Social Media and Local SEO Works Together to Improve Construction Businesses

How Social Media and Local SEO Works Together to Improve Construction Businesses?

With nearly seven billion local searches every month, being listed on the first page is important than ever, especially for multi-location businesses. Construction businesses are never an exception. So when it comes to growing and expanding your construction business, you should understand more about search engine optimization and its importance in terms of marketing. And what frequently gets overlooked is the incredible superpower of social media SEO!

You may not consider Social Media because you think it doesn’t have a point. However, that assumption has to change because social media is a very powerful marketing strategy, and it all works powerfully with SEO. For this blog, discover what Social Media SEO is and learn how social media and SEO work together to improve your marketing efforts further.

What is Social Media SEO?


Social Media SEO, or referred to as social SEO, combines SEO strategies and social media to improve your search rankings further. SEO strategies and Social Media are developed and implemented by selected departments, team members, or outside agencies and are perceived as independent marketing tactics. 

A data-driven and smart digital marketing strategy weave SEO and social media into a fully integrated marketing ecosystem. The shared data and combined efforts can improve your ROI and can further increase conversions. And that’s a good business!

Here are five fundamental ways social media impacts SEO:

  • Content Amplification – social media helps your website’s content in finding new and returning viewers/visitors beyond organic reach.
  • Search rankings – social signals impact engagement data and quality about your website, used by search algorithms. In fact, Yahoo and Bing put different weights on social signals compare to Google. Know the difference.
  • Link Building – social media helps drive SEO-friendly inbound links or backlinks as your custom blog articles are discovered and added to other websites.
  • Brand Awareness – you can build your online presence, credibility, and trust through humanized social media content.
  • Local SEO – social media increases your local online presence and ranking through customer reviews and business profile data.
  • Page Views and Engagement – social media is the most effective way to showcase your SEO-based content. While the upcoming links from your shares in social media do not have a similar impact on original links from high-quality sites, they still have a significant effect on your bounce rate. 

Each area cited above has a powerful and detailed web of social signals that often affect your website search rankings. That is why Social Media SEO is essential for businesses of all industries and sizes.

Fact: Your company social media profiles often appear in searches on your business, just right under your website. Search engines index most social media posts, which often appear for our business and turn up in results for particular queries.

Understanding the Ultimate Power of Social Media in SEO


The power of social media is changing the many ways in business. The overwhelming figures and facts underscore the significance of social media marketing in any business, especially in construction. So what is the value of social media and local SEO to your online visibility? The world’s biggest search engine, Google, has indicated that SEO best practices apply to local search optimization as well.

Hence, the more people talk about your services and products online, the greater the chances your social media content is shared and vice versa. So the next question is how you can create appealing custom blog articles or content that will give you the best exposure?

Every time you publish a new piece of content, it will most likely land on page one in Google search results. Your expectations went high, of course! However, that’s not how it always works. Your target audience is often pummeled from different angles due to content noise. From search ads to content publishing sites and high-authority competitors, the top results are usually dominated. And ranking may seem like a mission impossible. Even an on-point keyword strategy cannot drive traffic alone.

Here are six ways Social Media can boost your marketing efforts through SEO:

  1. Faster indexing through Search Engines
  2. Obtaining immediate traffic to your web content
  3. Building your target audience and your potential for future traffic
  4. Reaching a target audience that’s already interested in your content
  5. Driving traffic to older yet still helpful content
  6. Increasing returning visitors

The more traffic your website can get, the more opportunities you will have to improve your position through other critical rankings signals – user management and content quality.

Social Media for Better, Bigger Link Building


Backlinks are a proven and confirmed search ranking factor. That is why most SEO tools monitor your website’s backlinks, report the bad ones that need to correct, and suggest possible links to pursue. Backlinks are also referred to as inbound links. The healthier these backlinks are in your website, the more relevant and popular it is deemed by local search engines.

While social media doesn’t drive backlinks, typically, the links on social networks resulting in the social media referral traffic, the actual combination of increased reach and brand awareness may result in more backlinks.

As new people discover your business and its content, the chance for inbound links grows. As with other ranking factors, it’s crucial to be aware of some negative backlinks. While the links from high authority websites have great SEO juice, poor quality or websites with spam linking to yours can drag you down.

It’s a good idea to use advanced SEO tools or work with a full-service digital marketing agency to stay on top of your site’s backlinks. Once again, social media SEO magic is at work!

You can also apply some tips below to make the most of social media and search engine optimization:

1. Make sure your Google My Business listing is correctly populated

Your company’s information placement in search results often varies. To secure the best possible ranking, ensure that your company’s details are correct, up-to-date and comprehensive. This usually displays to the right of search results and will be delivered to your audience doing voice searches. (Ex. “what construction firm is open right now near me?”

2. Populate your website and active hours. 

If you’re entering the world of social media for your business, you may assume the only options you have are the giants like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. These are great options. However, there are also other selections like Google+, Snapchat, and Tumblr.

Moreover, ensure to have an optimized business description on any social media pages. In fact, most search engines today use a specified query location or probably the user’s geographic location to pick results. 

3. Encourage reviews 

Engagement on your posts as social proof is powerful testimonials that can affect how current users perceive your construction business. Engagement works as the digital version of word-of-mouth marketing and has the great potential to touch anyone who views your social media profiles and other pages.

Facebook, TripAdvisor, Yelp, and most importantly, Google Reviews are considered as social signals. Experts radically believe they account for almost 14% of ranking factors in local search results.

4. Nurture your following

If you want your target audience to listen and follow you on social media actively, you must be active and genuinely human. While being prolific is typically the start, the human aspect allows this kind of marketing to be effective.

Constantly nurture your following despite having a lesser ranking factor or less size of your following. Take note that audience engagement is still a social signal!  

5. Improve Your Response Time to Any Negative Reviews

With social media, you can instantly nip any negative reviews, specifically those that aren’t even true or legitimate. With social media, you can quickly develop a damage control response, act swiftly and promptly to reduce any damage to your search engine rankings. You can also easily show a strong interest in fixing concerns and prevent escalation that may hinder future SEO efforts.

6. Keeping tabs on your competitors

With careful investigation, you can determine what audiences they are going after and what methods they are using to reach those prospects. There’s nothing wrong or shame in keeping tabs on your competitors. You’re doing it to know their techniques and how to crush them.

By simply adjusting your SEO tactics, you can now make an effort to reach the target audience your competitors are ignoring. You can also find strategic ways to direct the traffic flow to go back to your website via your social media platforms.

Elevate Your Social Media and SEO with Construction Marketing


Your social media presence is more than just a vehicle in directing prospects and clients to your website. They are also a fundamental part of your SEO strategy. By building your social media presence and pages, you can impact your overall Search Engine Optimization, making it easier for you to obtain organic search results, creating more satisfied clients. 

Looking to level up your social media presence beyond increasing SEO? Talk to us today! We’re a digital marketing agency and we have the best digital marketing experts who are ready to help you! We can advise you and help you get into creating effective social media strategies that can drive value across your client lifecycle, from advocacy to awareness, and throughout your entire company. 

We tailor different services specifically for your business:

  • Social Media Management
  • Website Design
  • Local Search Engine Optimization
  • Keywords Research
  • Blogs and Articles
  • · Online Business Profile for Google Search

Allow us to leverage your construction business online through of Social Media and SEO.