approach enables you to use your competitors’ success and score some of the website traffic by yourself.

4. Constantly Review Your Construction Keywords

You should be reviewing your keywords constantly and make way for any improvements. If you do not practice this, you are risking and wasting your time and funds trying to rank for keywords that are not giving you more effective results. If your keywords are too broad, look closer at more specific terms.

Take note that using misleading keywords can significantly damage your online presence. Google will also lower the ratings of your website, which can decrease your online visibility and affect the reputation of your business. You have always wanted your business to be as trustworthy and honest as possible to retain and gain new customers.

5. Use QA websites and Forums

One less known secrete for keyword tactics is this – you can discover “hidden” keyword gems within QA websites and industry forums. Do this thing on your own by exploring relevant construction topics in social media, forums, and QA questions like Quora and Reddit.

Active conversations from any direct stakeholders can help you understand what topics are important to your target clients. You can also discover thoughts and opinions about your services, significantly where you can improve. It is no secret that many people love to complain, and forums are familiar places for everybody to gather and look for solutions.

Using QA sites and forums to your advantage is an excellent way to:

  • Gain insights into your prospective clients and the interests of the stakeholders.
  • Discover brand new keywords that you might not have been able to come up with.
  • Read through the forums to discover secondary keywords relevant to your blog content.

Keyword Research Tools Helping You to Find the Right Keywords


There is immense importance and difference when you use keyword tools. These are the only tools you ever need to find the right keywords for your business. Using a keyword tool is more effective and makes sure that you are targeting the best terms.

Some keyword tools we will share with you right now are an investment, while others cost nothing. Here are the top keyword research tools on the market today.

1. Ahrefs Keyword Explorer

Ahrefs is a powerful SEO toolkit that can perform Keyword Researching and a lot more. The main features of this SEO tool are as follows:

  • Competitor Analysis
  • Keyword Research
  • Rank tracking
  • Backlink research
  • Content research

2. GrowthBar

GrowthBar is a Chrome extension, not an application or software like most of the other keyword tools on the list. The main benefit to this is that you will get a lot of information you need, like the following below:

  • Monthly volume
  • Keyword difficulty
  • Backlink analysis
  • Monthly Volume
  • Suggested Keywords

3. Moz Keyword Explorer

Moz is one of the most established and longest SEO software providers globally, dating back to 2004. When you avail of their subscription, you can get access to their:

  • Keyword research tool
  • Competitor analysis tool
  • Backlink analysis
  • Detailed reporting features
  • Rank tracking software

They will also offer a free Chrome extension that displays some information and competitor analysis data within the Search Results Page.

4. Google Search Console

This tool is a free resource provided by Google that will give you many insights into how your website is performing. Most of these insights will be in retrospect when used as the keyword tool. This is because you can look at all the keywords without branching out into other topics.

Here are some of its benefits:

  • Free to use
  • Accurate keyword data direct from Google
  • Provides many insights into other aspects of how your blogs are performing

5. Google Ads Keyword Planner

This is where many keyword tools nowadays pull their seed data. Google will provide the estimated monthly search volumes for target keywords within the planner so you can use the data to bid on keywords. A keyword planner is an exceptional tool for looking for keywords and checking search traffic.

6. Keywords Everywhere

This essential Chrome extension can add metrics next to keywords via search results. With this Chrome extension, you can track:

  • Cost per click
  • Monthly search volume
  • AdWords competition

7. has some excellent functionalities other tools do not offer, like enabling you to do Keyword Research for several social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and more. Here are the pros of this keyword tool:

  • An excellent tool for generating a group of long-tail keywords
  • You can conduct keyword research apart from Google.

Find the Right Construction Keywords for Your Business Niche


Let’s talk now about your niche? Are you paying attention to it? The more defined your construction business niche, the easier it will be to find the keywords you will need to rank better online. Next, you can spend more time creating blog content using these specific keywords to get your construction website more organic traffic and produce enough leads for your business.

Your construction company’s niche can be:

  • Price
  • Demographic
  • Psychographic or how people think and feel about your service solutions
  • Sector

Regularly optimizing your construction niche will be much easier to acquire quicker results if keywords are more specific but less competitive. If you are a local construction business trying to gain more traffic, we suggest you narrow down the area for a much higher chance of being noticed by potential clients within the region.

Automate Keyword Research with


Keyword researching is nothing but a tedious process and can take weeks or months to execute. However, it creates a robust foundation for your on-page SEO activities, providing you insights into your customer intent and behavior. The guide we prepared for you above streamlines your keyword analysis activities and enables you to perform effective keyword research fully.

But if you cannot commit to any SEO tactics, we are ever-ready to help you. Here at, we use the latest marketing tactics to support your SEO marketing strategies. We are a full-service digital marketing agency ready to commit to our client’s marketing needs.

Contact us today. We are excited to hear a lot from you!