Growth Hacking

The 7 Pillars of Growth Hacking in Construction Marketing and How to Get Started

What is it all about in growth hacking? This strategy, called growth marketing, has only been around for a couple of years, but now it is spreading like wildfire. While it has become a buzzword in the marketing globe, many industry leaders and business owners still do not understand what growth hacking is about, its importance, and how it works. Are you one of them?

If yes, stay put and read this blog. Let’s get cracking. Here, we will discuss the seven pillars that makeup growth marketing and some pro tips that can help you get started with this on your own.

1. Achieve the growth mindset

Growth hacking begins with the right mindset. It indicates concentrating your efforts on achieving one metric that matters the most. This is a specific and ambitious marketing goal, such as reaching an increased revenue by the end of 2022. This marketing goal should be achievable, measurable, and concise, making it easier for your team to keep it in their mind while guiding their marketing moves.

Moreover, this growth mindset is about challenging yourself and realizing that you can do much more than you think. As a learning growth hacker, you should take bigger risks to achieve your desired goals!

2. Create your growth hacking team

If you have an in-house marketing team, they can also be growth hackers. The skills of a growth hacker are T-shaped, where the vertical bar represents deep knowledge, and the horizontal bar represents the range of expertise. No one can ever be a total expert in all growth marketing ranges, which is why it is important to have your team. The usual growth team member should know various topics while specializing in one or two key areas.

3. Listen to the market

 One of the most important pillars of growth hacking is listening and paying attention to the market. The main reason why your company could fail is that you are trying to sell your services in the wrong way. To prevent this, you must listen to the market you belong to. We suggest you do comprehensive market research and then adapt the product to your needs.

One another important thing you must do is to get to know more of your target audience and clients better than they know what they want. This is possible by doing surveys, interviews, focus groups, and other market research strategies to find the necessary information you need.

4. The Subtle Product/Service Market Fit

Using the results from detailed market research as cited previously, it is easy to identify whether you have a product/service market fit. This is about looking for ways to remove your target clients’ uncertainties and barriers to your service offerings.

Take a few minutes to ponder about some services that may be unnecessary and could no longer be used. That is why, if possible, have another group of people who can be part of your product/service development team. They equally have a critical role to play, like your marketing teams.

All options are spread on the table when you work towards this with your team. This includes making adjustments based on your continuous process of market measurement and research, and testing.

Product/service market fit is crucial in achieving growth. If you do not realize this, your digital marketing efforts are doomed to be wasted. And you do not want that, right? Therefore, focus on this aspect to become successful in your marketing campaigns.

5. Measurement of goals

Knowing which and how to measure can be quite challenging, but it is crucial. So, if you manage to accomplish a specific goal but have not measured every single thing you have done, you will never know what led to success. So, conversely, if you fail at something at some point, without the right assessment, you cannot be able to prevent the same mistakes the next time around.

Collecting and assessing data is one of the optimal ways to determine what correlates to your success. Luckily, the latest marketing trends and techs have enabled tracking almost everything you have done.

6. Make use of the right traction channels

Knowing how to use the right channels is one of the important pillars of growth hacking. There is a range of marketing channels that your construction company must leverage to grow more of your business. While taking advantage of these channels, you must still contemplate what works best for your business. You should find out which combination of these marketing channels, white hat technique, and online marketing strategies are great for your construction business.

To be able to find the right channels, we suggest focusing more on the effectiveness of these channels. Here, we share with you the top three options for finding the best channels:

  • Potential
  • Promising
  • Long-shots

You can also partner with the best marketing agency like, which provides professional consultation and advice on what channels you should go for that are best for your marketing campaigns.

7. Growth hacking Optimization

The last pillar of all is none other than the optimization of growth marketing. With marketing research techniques, you should continuously look for ways to optimize. And to do this, requires a systematic approach where you are to develop suggestions and propositions and test them. Always keep on testing. And any assumptions and implications have to be clear, simple, data-driven, and objective-relevant.

But where must you start in your optimization? Here, we share with you a pro guide that can help you ensure you cover a lot of the most critical aspects of your construction business. This guide comprises six elements that you must constantly measure, monitor, change and lastly, optimize:

  • Value: Are you communicating the advantages of what you are offering with more clearness?
  • Relevance: Are the web design elements of your website as nice and clear as possible? Are your target users getting confused and lost?
  • Clarity: Is the content on your website as concise and clear as possible? Are your target users getting confused and lost?
  • Urgency: How will you add a solid sense of urgency for anyone who wants to take action when visiting your website?


How to Get Started with Growth Hacking


You must plan the right structure first before starting your growth marketing process. This is to extract and achieve the best outcomes possible. And crafting a well-planned structured framework is the first step you must carry out. So, if you are someone new to this, which we already assumed, considering the following pro tips will help ultimately help you.

1. Determine your target audience and main objectives

  • Know more about your target audience, including what they are trying to accomplish.
  • You need to carry out a proper research method and an audit report generated from the outcomes learned from this particular step.
  • Apart from your target market, you need to thoroughly assess your current marketing initiatives to determine if there are any areas for improvement.

2. Dig deeper for new ideas and insights

The internet is vast, as well as the information and data available.

  • Discover what your target competitors have already done, especially where they excel and what areas they have had their unexpected downfall.
  • Determine what your target audience looks like from your service offerings.
  • Figure out the latest features rolling out.
  • Do a thorough brainstorming with your marketing team to generate new ideas.

3. Prioritize

What does your construction business want to accomplish through growth hacking? What and where is the scope of the improvements?

Now, there will be different points you need to consider since every aspect may be given the top priority. Therefore, it is your obligation or task to identify your top priorities.

4. Initiate the Test Phase

Once you have done the steps above, you will finally have the analyses and audits. Next, you have to go ahead with the implementation of growth hack tactics. So, never stop exploring and go on running the process in various scenarios to achieve a more detailed or comprehensive insight into your growth hacking idea implementation.

5. Analyze and Learn

Did the process achieve the outcomes you are exactly hoping and looking for? What are the improvements you have observed? 

We suggest you document the whole process in this part and use the information you have gathered to conclude and settle. Also, keep the process going until you achieve your desired outcome.


Go, Hack Growth with


Growth hacking is never magical and does not come naturally to everyone. As a starter on this, we hope you will take the tips above seriously to get an instant boost in your marketing. From there on, begin outlining and deploying tactics. Never doubt yourself and just get started and cracking.

But if you need a professional helping hand with your growth hacking exploration, is here. We can be your partner and help you manage your whole growth operation in the different stages of your marketing funnel. Our range of marketing services includes SEO services, Website Maintenance, Social media marketing, content creation and marketing, and many more.

Contact us today if you want to learn more about our services. And Let’s start your growth marketing journey.