Why is My Construction Website Not Converting Visitors?

Why is My Construction Website Not Converting Visitors?

Finally, you have already launched your construction website. After a couple of weeks, there is a lot of traffic going on, and you receive many visits. However, these visits only matter if you are converting these visitors into paying customers. If you want to measure the success of your website, pay attention to conversion. 

Are you in this situation – finding your site having a lot of traffic, marketing the right construction services at competitive charges, but still no paying customers? If yes, then this blog is for you.

Read on and discover the many reasons why your website needs to convert. We also provide actionable tips you can follow to boost your conversion.


What is the Conversion Rate Anyway?


First, you should pay attention to your present conversion rate and know what it is. Whether you measure your current conversions by email newsletter sign-ups, product purchases, or brochure downloads, you have to be tracking and measuring these conversions regularly.

But what is considered an ideal conversion rate? There is a lot of variability. However, generally speaking, the ideal rate is about 2 to 3 percent. If 2 percent of your site visitors convert, then it is average. If you get 3 percent or more, your conversion is doing well. 


Five Reasons Why Your Website is Not Converting


There are multiple reasons why your website does not convert successfully. We laid out all of the possible reasons below:


1. You deliver a bad mobile experience

If your construction website is not mobile-friendly, there is no way it can survive during these times. Remember that more is needed for your website to be responsive. It should also be designed specifically for mobile in terms of structure and content. Failure to do so may mean marginalizing a great portion of your customer base, resulting in your decreasing conversion rate.

But what does designing for mobile exactly involve? They are as follows:

  • Using easily legible texts
  • Using short phrases and paragraphs
  • Making sure that every single key feature is just one tap away
  • Having a compelling single call to action


As long as you do not ignore the importance of having a great mobile experience on your website, many visits will surely convert, and your rate will increase!


2. You are not guiding your visitors through the marketing funnel

While it is great to have an appealing and mobile-friendly website simultaneously, sometimes you have to exert more effort to drive more conversions. It has to do with making sure that your website can guide your visitors through the marketing funnel in an exact way.

Moreover, you must know better that some users are currently at the start of their research (awareness of your brand, consideration), and some are ready to move forward (decision). So, you need to guide them by creating a seamless flow from lead acquisition to website conversion.

We highly recommend you emphasize the following important elements in the process:

· Having good On-page SEO and social media links to attract more visitors.

  • Build a content library for more resources that encourage your visitors to share
  • Nurture prospects over time via your email campaigns
  • Scoring leads
  • Provide free consultations

Backed by a comprehensive process like this, you will gain insightful data on every visitor that passes your website. You will better understand how to engage with them more effectively and guide them to your website conversion.


3. No Call to Action

Aside from making your website mobile-friendly with quality and engaging content, you must also place clear and concise CTAs on your site. Without any of these, your visitors won’t convert. There may be a couple of visits that want to convert but do not have the means to do so because there is no call to action.

Make sure to place CTAs. Make them compelling, clear, specific, and straight to the point. Provide all the information your visitors want to know so that they will take action. 

Here are some CTA prompts you may consider putting on your website and content:

  • Sign-up
  • Download for free
  • Subscribe now
  • Get started
  • Contact us today
  • Find out more

With the right CTAs in place, your visitors will click and up for conversion when ready!


4. You are off-target

Your construction website must be anything but general. As a website owner, you aim to target a specific audience. However, you need to determine who they are. And you find yourself marketing your brand to the wrong audience. Whatever the case, know that inaccurate targeting will negatively impact your conversion rate. So, be aware. Your copy, website, lead generation, and brand awareness efforts should speak directly to your target niche demographic.

To avoid such mistakes, conducting market research is key to define and know your target audience properly. 


5. Your visitors have no one to answer their questions

Your website’s service pages might leave room for many questions. But what happens if your visitors want to learn more, but it turns out your website has a slow response time? You will miss out on a possible conversion.

Having a FAQ or Frequently Asked Questions section will help you give your visitors and construction clients more specific information without requiring you to be actively available 24/7. 

Live chats are a thing today! As a matter of fact, it empowers you to assist your site visitors in real time. According to Goinflow, there is a 3.84% increase in conversion rate due to live chat, with a six percent increase in revenue.


Four Critical Ways to Increase Conversion Rate to Your Website


Of course, we want to share some expert ways to increase the conversion rate to your site. While we already give a few solutions above, the following are some of the best actions for a conversion boost!


1. Track how visitors are interacting with your website

To improve your conversion rate, track how all users interact with your site. You can use website analysis tools and record screen recordings on your site. These tools help you determine what your visitors are clicking on, what offers they click on, or even the forms they missed.

In addition, these tools also provide heat maps on your website, where you can view what specific elements stand out and what catches more the eyes of your audience.


2. Test your offers

Sometimes it feels like something is missing in the entire process. You do this and that, but still, your website is not converting. When this happens, it is high time to check your content offers. Are they compelling and informative? Do they align with your target audience? Do your offers make sense in the pages they are currently on?

Think about your existing offers and answer the above-cited questions. Offering free consultations is usually generic. So, make sure what you offer is better than offering free consultations. You can pair this up with actionable professional advice completely different from your competitors.

Tangible and impressive offers always perform better compared to generic offers. Having this type of offer to your visitors will boost your conversion rate.


3. Deliver the right value proposition

Your value proposition is one important thing that has to be cross-checked on your construction website. If you get it right, it will be a big boost in your website conversion and improve your other construction marketing strategies across many channels.

Your value proposition has a big role in creating a good first impression by conveying to your potential clients that you have exactly what they need.

Here are some of the best practices you can follow for your value proposition:

  • Highlight the benefits your target customers will receive once they avail of your services.
  • Use the right language. It must combine the conversation that is already going on in the minds of your customers.
  • Lastly, strive for clarity and intention.


4. Perform A/B testing

The more optimized your website, the higher its conversion rate. A/B testing is the most commonly used form of website conversion rate optimization, with 56% of marketers using such a method. 

A/B testing is the best way to optimize your website’s funnel. Here is how it can help:

  • Resolve the pain points of your site visitors by using the data collected.
  • Gain excellent return on investment from existing traffic by enabling you to make the most of your traffic and increase conversion without spending more.
  • Minimize bounce rate by testing many variations of your website elements until you find the best version. 


Is Your Website Helping You Convert Visitors? If Not, Partner with ConstructionMarketing.io


All the information and tips we shared above will be a great starting point to help you boost your site conversions. Remember that small changes like this can make a huge difference in your conversion rate and even your bottom line!

If you feel like it is too much labor on your behalf, partnering with us is a smart and practical move.

We are ConstructionMarketing.io, one of the trusted and thriving digital marketing agencies dedicated to helping construction business owners like you understand every aspect of your marketing campaign. We offer an exhaustive list of online marketing solutions – from website design, development, Local SEO, email marketing, social media management, content creation, PPC, and more.

For your conversion rate strategy, we got your back. Our team of experts will assess your current sales funnel to weed out possible problem areas and resolve anything that provides friction to your conversion goals. 

Our approach is sophisticated, innovative, and integrated. Plus, we use the best tools to help you reach your goals!

Get in touch with us today. Let’s turn your traffic into leads!