Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends Contractors Have to Watch Out for this 2024

Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends Contractors Have to Watch Out for this 2024

One thing you can always expect with the digital marketing landscape is that it constantly changes and moves so fast! The many trends and technologies will continue to emerge and impact all areas of marketing. So, what do you have to do? Obviously. You have to prep your construction business for 2024 trends!

Know that staying on top of the marketing trends for your brand is one of the most effective ways to become a leader in your industry and stay ahead of the competition. Algorithms change, social media trends shift, and consumer preferences evolve, but you can always ensure you have a leg up heading into the fresh new year!

In this blog post, we are guiding you through the newest digital marketing trends to watch for 2024. These are our team’s predictions on the future of digital marketing, drawn from meticulously observing key events and buzz trends in 2023.


1. LinkedIn will become more diverse and exclusive

Say Goodbye to the typical LinkedIn you used to know! This platform has long been involved with various professionals in business attire, sharing recent updates, industry news, and even job postings! In 2024, we will see a huge shift towards a more inclusive platform. 

LinkedIn recently shared that in 2023, they would be planning to shift the channel’s focus to make expert content a top priority and emphasize the importance of engagement. On the other hand, virality is not given importance but rather the creation of knowledge-rich content that resonates with a wider audience.

This particular trend will carry into 2024 and the years ahead. In your digital marketing strategy, ensure you include content creation that is relevant and valuable for your target audience.


2. SEO will become more compelling than hashtags

Raise your hand if you ever keep hearing about the use of hashtags and keyword debate. The thing is – the debate might wrap up in 2024, with Search Engine Optimization keywords taking place.

Even if hashtags play a huge role in discovering content on social media platforms, SEO will become even more critical. With the rise of “social search” in 2023, understanding and optimizing for SEO and Local SEO purposes will be crucial for any brand to stand out and be discovered by its target audience.


3. Brands will lead because of authentic content

Authentic and original content will be a strong driver of success in digital marketing in 2024! Your target construction clients are becoming more discerning than ever, and they are attracted to more transparent and genuine brands.

When your construction brand prioritizes authenticity in content and messaging, building loyalty and trust with your target audience is easier, and over time, you will dominate. Did you know that, after viewing stories on IG or Instagram, 62% of users become even more interested in the brand or product? 


4. Video content will continue to dominate

Video content has been huge over the last several years, even more so in the upcoming years. In 2024, there is no sign of slowing down for video content. Short-form videos will remain a strong force in the digital marketing space.

You are obviously missing out if your construction brand is not taking advantage of TikTok videos and Instagram reels for short-form content. Now is the time to create video content that connects and resonates with your target audience.


5. Hyper-personalization

Notice that we all love it when things are personalized, from music playlists to shows to watch. It is something personal that we always wanted because it creates an assumption that it is made for us. People love personalization, and it makes more sense in digital marketing. In fact, 60% of consumers report that they usually become repeat buyers after a more personalized purchasing experience.

In 2024, consumers will increasingly expect more personalized experiences as they navigate online. In social media, hyper-personalization has been given more focus. As a construction brand, you must take advantage of data and use the insights to produce content and messaging tailored to your target audience’s preferences.


6. AI is being integrated into social media platforms

AI is becoming a huge thing, especially in digital marketing. A lot of marketers are using Artificial Intelligence to drive productivity. AI tools like ChatGPT help marketers develop concept ideas for campaigns and even social media, copy generation, and text-to-image generation.

For example, in social media platforms, AI is making waves:

  • TikTok allows you to customize your feed with AI’s help.
  • Instagram is continuously experimenting with AI-generated stickers.
  • LinkedIn now offers premium users AI features like AI-powered profiles, Top Choice Job signals, and writing assistance.
  • YouTube is experimenting with Dream Tracks for Music AI and Shorts.

AI may be dominating now. However, you need to be aware of some risks associated with it. Some of the dangers include privacy and ethical violations. It is only up to you to go along with AI. Your target audience and their attitude towards AI will also help you decide whether you will fully embrace it in your campaigns. Do your audience like what they see with the content you put out? Or perhaps their response might be the other way around?

Additional Expert Tip: Always watch out for the new features on every single social media platform you use for your construction brand, and watch how other businesses use them for different purposes.


7. Influencer Marketing 2.0

Influencer marketing is also evolving, and 2024 will see many significant changes in this space. The main focus will shift from macro-influencers with huge following to micro to nano-influencers with small yet more engaged audiences. 

In addition, the authenticity and niche relevance of these influencers will be prioritized over follower counts. There will be tracking tools that will streamline the influencer marketing process, making it more effective and data-driven. 

This 2024 digital marketing trend recognizes the power of real connections and the use of technology for more accurate influencer partnerships.


8. The growth of Metaverse

The Metaverse concept generates anticipation and excitement in the digital marketing space. The Metaverse is a boundless, vast, multiplayer digital realm where all people can explore, connect and even transact. Apparently, it is not just a trend but a transformative shift in the industry.

The Metaverse holds massive potential for digital marketers. In the metaverse space, marketers can have the opportunity to conduct product/service launches, create immersive brand experiences, and tailor marketing campaigns based on people’s online behaviors.

This online space fosters community-building, resulting in boosting engagement and loyalty. One day, your construction brand can venture into the Metaverse, engaging thousands and millions of users online and showcasing the big potential of this new digital frontier.


9. Supporting inclusion in marketing

You are right if you think that marketing is all about promoting your products and services. However, that was before because of many changes, especially in 2024. Top marketers do share the same thoughts and insights about supporting inclusion. Inclusion is simply about understanding subtle experiences and giving space to marginalized voices. In short, campaigns have to reflect the diverse global community. 

Let’s just say you practice inclusion in your company, like supporting career growth without discrimination against any of your marketing team members. Doing this and other practices can elevate your construction brand and set a standard for others within your sector.

Your construction business just outperforms your competitors!


10. A shift towards CTV

The major shift towards Connected TV (CTV) and streaming has gained momentum. It is expected to continue in 2024. Your target audience will increasingly embrace social media platforms and CTV devices. You must allocate more resources to reach your target audience in digital environments.

Connected TV marketing offers many advantages for business owners like you. It enables programmatic targeting, ensuring that your content and ads are delivered at the right time to the right audience, boosting brand awareness, and increasing your engagement. Moreover, data-driven insights that come with it enable you to understand viewer behavior and their preferences, leading to more powerful and impactful construction marketing campaigns.


Step Up Your Marketing Game in 2024 with


Preparing for the upcoming trends in 2024 will place your construction business at the front of the digital marketing revolution. So, make sure you come fully prepared and take action right away!

If learning these trends and navigating the complexities of the digital marketing world seems difficult for you, consider partnering with a trusted agency like us.

WE ARE CONSTRUCTIONMARKETING.IO – your go-to and trusted construction marketing agency. We are a leading agency with a talented team that can elevate your brand. As a full-service, we specialize in digital marketing – from SEO, content creation, email marketing, website design and development, social media, PPC, and more.

Ultimately, we can help you prepare your business for 2024 with full confidence and make your campaigns deliver results tenfold.

Get in touch with us today, and let’s get started.