Social Media Impressions vs Reach

Social Media Impressions vs. Reach – Which Metrics Should Contractors Focus More?

Reach and impressions are critical elements, especially if you are interested in establishing an effective social media strategy for your construction business. Are you paying close attention to your social media metrics in your construction marketing campaign? If you are, you probably come across the terms reach and impressions.

And while it is easier to think social media reach and impressions are the same things, there are some main differences between the two. Understanding the differences is crucial to increasing the number of engagements with any of your content.

This blog will discuss the major differences between these metrics and which one you should focus on more. We will also share some tips on expanding your current reach and earning more impressions. Let’s get started!

Impressions vs. Reach

Social media impressions refer to the number of times your content is being displayed to users. Nevertheless, just because your content is being shown to your target audience does not mean they are engaging with your content.

It is crucial to remember that one user can account for multiple impressions. Let’s say your company IG profile has 1000 followers and they each see the post once; your IG content would have 1000 impressions.

Social media reach is the number of unique users who see your blog content. And just like impressions, this number tend to increase, regardless of whether the users engage with your content or not.

The reach is classified as the number of unique users seeing your posts, not about the number of times the posts were seen.

Reach vs. Impressions On Different Networks

  • Facebook outlines reach as the number of users who saw the ads at least once. The platform organizes reach into three major categories –paid, viral, and organic.
  • Twitter does not track reach, so the impressions vs. reach question is more straightforward. In Twitter, an impression is defined as any time one Twitter user sees one of your tweets, either in the search results, feed, or as part of the conversation.
  • Instagram treats impressions and reaches almost the same way that Facebook does. Impressions measure the number of times the users saw your story or post. Reach refers to the total number of unique accounts that have viewed your story or post.
  • Google AdWords estimates two types of reach – the unique reach and cookie-based reach. The first goes one step further by calculating and estimating duplicate views from the same user. The latter measures unique users in the conventional ways, using cookies.
  • Google Analytics focuses on page views and users. Pageviews pertain to the total number of pages being viewed by the users. The users measure the number of people who visit your site within the time range at least once.

Why Track Both Reach and Impressions?

Reach and impressions tell you very different things about the performance of your content. More often than not, you will need to use both metrics together to determine the campaign’s effectiveness. Here are important reasons why it is crucial to track these metrics.

  • To determine your “effective frequency”

Comparing social media impressions to reach is tricky because impressions can always be equal to or higher than reach. Any user included in the reach count has seen your content at least once. In all probability, the effective frequency of your construction business will be specific to your industry. If you want to get some sense of what good impressions are, try getting insights into what your competitors in your industry are aiming for.

  • To prevent ad fatigue

Deciding your “effective frequency” is also crucial because it tells you how many times users can see your ads even before getting annoyed. The number of impressions per user depends largely on your social media efforts and goals. We suggest you go for a time-sensitive promotion, especially when you are exposing something.

But Which Metrics Must You Focus On?

Impressions and reach refer to two distinct activities. Therefore, which metric you pick to pay more attention to depends on your goals. Let’s start with why you may want to focus on impressions.

Why focus on Impressions?

If you are worried about overwhelming users, you may want to track impressions. If you want to avoid this, you may want to focus more on increasing your reach rather than impressions. Moreover, impressions come in handy when you want to track your ads every single time.

Why focus on reach?

Reach also helps you decide whether there is something wrong with your ads. If your ads have reached tons of people but have not had a single conversion, you need to revise the content. And if your content has a broader reach, it is successfully making its way to your target audience. As a result, it is most likely to be engaged and shared with.

Whether you must focus on social media reach or impressions will depend on the present needs of your construction brand. However, it is essential to remember that analyzing your reach and impressions together will help you create a more holistic marketing strategy. When being monitored together, they give insights into the campaign.

Tips to Help You Improve Your Impressions and Reach

Improving your impressions and reach drives better results for your digital marketing tactics. Below are some actionable tips that will help you improve the metrics below:

1. Get to know your target audience

If you want to improve your impressions and reach further, you have to know your audience much better. Your target audience drives your campaign results. Therefore, if you do not like the results, you should focus more on how to improve the overall experience of your target audience.

  • Create your campaign message with your target audience in mind. What will appeal to them? Think about how your target audience digests your content and what interests them the most.
  • Test different types of content to determine if each has garnered a different response. You will learn more about your target audience and how they respond to various types of content.
  • Monitor your content to see where it is being shared, whether on social media or through your blog articles.

This is an excellent way to improve your reach and acquire new, valuable leads for your construction business.

2. Monitor Engagement

Track your engagement when you want to improve your impressions and reach. Your engagement gives insights into how your target audience interacts with your construction brand. This is where you can track and monitor your present reach and impressions.

Impressions tell you more about how your target audience interacts with your blog content. If you get a lot of impressions, this means your target audience is sharing your content. Your content constantly appears in the feeds of many, which creates the opportunity for new leads to look for your business.

Monitoring your engagement is a vital part of helping your construction business grow. You will see where your marketing campaign is falling short and be able to come up with many practical solutions to improve it further.

3. Creating sharable content

Content marketing is one method where you can measure impressions and reach them. You may also share your content on social media platforms and measure the same metrics there. If you want to create an effective marketing campaign on both ends, create sharable content.

It is important to create blog content that is exciting and interesting. We suggest you perform blog topic ideation to brainstorm tremendous and exciting topics for your content. The goal here is to attract your target audience with your content. They are compelled to share it with others if they find it interesting.

Sharable content is related to your construction business and relatable to your target audience. So, always keep this in mind as you create various types of content. Helps You Improve Your Impressions and Reach

Impressions and reach are critical metrics for your social media marketing plan. These two metrics help you improve your campaign to make a huge impact on your target audience. Here at, we have the best modern tools and people that will help you improve your reach and impressions. is a dedicated full-service digital marketing agency. We have an excellent background in construction and work exclusively with contractors and other construction professionals. We offer social media marketing plans for our clients. And when you partner with us, you will work with the best marketing experts that will bring their expertise and incredible knowledge to your campaign.

Look no further if you want a construction marketing agency that drives more remarkable results. Here at, we focus more on driving success for your business. We offer a range of digital marketing services, including Social Media Marketing, Local SEO, Keyword Research, Web design, Google My Business, etc. We have what it takes to elevate your business to success!

Want to know what it’s like working with us? Contact us today. We are looking forward to helping your company grow.