The Do’s and Don’ts When Looking for Construction Marketing Agency

The Do’s and Don’ts When Looking for Construction Marketing Agency

We know that you have worked so hard building your construction business, and we know you take pride in what you do. Now, you are thinking of expanding it to the next level and are planning to grow your business online. You are looking to expand and hire a digital marketing agency to assist you with your marketing strategy. So, where do you exactly begin?

Collaborating with a construction marketing agency is critical for your business growth, especially in today’s digital age. However, while they can help boost your Return of Investment (ROI), it is still a significant decision on your part. Remember that the agency you choose can soon become your colleagues who will build your construction brand for the years to come. 

In this blog, we make a compilation of the top things you should be looking out for when searching for your digital marketing partner, and most importantly, what to avoid! 



1. Check if they are Experienced and Thought leaders

You want a digital marketing agency leading the way for you and for themselves. The best agency is the one that has thought leaders who are capable of leading your construction business and service offerings to the top. 

Make sure you extend your construction company to people who are up to date on the latest technologies, marketing trends, certifications, marketing know-how, etc.

2. Ask about the marketing tools they used

An agency that utilizes outdated tools or none is absolutely a red flag. There is a lot that goes into analyzing and tracking campaign-related metrics. With the right tools, everything becomes a whole lot easier as well as more efficient. Check out if the agency has the tools for social media marketing, blog content creation, Search Engine Optimization, and so on.

With the right automation and marketing tools, your social media, content marketing, emails, online reputation is on the best schedules. As a result, your marketing goals are met.

3. Ensure They Are Results-Driven

Does the marketing agency consider website traffic to see how well a construction marketing campaign performs? Do they run some tests on different metrics to see how they perform? Do they analyze and track analytics using reliable platforms? 

Understanding how your chosen agency tracks various performances will show you if they are focused on the same KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

4. Look Over Their Track Records

By ensuring the agency has previous experiences and knowledge that can be useful to your construction business, you can save your company from trouble later down the line, especially in your working relationship.

Always look over their current track records and see how many clients they collaborated with before. 

5. Consider Testimonials

A happy and satisfied customer is always a better referral than a paid employee. Therefore, delve into their testimonial section, or you can ask for a portfolio. It is even much better if you have a friend from the industry or a colleague who can give their personal opinion.

If the agency lacks recent testimonials, it can be a red flag or something that can be questioned.

6. Look at Their Marketing Practices

If they are a digital marketing agency, they should be experienced in marketing themselves. Do they have a website, a blog section, an active and strong online presence, and engaging social media? Dig further and see how consistent the agency is and what style they produce and offer.

You can learn a lot about a construction company by simply analyzing its marketing practices. So, personally ask the agency you are considering now. Also, the one red flag you should watch out for is when an agency uses cookie-cutter strategies. 

7. Make sure they are Industry Experts

Employing a marketing agency with sector experience and an open mindset to discover more about the industry you belong to is critical. You will always be the expert in your industry, and the marketing agency you will pick will always be an expert in online marketing.

There is a huge advantage in choosing a marketing agency with a better understanding of the construction sector, your target audience, and the right marketing strategy for your business.



1. Jump at the First Agency You Discover

There is a wide range of marketing agencies to consider. Hence, make sure to get as much information and details as you can. Do research first and then make comparisons. If something does not feel right, trust your guts and move forward. Put in your mind that you will have a collaborating relationship with this particular agency. So, can you envision working in harmony with a team from that agency?

2. Choose the Biggest Agency since They Look Flashy!

If you are a small to medium-sized construction business and decided to work with one of the biggest marketing agencies, you might find yourself at the last of the priority list. Usually, it’s easy to trust because the agency is big and full-scale, but sometimes you do not see the entire scenario. 

If your construction business is a small fish in the big pond, it can still be a priority. However, there are other factors you must first consider. That is why you have to select an agency that provides the needs of all their client’s priorities, despite the brand size.

3. Disregard the Importance of a Great Cultural Fit

Your company culture should be understood and showcased. Make sure the agency you pick can demonstrate the importance and purpose of your construction business. The agency should also determine your specific goals and expectations. 

Furthermore, a design-led agency can impress with its creativity. However, a results-focused marketing agency can impress on outcomes.

4. Ignore Building Relationships and Chemistry

When you ignore the fundamentals of getting to know the agency and the people working for your marketing campaigns, you risk dealing with folks with whom you have obvious bad chemistry. As a result, it can result in misaligned visions, various instances of miscommunications, and a host of other issues. In terms of meeting the people responsible for your campaign, take the time first to get a real feel of them and how they work.

Agree to a few test assignments to determine how things go. Trust your guts, especially if you feel like something is amiss.

5. Disconnection with your business teams

It is just as essential for the marketing team to be aligned as it is for them to be synchronized with your business teams. If the meetings are scheduled, then your team should be present. This helps ensure that your construction company’s vision and goals are instilled in the content creation crafted for your business. It only shows that everyone works together so that marketing efforts continue to be aligned.

However, if you are working with a digital marketing agency that does not prioritize your team being in the mix, that is not a good sign. It’s a red flag! You risk having projects finished in a way that does not work for your construction brand.

6. Focusing on Outputs vs. Outcomes

Marketing goals are crucial to have when trying to get an ROI for your construction business marketing. That is why this must be the primary focus of all your marketing efforts. However, some marketing agencies care more about the output than the outcomes. Beware of that.

When working with an agency with this mindset, there will be more attention on reaching your content goals, not business goals. It is safe to say that effective marketing agencies tie all of their significant efforts to the final outcomes. For instance, if your blog posts or guest post is not attracting the right audience, then necessary changes must be made to the keywords you are targeting and perhaps even the channels you are promoting.

7. Not considering your long-term budget

As you may want to know, in traditional marketing, the winner is always the one with the bigger budget. However, a big budget is not the reality of most businesses, especially in construction firms. We bet you agree. However, in retrospect, that is what makes online marketing such a powerful and valuable tool. It levels the playing field for small businesses. 

However, this does not mean you will have an unlimited supply of cash flow to throw at a marketing agency. That is why it is crucial to go over your initial budget and your long-term budget. Why? Because online marketing is a continuous effort. Once your social media, Keyword Research, content creation, and other marketing collateral are being established, this is not the end of it.

Selecting the Right Digital Marketing Agency –


Are you looking to expand your online reach, or looking to generate more leads for your business, or simply searching for a digital marketing agency that can manage your whole marketing function? Make sure you know exactly what your digital marketing agency specializes in and whether it is a good fit for your marketing goals and business growth.

At, we can help you analyze your company’s marketing needs, develop a solid online marketing strategy, and implement it for you with our holistic approach to digital marketing. If you are looking for a full-service construction marketing agency with an excellent reputation for getting results, then Contact Us Today!