How to Successfully Integrate Your Traditional and Digital Construction Marketing

How to Successfully Integrate Your Traditional and Digital Construction Marketing?

Long-term businesses like construction require transformations, innovations, and taking risks. This particular principle drives any business owner to embrace the latest strategies, high-tech standards, and services to ensure they do not fall behind in the digital economy.

Unfortunately, integrating the latest techs and strategies typically comes at the expense of eliminating traditional tools, a possibly costly mistake. What you do not know is that traditional marketing is still considered a valuable asset for any B2B organization.

And as new tools emerge, the art of integrating traditional marketing with digital marketing is absolutely worth mastering. Read this blog to discover the many ways to combine digital and traditional marketing. 

Traditional vs. Digital Marketing


Traditional marketing is more of a conventional form. It is commonly used to reach a semi-targeted audience with the use of advertising and offline promotions. Broadcast, direct mail, print, outdoor, telephone, and telemarking are some of the most popular traditional strategies that fall under this broad category.

On the other hand, digital marketing refers to online activities involving different technologies on the Internet. Faster mobile and broadband connections, new online platforms, and the latest smartphones are the reasons why digital marketing is possible. Email marketing, SEO, Keyword Research, and social media posts are commonly used online marketing strategies these days. 

There are so many ways to combine these two strategies. Doing so yields higher returns and is very effective when dealing with your target audience.

Marry Your Traditional Marketing to Digital Marketing


Intent Data + Cold Calling

There is an ongoing debate about cold calling and whether it is still an effective strategy. When the intent data is being added to the mix, the cold calls of yesterday may become the warm calls of tomorrow. By seamlessly integrating data into the cold calling processes, you can reach high-qualified prospects while contacting the least promising contacts.

By signaling which prospects are most likely to convert, the intent data makes cold calling more efficient. So before making a call, you can use intent data to determine:

  • The prospects that are looking for your services.
  • What other solutions and services may they be considering.
  • How to address and assess the prospect’s specific needs.
  • What context may clues be telling about the readiness to buy?

Armed with crucial information, your sales team, if ever you have, can see conversion rates skyrocket. You and your team have so much to learn about your prospects. Never miss any detail about them and their needs.

1. Print Media + Deep Media Nurturing

A hands-on business owner understands the value of developing and nurturing client relationships at all stages. That is why it is important to cultivate a customer-focused mindset aligned to drive more and more sales at low costs, adapting to the shifting of the client’s journey accordingly.

Take a step further by expanding lead nurturing beyond the digital space. Nowadays, running ads in digital magazines with the premium programmatic display is becoming a popular deeper media nurturing tactic.

2. Combining Social Media and Traditional Marketing 

The combination of social media and traditional marketing can be incredibly instrumental in building brand loyalty and ROI. Your company brand can use conventional marketing methods to deliver increased brand recall effectively. Then, social media will provide a much necessary brand loyalty.

Additionally, keeping your target audience hooked up with relevant and valuable blog content improved your brand’s reputation. Possible clients will be attracted and associated with your brand that provides both quality services and engaging content. Today, there are many social media platforms where you can engage more with your target audience and share your blogs and other company details and services.

LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are among the most popular social media channels used today. Make the most of your social channels, and ensure to engage regularly with your viewers.

3. Use Geo-Targeting when Marketing on Billboards

 Geo-targeting is involved with the data of any user’s location. A particular IP address typically determines this. You can apply geo-targeting to optimize your marketing’s campaign’s performances fully. This is very applicable, especially when you are considering billboards to place your construction company’s advertisements. 

By pinpointing prospect locations, geo-targeting gives you a much better understanding of the client’s journey maps and personas, enabling you to advertise content that is most likely to be seen and remembered. 

The perfect location is within the vicinity of your target audience. Make sure to be planned everything and become more strategic because it is necessary. A great business owner uses geo-targeting in a very effective way. It is their main compass as it leverages location data and is a powerful strategy for content outreach.

4. Direct Mail and Lead Nurturing

While lead nurturing is critical to conversion rate optimization, the standard volume of online exchanges raises the odds that digital communications end up in digital spam. Augmenting lead nurturing using direct mail is an effective strategy to hedge against the digital message drowned out by the endless volume of online content.

It may seem like a blast from the past, but this strategy effectively works. Make sure to give your viewers something relevant and with a value that helps your brand stands out from the rest. The endless personalization opportunities that direct mails entail can go a long way toward establishing trust by speaking immediately to your prospect’s needs.

5. Have a strategic vision of your marketing

Take a step back and carefully plan your integrated marketing efforts before heading to any execution (digital or traditional). You must also first decide how you want to position your construction company in the market based upon its unique propositions and your ideal clients. 

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I know enough of my prospects, current clients, and the market itself?
  • Do I make informed decisions based on what the right marketing approaches have to be? 
  • Do I need to do some market research?

6. Integrate Direct Mail with social media marketing and website

People still appreciate receiving letters and any promotional leaflets through the mail. Many folks are still enjoying thank you notes for availing services and welcome hand-written invitations to any business events. Sending hand-written missives can increase loyalty and elevates attitude towards your brand. It generates worth of the mouth. Hence, consider direct mail as an additional tool for promoting your construction business.

Integrate your direct mail with your construction website by including relevant content that shares a clear message across various platforms. Additionally, invest in website development and make sure to have a great web design to attract your viewers. Lastly, link your direct mail to your site so recipients can scan it immediately using their smartphones.

7. Follow up online forms 

Today, many business owners encourage their clients to fill out online surveys whenever they ask for more information about them or feedback. This is very useful since you can tailor your services and products to individuals and groups after learning more and more about them. Feeding this info to your marketing programs provides opportunities to tailor messaging, resulting in higher performance.

But, rather than feeding back to the clients thru social media, you can ask them directly through phone and email. You will have the opportunity to thank your client and talk to them more. This is especially essential, especially when the clients indicated some degree of dissatisfaction and issues with your services.

Surveys are done before on a sheet of paper. But right now, you can quickly post it online and send it to anyone. It is obvious there’s a mixed combination of traditional and digital in this strategy.

8. Go beyond local

The goal of integrated marketing is to generate new clients and opportunities further. If you have a sales team, they are being helped with these tactics in warming up discussions even before the contact is made. Nowadays, clients from outside any local market will be able to find you online and will know more about the construction services and products you offer. In addition, even your competitors too.

Why You Need an Integrated Digital Marketing Campaign?


As previously stated, it is now a highly digital and incorporated world and business owners like you who are trying to succeed with your brands, services and products have to adopt similarly integrated and digital services to make a massive difference in this competitive industry.

Moreover, times are changing, but traditional marketing strategies still have much impact and effectiveness. As a competitive construction business owner, you will go for the most effective methods that can give you faster ROI and high revenues. However, you will not achieve this by just sticking to one single strategy and channel. This is why integrated digital marketing strategies are highly suggested.

Implementing a multi-channel and integrated digital marketing strategy can weave great wonders into your online presence as well as the future of your construction business. And will help you understand why you have to. 

Talk to us today and allow us to help you achieve your integrated marketing goals!

Key Takeaways

Reap the best of both worlds by seamlessly incorporating your traditional assets and new channels. By integrating both of these strategies, you can attract more clients in their preferable way. You can also motivate your marketing and sales teams and increase your chances of obtaining your business goals.