How to Craft a Brand Voice as Unique as Your Construction Business

How to Craft a Brand Voice as Unique as Your Construction Business?

A customer who feels strongly connected to a brand is often loyal. That often results in repeat sales and recommendations. The significant importance of crafting a unique brand for your construction business is that it will help you set yourself apart from the aggressive competition. What is not properly discussed as much, though, is the major importance of crafting/developing your brand voice. Know that how you choose to communicate your brand’s core messages is just as impactful as the messages themselves.

So, in this blog, we will detail what a brand voice is and why it is essential and explain how to discover yours – so you can develop the unique personality helping you turn first-time clients into loyal fans!

What is a Brand Voice?


How a brand speaks to its target audience is called a brand voice. It is the personality behind your business and the persona your brand projects. In many ways, a brand’s voice sits at the core of your customers’ relationship with your business. It fosters community and connection and can even instill more confidence in your service offerings.

Developing a brand voice for your business sets your construction company apart from the competition, even if you exist in the same service categories or offer the same offerings. It can significantly influence how your target clients perceive your construction business, create connections, build trust, and allow people to determine your voice amongst the noise efficiently.

Brand voice matters because of the following advantages:

  • It influences perception
  • It sparks recognition
  • Builds trust
  • Creates connection

In Discovering Your Construction Brand Voice 


We prepared a comprehensive branding questionnaire designed to help you get a much better understanding of what it is that defines your brand, setting it apart from your competitors. This questionnaire includes a range of questions, including the following:

1. What is Your Brand’s Key Message and Mission Statement?

Before you can figure out how you want to communicate to your target audience, you need first to determine what you should want to communicate with them. What is the most critical thing you want your target customers to know about your construction brand?

Once you have answered this question, deciding how to best share that information will come much easier.

2. What is Your Brand’s Target Audience?

Determining who you are speaking to is the most crucial thing to consider when crafting your brand voice. Take note of the difference between middle-aged folks and young clients. Both of them have a different response to your brand voice. This is an essential factor you have to consider in the construction sector.

Though, in many ways, developing your brand voice is a process of discovery. It requires you to understand your construction brand’s audience, message deeply and differentiating factors to establish a voice that aligns with all of those things.

3. How will you describe your construction brand?

If someone you know asked you to describe your brand, what would you say? Take note of that. In fact, the voice you will use to describe your brand to someone you are targeting is most likely to be the voice you should adopt. That will be your brand voice. At the very least, it is an excellent place to start.

4. Who can define your brand voice?

As the founder and owner of your construction company, no one is going to be better positioned to define your brand voice than you. But great results do not happen overnight. So, we suggest that you should consult with those who truly understand your brand and its core mission as you go about developing your brand. But who are these people? They are none other than experts from a digital marketing agency like

If you struggle to determine your brand voice, we can help you with that! We can develop a brand voice that isn’t just unique but will serve your construction company’s goals!

Ways in Developing Your Brand Voice


We believe you now have a solid understanding of what your brand voice looks like. So, it is high time to begin developing/crafting a unique brand voice for your business.

1. Define your target audience

The most important aspect of determining your brand voice is the target audience you will be conversing with. One good practice to better understand your target audience is to create models of your ideal clients. What does your target client’s expectations? What are their professions? What are their most common concerns? What are their pain points?

Keep going with such questions until you have already created a complete prototype of what type of individual your ideal client is.

2. Create a brand style guide

There is a guide for your brand style, it’s like a book of rules on every single thing that makes up your brand voice. It can help maintain consistency in your blog content. Follow the tips below in creating your brand style guide:

  • Include any details about your construction brand like your vision, mission, values, audience, goals, and competitors.  
  • Clearly define your construction brand’s tone, style, and attributes.
  • Include some samples of your content that represent your construction brand.

3. Identify the values of your construction brand

Define the values of your brand and the core purpose of your communication. This must be formed by the core values of your company. Determining your core values will help you shape the community surrounding your construction brand. It also ensures that you connect with your clients.

To define your core values, begin by answering the following questions below:

  • Why was your company set up?
  • What makes your brand unique?
  • What values do you prefer to share with your target audience?
  • What do you stand for as a construction brand?

Go publish these core values to your construction website. This is one of the sites/platforms where your target audience can learn more from your brand. We expect that you already have a well-designed website. If not, it is high time to invest in web development and design from a digital marketing agency like

Our goal is to help you make a good impression on your target leads by giving your website a fresh new look!

4. Choose the suitable topics

With your construction brand voice and tone in place, you might think you can write about anything related to the construction industry under the sun. It is a big mistake on your part. You must research topics and subjects in line with your brand’s mission, goals, and values.

If your construction company offers commercial construction services, you must develop or curate content related to these services. If you are confused about what topics to write about, learn the art of blog topic ideation and generate various ideas as much as you can.

5. Include your construction brand’s tone of voice

The tone of your brand is how the character of your construction business comes through in the words you write and speak. It is not about what you say but how you say it, including the impression it creates on your target audience. Consistency in a brand voice is crucial because it defines your construction company culture, speaks directly to your target customers, and becomes a remarkable representation of all your company has to offer.

You should care about the tone of voice first and foremost. Here are some of the common advantages of developing an effective tone of voice:

  • It helps you cut thru. You will sound different from your competitors.
  • It conveys humanity. People like brands that show off warmth and approachability.
  • It effectively replaces face-to-face communication.
  • It significantly builds authority. Positioning your brand voice leads to trust and authority from your target leads and even your stakeholders.
  • It gives you focus. This helps you analyze your company’s identity further to get to the central core of what you can offer to your target customers.
  • It makes you a lot different. Many brands today have not taken a perspective approach to how they utilize their brand language.

6. Conduct market research

Market research is ever more crucial in construction. So, make sure to conduct it. Market research in construction helps you uncover insights into business and consumer behavior. These insights can help you determine and build your brand voice. Your construction brand voice can be based on the following:

  • Market opportunity
  • Market entry, sizing, and feasibility
  • Construction Best Practices
  • Competitor insights and reactions
  • Market landscape insights
  • Go-to-market strategies

Amplify Your Brand Voice with


Discovering your brand voice is critical for developing an overall branding strategy that speaks to your target clients. As you develop your brand voice, remember that it is a core part of your company’s personality online. This is the basis of how you speak to your target audience and how you exactly make them feel.

At, we are pros at helping construction companies develop their branding guidelines as beneficial as possible. We can fine-tune your company’s branding in a way that is sure to improve your bottom line further.

Contact us today and let together craft your brand voice!