SEO in 2023: 10 Trends You Should Start Optimizing

SEO in 2023: 10 Trends You Should Start Optimizing

One of the most dynamic areas of digital marketing is SEO or Search Engine Optimization, mainly because Google is consistently updating its ranking algorithm to create a much better online experience for all users. If you have SEO campaigns and have started implementing your strategies, you must reevaluate your tactics and check out the latest SEO trends this year!

With that being said, we compiled the top ten SEO trends you need to keep an eye on this 2023 and start optimizing and incorporating them into your digital marketing campaign.

Let’s start.


1. Audience-targeted, not traffic-targeted content

One major reason for the increasing emphasis on user experience is that SEO content creation is multiplying. The reality is any business whose content strategy’s goal is to go after traffic with little to no consideration of what users want is most unlikely to achieve ranking success. 

So, if your goal is to rank successfully, ensure you have a wide range of audience-targeted content. Creating rank-worthy content is necessary. If you need help brainstorming topics, you may ask for professional help.

Suppose you are still deciding what topics to explore for your construction-related content, partner with a trusted, full-service online marketing company like Our agency has the best content creators and writers to help you with your content creation, from brainstorming topics to keyword strategy. Whatever your marketing needs and goals are, trust that we will help you achieve them.

2. The New “E” in EEAT

In December of 2022, Google’s widely-popular EAT acronym, which stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trust, has given an additional E and it stands for experience. This means Google will now begin considering the creator or author’s experience whenever evaluating the content’s quality.

So what does “EXPERIENCE” mean? This boils down to the fact that Google wants to determine whether or not the content creator has real-world, first-hand experience with the topic discussed. For instance, as the founder of your construction company, you are expected to have a real-world experience with the latest trends in your sector. 

If you have your own construction website, you need to take an in-depth look on its content. Check out the topics being written by your writers. From there, you can assess if the topics they have written are directly related to your niche, professional experience, and trends in your sector.

3. Increasing emphasis on author authority

Another big reason why Google emphasizes experience is the emergence of auto-generated content ranking in the Search engine results pages (SERPs). Google wants to ensure that the content that will rank this 2023 is originally written and delivered by real humans with a target audience in mind.

So, what can you do to elevate your content writers’ authority and experience this 2023? First and foremost, always ensure that the writers creating your content are well-experienced. From there, you can push them to level up their experience using the following ways:

  • Create author pages for your content writers where you can link all of the articles they have written for your website. 
  • Include author bio details to outline your content writer’s areas of expertise and working knowledge.
  • · Link your writer’s social media accounts so that Google can easily understand via social signals that they are real humans and experts.

4. Informative and Satisfying Content


Google’s helpful content update is one of the important algorithm updates that will impact how content creators and writers craft content in 2023.

Since the beginning, Google has prioritized delivering high-quality content to users. However, its new focus on a “helpful” agenda states that online users must feel satisfied by the content they are clicking on in the SERPs.

While user satisfaction is not really easy to assess or even quantify, what Google really means by emphasizing helpful is when content is:

  • Created for people, not search engines. 
  • Relevant and appropriate for the target audiences.
  • Relevant to the main subject area or topic of the website. 
  • Displays a depth of knowledge about certain topics
  • Created and written by experienced, authoritative creators.

Crafting content is easier said than done. So, what can you do to make your content more helpful? Here are some tips we want to share exclusively for you:

  • Focus on quality, not quantity. While there are so many keywords you are eyeing to target this 2023, producing a high volume of content that is less relevant and low on expertise will not produce top-ranking results. 
  • Expand your Keyword Research to include important details beyond just search volume. Keyword research and content research will provide all kinds of insights that are so helpful.
  • Check your search queries in the Search Console to determine what people are looking for that directly leads them to your blog section. 

5. SEO Automation

More and more SEO tasks will bound to be automated this 2023 as online marketers continue to leverage the power of SEO software tools and platforms. 

