SEO + Social Media What Every Contractor Should Know

SEO + Social Media: What Every Contractor Should Know?

Natural engines and social media naturally go hand-in-hand because their missions are somehow connected – providing information that helps users accomplish whatever they need or want to do. Did you know that social media can boost your SEO results? It is true! In fact, you can use social media to improve your Google search rankings, too.

Improving your SEO strategy is crucial since it increases your Google ranking and search visibility. However, intense competition makes appearing on search results difficult because more content gets published daily. With this big volume of content distributed online every day, your chance to appear on search engines is narrow.

However, you can continuously improve your chances with the right blog content strategy. We will show how social media connects and impacts SEO. We will also share some social media and SEO practices to increase your SEO rankings.

How Does Social Media Impact SEO?


Social media does not openly contribute to SEO ranking, but your links across social media channels increase brand exposure. They continuously add up and influence search engine optimization in six directions:

  • Longer lifespan of your blog posts
  • Extensive content distribution
  • Improve online visibility and organic traffic
  • Boost Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Increase brand recognition
  • Enhance brand reputation

Your shares across social media channels have no place in SEO rankings. But still, when no more people share your content throughout social media, it generates social signals that will indicate your blog posts are useful to your target audience and market.

How Does Social Media Connect with SEO? 


While social media is not a ranking factor, it has a solid link to SEO. As stated in the above sections, we explained how SEO and social media correlate through social signals.

  • The signals strengthen the factors Google considers when ranking your construction website. You can obtain those signals in mass sharing on different social media sites.
  • The more you share relevant content across social media, the more your target audience will most likely share the posts with their followers and friends.
  • As sharing is continuous, many people can link back to your posts. Collectively, the shared materials can increase your SEO ranking and blog content visibility.
  • It shows that Google truly values quality links and considers them a part of the ranking factors.

What are the Top Social Media Sites for Your SEO?


There are plenty of social media sites for SEO. These websites are best for your social media marketing and SEO because they tend to appear in searches and rank higher on SERPs.


1. LinkedIn

The main reason professionals use social media nowadays is to generate more leads. While the leads may not be high enough, LinkedIn is doing significantly well as the top social website of lead generation. It is no surprise that LinkedIn has become the content marketing hub of 94% of contractors. In fact, almost 90% of professional marketers are using the platform for lead generation.

Hence, using LinkedIn for your SEO is appropriate because the site helps you to be easily found on search results. The LinkedIn search algorithm can push you to rank at the top of SERPs by conducting keyword research, choosing the right keywords for your profile, and strategically adding proper search terms to your content, especially the headings.

2. Medium

But why should you consider publishing content on Medium?You must consider this option if there’s not enough of your target audience making visits to your blog to read your content. You may find them on Medium. This platform allows any user to publish all types of content, including:

  • Republished articles
  • Personal stories and a guest post
  • Original pieces of content
  • Repurposing content

Medium helps you reach a much broader target audience you might not have met if you rely only on your website or blogs for exposure. Today’s tons of medium articles are taking the top spot on Google SERPs, even for the competitive keywords with higher search volume.

That is mainly because of the authority of the site commands. We suggest you try Medium and take advantage of the audience there.

3. Facebook

By far, Facebook is the top social media platform globally. The site ranks as number 3 globally behind YouTube and Google. The social media site made it simple for users to post different materials and share various content in its entirety for optimal advantage.

Facebook recently allowed search engines like Google to crawl some of its pages. The website can unlock more content for indexing purposes, including Facebook comments. It means that Google bots and other crawlers can read content on the pages. Therefore, when users perform some searches, these Facebook pages appear on SERPs.

As a contractor, you should take advantage of this social media site for your SEO to improve ranking and drive more web traffic.

4. Twitter

And just like Facebook, Twitter is also a great social media website for SEO. We mentioned earlier that more social signals positively impact Google rankings. And the more content being shared on Twitter and other social media sites, the more it can help your website ranking on SERPs.

Also, Twitter lets you share your posts to reach more of your target audience. To boost traction on your Twitter posts, make sure that you only share quality content that engages users. In addition, add relevant hashtags to increase visibility.

We advise you to tweet your links frequently. Be careful not to make it too repetitive so that you can attract more audience and drive more traffic to your blog. The shares, comments, and likes you receive are powerful social signals, relevant elements that Google uses to rank your construction website.

Social Media and SEO Best Practices Combined


In contrast to popular belief, social media truly has a connection with SEO, although not directly. That is why seasoned contractors choose to invest mainly in social media marketing. But what are the best social media disciplines for improving your SEO marketing efforts?

With a list below, you will learn the three most effective social media marketing tips on boosting your SEO using social media.


1. Publish Quality Content

SEO has continuously evolved. Search engine algorithms and Google bots have been developed to understand content relevance, user intent, and quality. Such factors enable Google to offer your target audience the most relevant content based upon their search query. So, in other words, quality content reigns greatly. And for such reason, always ensure your blog content performs well and great on social media and SEO by creating well-researched and helpful content. Make this a priority!

2. The Skyscraper Techniques

The skyscraper tactic is a content strategy that converts your posts into link-worth materials. The concept of this technique is to make sure your blogs perform much better and outdo your competitors. Such blog articles come with more value for your audience as well as keyword variations that rank on search engines. Also, the content will have the capacity to rank for different keyword terms.

Since it has more value, it will attract quality backlinks. This tactic works upon applying these three fundamental steps:

  • Search for a blog article that performs well on search with substantial backlinks.
  • Create the same content. However, make your even way better compared to the original. It has to be more up-to-date, in length, and thorough.
  • If you are unsure about the articles you found, you can think of other topics. Perform blog topic ideation with your team to figure out the best topics to write about.

3. Optimize Your Photos for Social and SEO

Visuals are a critical aspect of marketing communication. In fact, they are a great content marketing tool since they help develop your brand tone. Also, adding images to social media posts is an effective way to transfer information. But before you include any visuals to your content, you must first maximize your blog posts for search engines, especially Google. Make sure to do the following:

  • Select the correct photo format. Remember speed matters
  • Make sure the images are responsive
  • Reduce the actual file size to have it load faster
  • Create compelling captions with keywords
  • Include image structured data
  • Add keywords in the title text and alt text

Wrapping it all Up!


We believe you have learned the connection between SEO and social media with everything you have read above. We hope you are now convinced that a sustainable social media strategy enables you to boost SEO and rank much higher on search results. While there are many ways to improve your SEO by applying some best practices, the tips we shared with you above will help you if used correctly.

Understanding these social media tips is crucial, but implementing them to your content on social media is even more critical. What is more? You need help in this area. We know this isn’t your cup of tea. Even though you try to do SEO and social media on your own, there are always time constraints.

Don’t worry. Here at, your digital marketing needs of all sorts are our top priority! We have the best marketing experts who can put together a successful construction marketing campaign for your business to increase leads, website traffic, ROI, etc.

Contact us Today! We are eager to hear all details from you!