Link Building – Another Important Aspect for your Construction Website

Link Building – Another Important Aspect for your Construction Website

You may have heard of link building already as a critical part of the SEO strategy. But what exactly does it involve, and why is it highly recommended? When it comes to creating your best construction website, the written content and web design are just the tip of the iceberg. Once your website is finally constructed, the next step will be telling the world that it exists. Building links to and from the other websites is one of the ways to let your target audience know your business exists.

Links are a vote of confidence. Having a growing and firm foundation of good-quality, authoritative links to your construction website is the juice that every high-ranking website is made of. They give you a high level of authority that Google loves, bringing you excellent referral traffic.

Building links is not difficult as you may think. So for this blog, discover why link building matters and its many SEO benefits.

Why does Link Building Matters?


When you build a new website for your construction business, no one will know it exists at first, regardless if it is one of the best websites on the Internet. And for this reason, most marketing plans include a touch of link building. Take note that when other websites are related to your site in terms of subject matter, geography, or industry, search engines like Google start to catalog them, and searchers (target audience) will visit your site.

In search engines, related links help the “spiders” catalog your site in the right places. That is why it appears in the search results. However, for your visitors, the social proof of your construction website being mentioned on another website is enough to get a user to click through to know what it is all about.

Building links must be a top consideration if your goal is to improve your online visibility this 2021. Here are six major reasons why:

  • Links are not going anytime soon. They are the litmus for future signals.
  • Link building is still one of the best ways to improve search visibility.
  • Building links can further increase brand exposure.
  • Link building can propel and create new relationships.
  • Links send positive signals to Google and help improve a bad backlink profile.

The Many SEO Benefits of Link Building


1. Improves Website Traffic

Everyone who has a website for businesses wants more website traffic, right? And so are you. The most prominent advantage of link building for your website is improved website traffic. In such cases, these advantages usually happen to be two-fold. For beginners, the more other site links go back to your site, the many opportunities you will have to get more and more clicks from the users. 

Next, the backlinks boost your trust, expertise, and domain authority. The more trustworthy and authoritative Google considers your site to be, the higher your website will rank in the search engine results.

2. Better Search Rankings

When relevant and trustworthy sites link back to your website, it will provide helpful content for Google and other search engines to use when ranking the sites. Hence, if a high-authority site links back to your construction website, it means a sign of your authority as a relevant subject. And the more relevant and authoritative the linking site is, the more it leads to much better rankings for your site.

3. Higher SEO scores and Site Metrics

Domain authority (DA) is one of the SEO metrics that gets a boost from real-time and effective link-building tactics. In fact, many site metrics can be further improved when your link-building tactics are a success. Here are some of the metrics that you can check from SEO tools.

  • Domain Rating (DR)
  • URL Rating (UR)
  • Page Rank (PR)

4. Better Reputation and Credibility

Let’s go over the nature of your construction businesses and see how backlinks help establish both your reputation and credibility. If you browse a reputable construction business that you have been looking into for years, you trust that website. When that trusted website of yours happens to share links to other websites, you are more inclined to rely on and trust those sites they are currently linking to.

 This goes along the way to promote your construction website’s reputation and credibility where you can get as many links as possible.

5. Increase Sales and Generated Revenue

From browsing and reading a blog you like or using social media platforms of any kind, there’s a huge chance that you are regularly exposed to influencer marketing. When you do these actions, you often encounter links from other sites, encouraging you to see or check it out for yourself. This whole scenario is one good example of influencer marketing. And it is also a great way that link building helps you increase revenue generation opportunities and sales.

6. Improve Networking and Relationships

Never overlook the importance of building networking and relationships within your niche, especially for building links. Often, building links is done best when it’s in a reciprocal relationship. To any marketers having a similar niche, they may exchange links with each other so that they can both reap the benefits and rewards of more authority, traffic, and other advantages of link building.

Not only are these relationships and connections helpful for your growing construction business, but there are other personal advantages. One great advantage is having a good connection with like-minded construction business owners having a similar niche as you. Having strong connections to others gives you the privilege to learn directly from professionals who already have reached the level of success you are hoping to attain.

7. Low bounce rates

Until today, backlinks are still a hot topic about link building. Yet, another critical part of link building is your very own internal linking structure. This typically involves linking from one page of your construction website to another page on the website. Hence, if visitors click a particular link, they will remain on your site despite being on a different page. 

The whole thing is beneficial since it keeps your bounce rate low, which is one factor that every search engine looks at when ranking.

8. Creates More Valuable Blog Content for Readers

Inbound and outbound links, when both done strategically, can provide tons of value to readers. For instance, you may have noticed how links are included throughout any blog posts, highlighting specific terms. It is usually done to provide a helpful link with more information related to the highlighted term. With these links, you can allow readers to seek out more and more information, especially if they are interested in learning more.

9. Better Visibility and Exposure

Exposure and visibility can either make or break your strategies for link building and your digital marketing tactic as a whole. Links beget links. Therefore, the more visible your website and your brand are via backlinks on the other sites, the more likely you will continue getting more traffic and other benefits this way.

And on top of getting better exposure and visibility with link building, it is also encouraged to boost your brand visibility in some other ways. This includes taking part in any relevant industry events and establishing social media strategies.

10. More Email Subscribers and Social Media Followers

What is the status of your social media growth? Has it gone stagnant? The continuous decline of social media growth has become a real challenge in the business. You are not alone. And it’s a good thing that different tactics can help you get the boost you need. However, there might be one strategy that you are not yet considering – that is link building!

Surprisingly, one of the less popular benefits of link building is social media growth. What people didn’t know is it is also very effective and can also be easy to implement. You can obtain links quickly from other websites and connect them to your social media platforms. As a result, you can instantly increase your social media followers with the links on your site. 

In your website, include visible links and icons that take viewers to your social media platforms. For instance, remind your visitors at the end of every blog post to follow your brand on Facebook and Instagram for more content. The same goes for requesting them to subscribe to your email list.

Need More Links and Better Organic Rankings?


Let help you build links and help boost your website traffic and performance. We are a full-service digital marketing agency specializing in Local Search Engine Optimization and content creation specifically designed for your business. We will carry out analytics audits, gap analyses and take care of your outreach. 

We offer solid link-building strategies to help you rank much better in Google so potential leads can find you instantly! Talk to us today and get your free consultation to find out how we can help you grow your construction business.