  • Keyword research tools can automate tasks that often require a ton of manual spreadsheet work.
  • Website graders can directly help the less SEO-savvy when it comes to determining the necessary optimizations and prioritizing them accordingly.

6. Change to Clickthrough Rates by SERP positions

Get ready to change what you think you know about ranking positions and CTR. With endless scrolling happening now on desktop and mobile, Google has made it far easier to scroll through numerous SERPs pages to find the content they are looking for.

Over the years, the relationship between CTRs and ranking positions has remained pretty consistent, with the majority of clicks going to the first three results. However, this 2023, clickthrough rates are most likely to be affected as online users easily explore multiple search results pages.

While getting to the first page is still important, being on either page 2 or 3 will have more benefits, mainly because of the endless scrolling. So, you need to optimize your web pages, including their titles and meta descriptions.

7. Product/Service page SEO

Google will always continue to reward informative, long-form content. But what about product/ service pages that usually contain a few details? Google will widen its favor, and product/service pages will start to benefit this 2023, but on one condition – if it provides more helpful details on the page.

Just in case you are wondering how to add additional helpful content to your product/service page, you can opt for FAQs, drop-down menus, and customer reviews. Adding keywords to your product/service descriptions also helps. You can also ask several questions your target audience seeks answers about your services and products. 

All of these strategies will help your target prospects in their purchasing decisions.

8. SEO competitor analysis

Paying attention to your competitors is a great way to shape your SEO strategy. And competitor analysis will bound to become even more effective this 2023, hugely thanks to the help of SEO tools. 

Since Google places a lot of focus on topic areas and industry expertise, paying attention to your industry’s thought leaders is a surefire way to better understand what type of content your sector will rank. 

An SEO Agency can help you look at how your top competitors establish authority, expertise, and trustworthiness. In fact, the agency’s SEO experts will leverage insights into your content strategy and SEO campaigns. They have the best tools and can come up with the best strategies for you. 

9. Less crawl frequency

Just recently, Google has established climate goals, such as operating and carbon-free energy for 2023. To achieve these goals, Google has considered minimizing the frequency of crawling web pages. Reducing crawling is one effective way to conserve computing resources and is considered one of the easiest changes Google can make in accordance with its sustainability initiatives. 

But reduced crawling rates will most likely impact refresh crawls rather than crawls that discover new content. This only means that it might take longer for Google to notice the new changes you are going to make on your construction website. But that is okay because Google will soon acknowledge the changes.

It is best to optimize your content alongside the on-page elements required to rank. Invest in good web design and development that can make it easier for search engines to crawl to your website, resulting in better search results. Also, expect increasing website traffic as readers can find your web pages more effectively.

This is absolutely one of the strategic options you will have this 2023. So, make sure to take advantage of it.

10. Image SEO revitalized

Images are usually neglected on websites. However, just like other elements present in a website, images play a vital role when it comes to higher rankings for image searches. Images also provide ways to include more keywords and symbolically-related terms into the content through alt texts.

Take note that Google loves to see schema markup and alt texts that help crawlers better understand the content of any image. In addition, Google likes to see webmasters who make a great effort to make content more accessible to any user.

Alt text makes the internet a much better place, especially for the ones that are visually impaired or individuals who are faced with connectivity challenges or limited by internet bandwidth. Helps You Integrate These 2023 SEO Trends


Make sure to consider the SEO trends we mentioned above and weave them into your campaigns. These trends are the latest and shaped by Google’s newest algorithm updates, goals, and values. 

You can partner with us! We are a full-service digital marketing agency. Here at, we help you take advantage of SEO and its latest trends. We will integrate them into your campaign and ensure better results – increasing traffic, ROI, and more leads.

On top of that, things become easier. Your construction business gets access to all the online services you need to market and expand your company. We offer not only SEO services but also website design and development, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, PPC ads, and more.

Contact us today and get to know more about our service offerings.