Landing Pages – Why Your Construction Business Needs Them

Landing Pages – Why Your Construction Business Needs Them?

In today’s modern and advanced world, having a strong online presence is crucial to your construction business’s success. By having a social media presence and using a construction website, your business can get the audience’s interest and prospective clients, increasing your sales while expanding the online reach. 

But have you heard about landing pages? A landing page is another digital tool often implemented to attract customers to services/products. And when you create a landing page on your website, you instantly separate yourself from the fierce competition. 

Wanted to know more? This article will further explain what a landing page is, why it is essential for your construction business and some of the best tips/practices for creating the best landing page for your website.

What are Landing Pages?


Landing pages are a significant element of a successful SEO and digital marketing campaign. Whether you are a contractor who wants to expand your market research or promote your service offerings, an SEO-optimized, and user-friendly landing page can help you accomplish your business goals. 

To put it simply, landing pages will give your website visitors an initial look or review of what your brand is all about. Taking that glimpse will provide your website visitors with enough understanding to impact their decision-making process.

Landing pages are particularly effective and undoubtedly irreplaceable in terms of particular uses, like:

  • Promoting last calls on specific offers
  • Highlighting special offers like promos and price reductions
  • Gathering newsletter sign-ups
  • Featuring open house events
  • Collecting blog subscribers
  • Increasing eBook downloads
  • Encouraging free service/product trails and demo sign-ups
  • And some other promotional uses.

Most landing pages are comprised of the following components:

  • Captivating headlines
  • Clear descriptions of the unique value of service/product
  • Visual aids like relevant images or/and videos
  • Trust indicators like customer testimonials, statistics, and client logos.
  • Lead generation forms
  • Specific call to actions (CTAs)

We hope you finally understand landing pages because they are essential when analyzing where your construction business gets most of its conversions.

Landing Pages Are Critical for Your Business


Some contractors fail to acknowledge and integrate website development and landing page design into their digital marketing strategy because they see it as an expensive and time-consuming process. Are you still doubting the benefits and significance of landing page conversion to your construction business? 

Below are top reasons landing pages should be one of your top priorities:

1. Expand your potential leads

Landing page optimization is an excellent way to increase your brand recognition drive traffic and qualified leads to your website. In addition, it also improves your SEO. According to a study, approximately 68% of B2B companies use landing pages to get a sturdy stream of leads for future conversions. The study also revealed that businesses prioritizing landing page conversion increase their leads by up to 55%.

2. Generate Valuable Data and Insights

Persuasive landing pages allow you to gather prospect demographics necessary to contact possible leads. In fact, the most common landing page samples, like splash landing pages and capture landing pages, contain a concise and simple form that asks the audience for relevant info – name, email address, and other contact info. 

Landing page forms are among the most crucial landing page components, but many contractors often overlook it. 

3. Maximize Your Search Campaigns

Technical SEO and several marketing efforts are only half of the battle. What you need is a conversion-focused landing page to persuade specific user action and further maximize the results of your online marketing campaigns.

Moreover, landing pages are not only used to support SEO and other campaigns. In fact, they are also effective platforms for social media marketing, email marketing, and SEO marketing.

4. Removed Distractions and Frictions

Landing pages are important because they inspire specific actions from your website visitors and prospects. If you are to send your audience to your site’s home page, they could take various steps, from checking out your blog content to reading about the history of your business.

Landing pages have to be designed without all types of distractions. Let’s try to illustrate what it means:

  • Should a landing page has social buttons? No
  • Should a landing page have comprehensive site navigation? No
  • Should a landing page has a few links to other pages on your website? No
  • Should there be other related offers on a single landing page? No

All of the options above may seem optimistic from the surface. Still, in actuality, they add friction and distract to the single objective of a landing page – get the contact info, get the conversion, turn a visitor into a lead.

5. Easy to Track Data

The data you gathered from landing pages can be easily tracked. Ultimately, this can help you fully understand how engaged your prospects are. You will also get to know if a particular prospect has downloaded something from your site or perhaps signed up for an offer. You can determine from the data whether the prospect is highly engaged and ready to avail services from you soon. 

Moreover, tracking and analyzing landing page data allows you to understand better how great your marketing offers are performing. You can also compare the collected data, helping to determine what is working and what is not so that you can optimize your marketing. 

How to Create a Landing Page?


Are you maximizing the landing pages for your construction business? We will share some expert-level tips from our web design experts and elevate the power of landing pages as conversion machines and lead generation tools.

1. Know Your Audience

Audience analysis, as well as segmentation, are crucial to landing page conversion. To achieve the highest possible landing page rates, you need to determine first your ideal audience, understand the information, and understand their online behavior. Figure out what onsite content: landing page, CTAs, and landing page designs work best for them.

2. Determine Your Goals

What do you wish to accomplish with your landing page conversions? Having a particular goal for every landing page is critical in achieving the highest possible conversion rates. Make sure that your landing pages have a clear focus to effectively guide your page visitors towards those goals.

3. Create Your Landing Page Design

The platform you utilize to create your landing page is crucial to ensuring its quality. You can speak about more of your ideal landing page design with the best web design experts. You can collaborate with the best ones when choosing a reliable digital marketing agency like The agency has well-experienced experts who use the latest digital marketing tools and tactics to create custom landing pages with forms, images, and funnels.

4. A/B Test and Optimize

Since the very goal of the landing page is to support your conversion efforts, you need to properly design and structure different elements on the same page, including your CTAs, blog content, images, etc. This is to maximize the impact further and deliver the best results.

Have you heard A/B testing? A/B testing and landing page optimization are critical processes in meeting user expectations, telling the story you want to share, and ensuring that better conversions will be achieved. You will likely drive more conversions if you consider A/B testing for your business.

Among the top landing page components that you need to test and optimize includes:

  • Headline
  • Images and videos
  • Landing page SEO copy
  • Calls to Action

More Landing Page Tips You Can Apply:


  • Make sure your business name is consistently seen throughout the landing page, and your construction logo is easily recognizable.
  • Position your contact information (email address, phone number, location, if applicable) strategically on the page, so your leads can reach out to your construction business.
  • Use discernible CTAs (sign up here, schedule a meeting, contact us today, book an appointment online, etc.) 
  • Highlight your business differentiators and advantages –why do most prospects choose your construction business over similar companies? What makes your service offerings unique?
  • Make sure your landing pages are easy to navigate, comprise readable fonts, and are overall visually pleasing.
  • Establish social proof, leverage testimonials, and showcase positive experiences from your previous clients.
  • Make it easier for your target audience to contact your business thru a few clicks and short forms. 

Earn More Leads Thru Landing Page Optimization!


Understanding how to create a landing page is crucial to getting more leads and increasing your chance of conversions. Suppose you are unsure how to begin with your landing page optimization or determine which CTAs attract all qualified leads effectively. In that case, you can always rely on – your reliable digital marketing agency partner!

At, we create landing pages that speak to your target audience. We implement and apply the best practices for landing page conversion to grab your audience’s attention and convince them to take action.

Our process involves knowing more about your construction business, every aspect and part of your services, and most importantly, your goals! Partner with us and let us convert your website visitors into qualified leads!