How to Dominate the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) – A Guide for Contractors

How to Dominate the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) – A Guide for Contractors

SEO is an all-changing beast. No one can ever debate about that. And today, the goal is more than being found in the SERPs. As a new contractor in the digital world, you must take the primary option for your target audience searching for what you offer.

So, where to get started? While there are many algorithm updates and enhancements, many Local SEO tactics are still effective and can always be put into practice. We will all cover these tactics in this blog. So, read further to discover and learn more.

What are SERPs?


SERP, or a search engine results page, is the web page that any user can see right after a search query into a search engine like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. These big companies target search engine results to align with the user’s current search query. However, many ranking factors account for these results to appear on the SERP.

A huge percentage of search traffic goes to Google. This means that the typical SERP is the Google SERP. Moreover, Google Search Results pages show many types of results, like paid results (where advertisers pay for via Google Ads), organic listings (sorted by Google’s algorithm), Google image results, shopping results, video results, and news articles.

As a contractor, it is crucial that you have basic knowledge about SERPs to understand how it works.

How Do SERPs work?


Curious about how SERPs work? It works by matching a certain search query to text, images, videos, and metadata from various web pages. That is why when you have your website done, make sure your chosen web developers should provide your web pages with the correct title tags, meta descriptions, and headings within a page.

Search engines like Google use this content to match the pages to search queries and deliver a much better user experience for the top searchers. A SERP attempts to organize search queries into three categories:

  • Informational queries: Users looking for knowledge from a particular topic perform this query. A SERP for this inquiry may show a Wikipedia article. It may also show educational websites or YouTube videos.
  • Transactional queries: Searchers performed transactional queries when they wanted to purchase something or avail something. For such queries, a SERP may show the retailers’ web pages. Well, in this case, it can be your construction website since you are offering your services. A SERP for transactional query also showcases site links that will take users to your website’s page. For instance, the site link can take them to a certain page citing your contact details, address, and business hours.
  • Navigational queries: This query helps users find a specific website when they do not know its full URL. For example, some building owners type a construction firm near their place. Automatically, the SERP will show them the construction firms’ websites near them.

Eight Strategies to Dominate SERPs with Better SEO


If you are new to SEO and want to make some impactful changes to dominate SERPs, especially Google, the following tactics below are an excellent place to start.

1. Targeting Long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords are more specific and more extended compared to usual target keywords. These keywords typically have lower search volume compared to shorter keywords. In addition, they can be beneficial as they can show you what the users are searching for and the why.

So, how can you successfully integrate long-tail keywords in your blog posts? Take note that you cannot just stuff your present content with lots of keywords in the hopes that they will work. Instead, you should be following the step-by-step approach below:

  • Set clear content marketing objectives.
  • Create buyer personas to understand user intent further.
  • Do some research and pick long-tail keywords of your choice.
  • Write relevant content.

Here, the goal is to incorporate long-tail keywords more naturally and effectively into your blog content. So ensure that you follow the step-by-step approach above.

2. Use Keywords in Alt Text for the Image

 Alt text, also known as alternative text, is a concise description of a certain image. Alt-text is used in three significant ways:

  • Context: When the image cannot load onto the page, the alternative text appears as a substitute to provide context to users.
  • Accessibility: Alternative text is read aloud with a screen reader to every visually impaired user.
  • Search Engine Optimization: Search engine crawlers use alternative text to help them index the image properly.

Make sure you use alt texts because as the internet becomes more and more accessible, Google’s algorithm too. This means that any accessible websites are highly prioritized over their non-accessible counterparts. So, the more accessible your website will be, with alt texts in your images, your website will have more potential for traffic.

3. Use Keywords in the Headers

 When placing some keywords in the header, you are signaling to search engines as well as to the users that these keywords have significant importance. And just as the table of contents provides contexts to all users, keywords placed in the headers can do the same for search engine bots, especially in Google.

This does not mean forcing any keywords where they do not fit. You need to consider the user experience before adding relevant keywords. This includes some variations of your target main keywords as an effective way to avoid keyword stuffing.

4. Focus on Great UX

 Beyond great content and the right keywords, you need to consider the experience your users will have from start to finish. Google considers many factors when ranking your construction website, one of which is the time spent on the page. This is usually called the dwell time. If the users are bouncing from your web page within seconds of arriving, it signifies to Google that it’s not the type of content they are searching for.

5. Use Internal Links

As mentioned above, Google considers dwell time on the page whenever ranking your website. Another similar metric is dwell time, which informs the Google algorithm. The longer the users stay at your construction website, the further into the sales funnel they are most likely to go.

Here are two critical steps in increasing time spent on your website:

  • Write in-depth, engaging content.
  • Link to relevant internal content.

When you try to link internal content, you’re driving your users deeper into your website. This further increases the odds of them interacting with your content more meaningfully.

6. Exclude Spammy backlinks

It used to be that backlinks are the hidden treasure of SEO. Today, it is still true that backlinks are still a big factor and relevant for search engines. However, the quality of these backlinks is considered more important than ever before.

And just as you examine the sources you reference in your blog content, so should you inspect backlinks. This includes the websites you are linking to and the sites being linked to your blog content.

7. Use Subject Matter Experts

An EAT score is a crucial factor when determining a page’s quality. If you still don’t know what EAT means, it stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trust. You do not have to be an expert on the topic you are writing about. However, you must still dig deeper to create great content with a higher EAT score.

Whether you are creating industry-related content or about your services, you can still look at the subject matter to get some ideas.

8. Focus on the “Top of the Funnel” Keywords

There are three main phases of the funnel. These are awareness, consideration, and decision. So, when speaking and relating to the top of the funnel, these are the keyword phrases that grab the attention of your prospective clients. Also, these keyword phrases are meant to build a certain level of awareness around a specific topic. They can also draw the reader in without expecting them to take action.

But what do these keyword phrases look like? These keywords seem like phrases and answer more general questions about specific topics. We suggest you focus more on these keywords. By simply focusing, you are doing two things:

  • Reaching more to a bigger audience.
  • Drawing more users in earlier during their research process. Can Help You!


As much as things constantly change when it comes to SERPS, one thing remains consistent – relevant and quality content with the best SEO practices is a solid place to start.

And with the strategies we cited above, you are sure to dominate the SERPS! If you want a sure win, you can partner with us! Here at, we have updated our Digital Marketing SEO services to keep our clients ahead of the curve. We are confident that dominating the SERPS begins with the right SEO tactics, excellent quality content, and experienced SEO specialists.

Our SEO services do more than help to improve your search ranking. It is designed to drive traffic to your construction website and more qualified leads to your construction business. Get all details about our SEO services. Contact us today, and let’s start dominating the search results!